Beginning the week one in the morning and have printed the sheets for my fridge.. can’t pretend I’m feeling optimistic about anything I’ve so far failed at every turn but this is something new that I haven’t tried and I like the step by step approach and it seems nice and simple so here goes nothing ...
Starting the NHS Choices 12 Weeks Plan - Weight Loss Support
Starting the NHS Choices 12 Weeks Plan

Hello and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Ezzie2018 😊
First of all, to help you find your way around, and enjoy all the things we have on offer, please read the Welcome Newbies Post here
Take your time to read it carefully as it has lots of information.
Please try to be optimistic, although I felt as you did intitially, especially when I saw how much food I was allowed to eat!! But trust me, if you stick to plan the fat will come off. The best advice I can give is to eat enough. If you are following the NHS 12 Week plan then the 1400 calorie target suggested is a just generic amount, please check your own personal calorie target using the BMI checker, it’s often higher than you think. We always advise starting towards the top of the range, being hungry is the single biggest cause of weight loss failure.
I also highly recomend coming onto the forum regularly, daily if you can, reading posts and replying to others. Being part of a community is proven to help weight loss. Why not join our daily chat thread ‘What’s Happening Today?’
For your own privacy and safety online we suggest that you lock your posts by selecting ‘followers in my community’ when you write a new post. Please read our security post here.
Out of interest, can I ask how you found us?
Best wishes for your weight loss journey
Indigo 😊
I was searching for a new method that I hadn’t already tried and failed! It then occurred to me that the NHS used to offer vouchers at Gp’s for 12 weeks at weight watchers or slimming world so I went to look it up and you appeared! So I’ve read through everything and it all seems straightforward so thought I might as well try (and it’s free!)
Thank you for the advice and I’ve already had a look at the forum and think it’s great so far
Hi Ezzie, you'll be grand it's a good group and very kind and helpful. Take care x

Hello and welcome
The step by step approach worked for me so I'm a big supporter of the 12 week plan. It's all about changing habits, step by step, so nothing you'll think you can't cope with.
I 100% back what Indigo has said to you about getting the right calorie range, and having confidence if it is higher that you expect. It will work for you, if you fill those calories full of good things.
I spent many years of failing Ezzie and so had many others here. The plan is good and it worked for me but the bit to take away in my opinion (and others) is this forum will make much of the difference you've been missing.
I'll sound bonkers to you but come here as often as you can, don't go away and everyone here will cheer you on during the good times and they'll help carry you when things aren't going so well.
Best of luck!
Welcome to this wonderful forum Ezzie2018.☺Wishing ýou well on your healthy weight loss journey.👍🌞
Welcome Ezzie2018 . You will find that many people on this forum have tried other diets and failed but the support you get on here is much better than you get on any other diet forum. It’s open 24/7 and you get helpful friendly advice from people who have been where you are. Good luck 😊
Good luck Ezzie
Anyone know about "your 5 a day" checklist???