Where best to weigh yourself - Weight Loss Support

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Where best to weigh yourself

Amie_eve5962 profile image
35 Replies

I think my scales are not working properly or wot best scales to get I get disheartened when it goes up makes me wanna give up I do so well with my eating but 4 days in I gained :(

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Amie_eve5962 profile image
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35 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

I know it’s hard but if you are weighing every day you will see fluctuations, especially if you have an underlying inflammatory condition as you have like a bad back.

Try to focus on eating healthily for overall improvement, inch loss and improving fitness, inside and out, and let weight loss be a side effect. Scale weight is not the only measure of success 😊

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Oh ok thank u I think I’m addicted weighing myself wot I might do I measure myself I do that way it mind over matter I need snap out of it thank u x

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Amie_eve5962

I weigh several times a week, so Ive kind of got used to the fluctuations, but scale weight is different to fat loss . . . Just trust yourself and the eating plan, if you stick to plan you will lose fat 😊

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thank u I need plan my setting plan I think get more fruit in if I wanna snacks I can on that chocolate my problem it don’t help my hubby so thin

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Amie_eve5962

I highly recomend the Daily Diary for help with meal planning, and as you say, planning is essential. I eat the same as my husband I just have more vegetables and salad and less of everything else. 😊

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Wot don’t help he don’t eat veg so I having to do 2 different meals but if I plan right should b ok :) thank u

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Amie_eve5962

Can you cook enough for a few days and just re heat in the microwave? Vegetables are good for him too, he may be slim but he still needs vitamins etc 😊

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to IndigoBlue61

We having got big freezer but should still be able so abit tho xxx

S11m profile image

Weight is not everything, but scales are a useful tool... they allow you to monitor you weight loss and make sure that you are loosing weight, but not too much... it is not normally advised to loose more than two pounds a week.

Having your own scales at home is the best idea, as you can weigh yourself naked before breakfast, after you have used the toilet - this gives your minimum weight, but, more importantly, it gives you a consistent weight, giving the best indication of fat lost (or gained)

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to S11m

Thank u I need stop being addicted to weighing myself x

QueenTea profile image

I got rid of my scales & now weigh myself once a week in Boots or at the gym. 🙂

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to QueenTea

That s good idea I think my broke anyway I step 4 times once after the other I can gain 3 to 7 pound so I think out

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Amie_eve5962

Amie, that sounds a good idea for you. Focus on sorting out your meals, ditch your dodgy scales and just weigh once a week. A few people do that :)

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to BridgeGirl

I can go to boot to b weigh that not problem I hav go for my first weigh on fri I work from that kid focus on my food intake try do bit exercise a day even if it a walk better then nothing x

QueenTea profile image
QueenTea in reply to Amie_eve5962

If it’s causing you stress try something different. I do try & weigh on the same day & then post on the forum - I’m a Wednesday Wobble Warrior 😉

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to QueenTea

It to late for me today I’m at work all day Tomo so I can wobble warrior fri we b like together lol x

kesmcg profile image
kesmcgHealthy BMI

I would recommend weighing yourself once a week on the same scales at the same time of day. I went to Slimming World and did this. I’ve lost five stone in total so this way worked for me. Sometimes you do gain but it’s seeing the results over time that becomes a motivator. Good luck!

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to kesmcg

Thank u

focused1 profile image

I am supposed to weigh in here every Wednesday but can't always do it as scales are in sons bathroom and we tend to get up at same time . Stupid but I have to sneak in there . No real room to get another set . I weigh myself early morning before any food or clothes on . I think you have an incline that you have lost something if you have eaten sensibly and exercised .

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to focused1

Thank u kescg great advise I’m gonna go boot once a week least I no there accurate

focused1 profile image

I went to boots once but after lunch and stupid me didn't even take my coat off as I was busy turning round to see if there was anyone near me .

If you think your scales are wrong, weight something you DO know the weight of (e.g bags of flour/sugar, dumbbell etc.) If they're right, so are your scales. There's a lot of sugar in fruit so snacking too much on that isn't a good thing. Veg is better.

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to

Thank u

Suggestions: 1. weigh yourself once a week 2. weigh yourself at the same time 3. Weigh yourself in the same place. 4. watch what you are wearing clothes/footwear 5. Do not weigh yourself on carpet. 6. Try not to 'sway' whilst weighing.

Hope some of these tips work.

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to

Thank u

Hi Amie_eve5962 , I only weigh myself once a week, on Monday morning before weigh-in. I found if I weighed myself during the week and I had lost then I 'treated' myself and undid all the good work! If I had gained I then thought 'what the heck! I might just as well eat everything in sight!' I use the same scales, in the same place on a hard floor, first thing in the morning, naked and after going to the loo (every little helps!!). Weight loss is not a straight line - sometimes even with the best efforts weight goes up every so often - but so long as the overall trend is onwards I am happy!! Hope that helps!

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to

Thank u

veganista profile image

Best to weigh yourself same time each week in same clothes and on hard floor not carpet. And don’t store scales in bathroom as all that steam and changes in temperature are a sure fire way to quickly knacker them xxx

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to veganista

Thank u

Please Amie, don’t let scales make you swear off your decision to improve your eating. Weght loss will happen, that is a promise, if you just stick to your guns. I have only been in this programme since last Sept and, though I ‘ve lost 9 kgs, my weight can go up and down by over a kg ( 1 kg is 2.2lbs) over night! I find that weighing daily and writing it down has helped me to remain a bit detached from the number on the scales. Over the weeks you will see that, overall, the weight is following a downward slide. Having said that, though it works for me, others advocate not weighing yourself so often. You must pick what is best for you, as long as you remain convinced that, so long as you follow a better eating pattern, your weight will go down. Good luck, you can do this!

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to

Annie2dogs thank u I need get back in way bk of eating the right thinks when I’m having bad day I need find something to turn other bad foods I seem to go for it all mindset but I wanna do this more then anything I don’t wanna keep letting myself down

in reply to Amie_eve5962

That’s a good resolution but do not beat yourself up when you have a blip along the way, draw a line over it and carry on with your good intentions. It’s a long journey and it does not always run smooth but stick to it and you’ll get there. And when you get an urge to have something you don’t really want in your new eating habits, see if you can take your mind off it by doing something else for a while, come and write about it, go for a walk if you’re able to, sort out a cupboard, phone a friend, do anything that will occupy your mind and hands! Good luck Amie.

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to

Thank U good advise xx

Amie_eve5962 profile image
Amie_eve5962 in reply to

Thank U good advise xx

maggied264 profile image

I weigh myself at the doctors FREE or Boots (think it was 70p) ….all the best to you :) I threw away our scales as I was addicted to weighing myself every day and sometimes before/after meals or toilet trips!

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