Hi I gave up smoking two years ago and put on a number of stone. Change of job that means I am sat all day long and struggling to get back to a healthy weight. Looking forwards to support 🤗
New smoke free but weight gained - Weight Loss Support
New smoke free but weight gained

Hi and welcome, Lucy
done for quitting the cigs, now for the second phase of you healthy lifestyle
I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best done for quitting the cigs, now for the second phase of you healthy lifestyle
Hi Lucy33 Fantastic on the non smoking for two years I gave up nicotine a year ago and have a desk based job, I have lost 20lb in the last year by following the NHS 12 week plan and today have been diagnosed by GP to having an under active thyroid
So if I can do that with with an under active thyroid you can do this
Some ideas that I do - I use the loos down the stairs at work, I try and get out of the office for at least 30 min and just walk
I posted in the Daily Diary my food plan for over a year and that really help and I joined in on the weigh in and posted what ever the result is / was
The support I have received on this forum was fantastic and then for some reason they asked me to be an admin - but I am just a normal person like you
Wishing you all the best on your journey and any questions just ask, we are all here for each other ups and downs

Thanks cracker10 it's great to hear the great results people have and the support. I'm looking forward to making some positive changes
Posting regularly on here gives you loads of support
I am on holiday this week and so will be missing for loads of the week but even then I check in - it has become a big part of my life and the forum is so friendly and supportive it is addictive
Wishing you all the best on your journey and any question just ask, we are all here to support each other