Hi all. My daughter has decided to follow the NHS 12 week plan but when she puts her details in it doesn't give her a range of calories to work from. Does anyone know why this is?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all. My daughter has decided to follow the NHS 12 week plan but when she puts her details in it doesn't give her a range of calories to work from. Does anyone know why this is?
Thanks in advance.
It could be that she is already at what the NHS consider a Healthy BMI Morgancando 😊
I think that must be why. She’s at the top end of the green zone apparently. But she’s always been tiny and this is the heaviest she’s been. I think I’ll advise her to go to 1,400 till she’s happy then to maintain. Thanks for your help. 👍
At the weekend I attended an event that I helped to organise around healthy diet / weight loss / exercise, etc.
We had a brilliant dietician there (also a personal trainer) who said she doesn't use BMI. Instead she uses waist measurement to assess whether someone is a "healthy weight" as follows:
•Individual needs
•BMI not relevant
•Weight is just a number
•Waist measurements
Men Women
>94cms (37ins) At risk >80cm (31.5in) At risk
>102cm (40in) High risk >88cm (34in) High Risk
Interesting huh?
Yes that is very interesting. Are those measurements the same for both men and women? It seems I'm at high risk in that case.
Thanks for that information Pineapple27 .
Sorry, the way the site has formatted (or reformatted!) the text has meant it doesn't look very clear. Let's try again:
MEN >94cms (37ins) At risk >102cms (40ins) High risk
WOMEN >80cms (31.5ins) At risk >88cms (34ins) High risk