Was wondering why all my clothes are tighter after 5 days of calorie control ... could it be the extra water intake?!?
Water & newbies....: Was wondering why... - Weight Loss Support
Water & newbies....

I'm not sure why your clothes are tighter Susie54 it shouldn't be fluid retention, but maybe the change in diet has caused some bloating.
When is your day for getting weighed?
I will be looking out for you on Saturday
Hope to see you over in the Daily Diary which you can find in the Events section on the home page
Hi Susie54 Maybe do another check of your Calorie range just in case. If you are using the top of the range as your guide then try dropping to the middle of the range and see if it makes a difference.
Are you even eating your calorie range. When I first joined I was eating less thinking I could lose quicker and never lost anything. I was then told I had to eat at least between this amount and no less. Do check it out on the bmi calculator as this gives us personal amounts and not average like the others that are too small amounts. Your body thinks you are starving it and turned what I did eat into body fat and this weighs more than eating the extra calories does so it stops you from losing weight and sometimes puts weight on instead. Good luck with your journey.