Dont want to die: Hi im Jo im 21,stone... - Weight Loss Support

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Dont want to die

jojo1970young profile image
15 Replies

Hi im Jo im 21,stone. I am so desperate to loose weight i need to loose 10 stone. I cannot stomach salad or tuna salmon tomatoes so im seriously stuck. Iv done weight watchers and camebridge. I hate seeing photos of myself as the fat just hangs. I am disabled and life is hard. Could really do with help.

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jojo1970young profile image
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15 Replies
HubbysMissMouse profile image

Welcome to the forum, you have found a great site to lose weight. It is very rare that people on this site will not answer to any of your questions so don't be afraid to ask any. Make sure you check your calories that you should have daily to lose weight on the NHS bmi calculator and try to stick to somewhere in between this amount as I was not sticking to this amount and was trying to eat less and not managing to lose weight when I first started. I was advised to up the calories to the amount it say on the bmi calculator and when I done this I started to lose weight because apparently your body thinks you are trying to starve it and turns what you do eat into body fat instead and this weighs more than eating enough calories every day and then you end up not losing weight and sometimes putting weight on instead. Make sure you don't make this mistake and someone who is one of our administrators will be along soon to give you full instructions about the site. Good luck with your journey.

allycan profile image
allycan1 stone

you can eat a variety of foods if you follow the NHS 12wk plan, its calorie counting. And once you get into it it gets quicker and easier. There are lots of things you can do from this site too that will help. The first you've already done-asked for help.

what about fruit, chicken, nuts, vegetables other than salad like carrots, parsnips, cabbage, yogurts, eggs. These are all the thing's I eat and weight loss is happening......just make sure you check what you're calorie intake should be and stick to it! Good luck 🍀 😊

jojo1970young profile image
jojo1970young in reply to allycan


I love veg i could eat it every day. I will phone my surgery and see if they will give me the diet sheet. Im lactose intolerant as well so i drink alot of juice rather than hot drinks. I do use the lactose free milk but i thought the juice would be healthier.

Thanku so much for replying it means alot to me.


allycan profile image
allycan1 stone in reply to jojo1970young

great that you love veg as a lot of veg is low in calorie. If you have a tablet/computer i think you can download the sheets. If you have a printer then print them off. I like to be able to physically write the things in. The daily diary is a good place to start for some inspiration, lots of different things on people menus that I'm trying out for the first thing id say about the juice is don't have too much, its quite high in sugar, one glass per day is good and counts as one of your 5a day.....what about a sugar free cordial as an alternative, or copious amounts of water helps me, i drink 2litres a day compared with a quarter that a month ago! 👍

DiZia profile image
DiZia in reply to jojo1970young

I'm also slightly lactose intolerant. I'm just not a fan of normal teas, coffees, and hot chocolates. If you want some hot drinks, try lemon tea (or other herbal teas, but lemon's the best, in my opinion). It's delicious.

Now you've reminded me, I might grab a cup!

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello jojo1970young and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum

I am so sorry you are feeling so unhappy but please try not to hate yourself. Starting to eat properly is something you should be doing because you, and your body, deserve good nourishing foods. 😊

Here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of the forum. Please note if you are using the new HU App many of these features are not available so I suggest you use the full website version.

The first place to look is at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread first and move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news

Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as many people have had success with it. Also use the BMI checker to find your target calories, it's important to eat enough. This was a major turning point for me, realising I could eat anything I wanted as long as the calories are accounted for. You don't have to eat salad, or tuna or anything you don't like!! 😊

Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate

The forum also have group weigh-ins every day, as well as a new Daily Diary, if you wish to take part. The posts can always be found in the Events section on the 'home' page

You'll notice a grey box next to people's names, these are achievement badges, and as a new member you have a 'Newbie' badge. We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too. If you have any questions please just ask

Best wishes


EllaMidlands profile image

You can download the 12 week plan, you don't need to get it from the doctor. You can lose weight and will feel so much better. I was 23 stone in September now less than 17. I never thought I would lose weight. Use the forum a lot and it will help you to focus. 🤞

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to EllaMidlands

Wow! Ella, that is a great loss and you are such an inspiration.

Couldn't agree more with using the forum loads, it is so good.

Lin2303 profile image

Hi Jo - you've come to the right place for help and support - this forum is great for inspiration too, so many success stories. So, be brave, make a plan and go for it. Don't focus on the 10 stone to lose, just one pound at a time, you can do it. Good luck on your journey.

Sheryl1992 profile image

Welcome to the forum. I am losing weight for my wedding despite the fact that my fiancé and I haven't set a date for our wedding yet. I am currently following Slimming World but weighing in at my mum's house instead of going to the meetings because I am in the process of moving and saving for my wedding. I have lost 7 1/2lbs in the last 5 weeks. I love the forum and I appreciate the support that I get from other forum members as well as family and friends.

DiZia profile image

I'm 21st 5lbs. Just a couple weeks ago, I was over 22st. The pounds came off very slow, until I found this forum.

I'm following the NHS 12 Week plan, and I also used the BMI calculator to see how many calories I should be consuming each day. I'm far from perfect, but it's gone alright so far.

I also use calorie counting apps, my one is FitnessPal. (Please beware if you do use this app, because the amount of calories they suggest isn't enough for us. Follow the NHS BMI calculator.)

If you're good at maths, I peronally wouldn't use the app, and just do quick Google searches, and add up the calories in my head.

You don't need to worry about exercise too much yet, but there are chair cardio videos on YouTube.

NannyEJ profile image

Welcome jojo1970young and good luck on your journey. If you are determined you can easily do this and if you follow the healthy eating plan within your allotted calorie count (which should be a lot to start with), then you should see significant weight losses.

You can choose any day of the week to weigh in and post your weight. I weigh in on Friday with the Fabulous Feel Good Friday group (who are extremely chatty and supportive), but choose any day that works for you and this will help you keep track of your progress.

Good luck and keep visiting the forum for help, advice and support. EJ xx

Hi Jo !

I am sorry that you are 21 stone in weight and handicapped. Exercise is such a vital part of losing weight. Even though you are handicapped you can still do vigorous exercise by just lying down and moving your arms and legs. Some schools of thought recommend contracting muscles as an exercise programme, such as pulling in stomach muscles, counting, contracting the feet, exercising the hand muscles etc. Have you tried lying on your back and cycling in the air with your legs ? This could strengthen your leg and abdominal muscles. I think that losing weight is all about attitude and values.

Good luck ! Bonne chance !

I'll let you in on a secret ... I fast. It clears all the filth the food industry puts into our alimentary systems and it's guilt free where animal rights are concerned which can help with depression.

Ceals profile image

You have so come to the best place to get support jojo1970young . Unfortunately none of us has any magic but there are lots of people on here who have lost lots of weigh following many different healthy eating plans.

Make food your friend not your enemy and go on an adventure with your food. I think I have only talon tuna once in the past 3-4 months, although I do have salmon almost every week. Tomatoes don't need to feature and neither does salad if you don't want it to. You decide what you will eat, no one will pass any judgements about you.

Have a look at the Daily Diary thread, accessible from the home page under events. You will get lots of ideas about what people eat, you can just adapt someone else's plans to suit you.

Enjoy your journey towards your new healthy lifestyle, and it is a journey with the same bumps in the road as any other journey.

Come on here regularly and join in the conversations.

take care

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