Hi I'm trying to loose about 5 stones but struggling with the exercise part as my joints are so painful and I can't run as even walking hurts. I am 5ft 6 and 18.5 stone and it's killing me! I have extremely high blood pressure that is complicated by a brain condition and if I don't loose weight I've been told I will have a stroke or heart attack, this is my only hope
Got to stop: Hi I'm trying to loose... - Weight Loss Support
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oh gosh. im a similar weight and height to you. feel free to chat whenever about stuff?
Focus on diet, the exercise will come. As you lose weight you put less pressure on your joints which means that the exercise is easier.
Good luck.
Hi Traceylizzy, why not try exercises which are less strenuous on your joints such as rowing, cycling or swimming these are all low impact exercises. I know how you feel because this happened to me. Couldn't run could hardly walk some days but I just pushed through, but that doesn't work for everyone. Give it a go or just look up low impact exercises. Where there's a will there's a way
Good luck
Just sticking to walking is fine, you don't need to run. If out walking don't bother dressing up in jogging bottoms etc as it just makes you feel self conscious. Just wear normal clothes instead and no one else knows you're 'exercising'.
Well lets make a start by losing weight and getting fitter......my name is mary and i have copd, very painful knee joints and a brain condition too..seriously. anyway this is the first few days of my healthy eating plan and only been a little bit bad ..having popcorn instead of biscuits and chocolate and quite a bit of fruit which makes a change for me, but i am trying. Not saying i am not longing for some real rubbish but using this to remind myself i am not the only one....so wishing you very good luck in your efforts...YOU CAN DO IT..xx
Well done Mary, it's inspiring to read your posts as I don't have chronic health conditions (yet)...so I really have no excuses...I feel ashamed that I don't do what I should do when you are tying hard with all the aliments you have. Thank you and I wish you good luck and good health. Xx
Hello Heidi162 - many thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Please don't feel ashamed but feel positive that you can do something for yourself.....and very good luck.
The one thing I would add is if you look after yourself now before you get any chronic health conditions, think of how much better you will feel so go on, give it a try.......
All the best
Mary x
I too have problems with blood pressure and it was having a mini stroke that made me finally realise that I needed to do something about. I was 17 stone but I am now 14.7 which is still too much but it is going.
I found that walking and swimming are the best thing, I have fibromyalgia and back problems so I have to be kind to my self as you should as well.
Thanks everyone for all your messages of support its made me feel much more positive about loosing weight it's great to know that I can talk to you all if I'm a bit stuck with things, I really think I can do it this time.
I am 5ft 8in and weigh in at 14st 6oz. I need to lose at least 5 - 6 stone and am myself struggling with the exercise part as I have arthritis in my wrists and knees and lack motivation. If you ever need help please feel free to reply.
Don't get hung up on the exercise. As others have said, it will get easier when you are carrying less weight.
I lost over 2.5 stones earlier this year without any exercise outside of walking my son to school and back. Your primary focus at this point should be on maintaining a reasonable deficit between the amount your body burns on a daily basis, and the amount you consume. As long as you can do that, and do it consistently, your weight will start to come down. For me, consistency was the key.
You need to exercise to get fit. You do not need to exercise to lose weight.