So it has been two months (on Tuesday) since I started the nhs weight loss plan. I am proud to say that I have lost a total of 2 stone 😊for the first month it was easy to keep the weight loss steady however the second month was harder, it was coming of slower than I expected. But I managed to do it and with one more stone to loose unill I can go back to my go, I am feeling rather chuffed. Personally I want to loose a other 2 and a half stone but the rest will come later.
2 month anniversary.: So it has been two... - Weight Loss Support
2 month anniversary.

that's so good well done!!!
2 stone in 2 months is a brilliant achievement! Well done I hope I can achieve this. What plan are you following? The nhs one?
It does slow down but they way you are going another stone will be done! Don't give up your hard work! Just think by Xmas you will feel amazing
I am on nhs however also I havery also picked up some tips from others that have had success. I try and exercise as much as I can and do resistance everyday. One main thing that I notice is the amount of water I drink,if I don't drink enough for a couple of days then it will show on the scales.
I wish you all the best for your journey
Well done you! Keep up the good work!
Well done! This has given me motivation as I started this morning
Happy anniversary! Well the weight will slower to come off, always the way when you have less to lose
2 stone in two month is amazing!
Well done! I am on my week 11 almost three months and I have been trying my best to strictly follow the tips and all the advice given. I knock off stone but still I am happy but you must be proud when you lose almost double in almost Half of the time I spent.
Keep it Up!
Congrats Natasha that's an amazing achievement. Really shows that you've worked hard. How will you celebrate this milestone, or will you wait until the next stone comes off? If you have more weight to lose after that, maybe take a moment to at least celebrate what you've achieved so far. I bet you feel completely different from when you started. keep doing what you know you need to do, and the next stone will come off easily enough. Lots of luck
Well Done - thats a significant weight loss you must be thrilled. I'm coming up to two months this weekend and I'd LOVE to loose that much!
Remember, weight loss is easiest when we start, and harder as we progress- there's less poundage to haul about so we burn fewer calories as we do so- remember you are carrying 13KG less - permanently - go and try picking up 13 bags of sugar at the supermarket - thats what you've lost! Expect your weightless to settle but continue!
I need to loose much more than possible in 12 weeks so I've just extended my prog to about 24 weeks which at a modest weekly loss would get me into the top of my healthy BMI range. When I started I thought this was impossible but I've had to re-consider!
Well done for you. Be Very Proud!
How are you celebrating?

Hi Natasha_Davey,
Congratulations on losing 2 stones within 2 months - that is amazing! Really well done. Inspiring to hear your success.
Wishing you the best with the remainder of your goals. You're nearly half-way already.
Well done Natasha
That is a fantastic achievement you must be so proud of yourself..........
I am coming up to 4 weeks and I have only lost 9lbs (my start weight was 14st)...I don't understand why it isn't coming off faster...I am not cheating...I haven't touched any chocolate or bad food since I started....I am exercising...I am averaging calories from 900 to 1300 a day.....I do take medicines for a thyroid problem...but cant keep blaming it on that and I do have a very slow metabolism....What is your secret...any suggestions?
Fantastic! You must feel really good.