Eating Problems Ruining My Life ( I do... - Weight Loss Support

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Eating Problems Ruining My Life ( I dont know if this is the right place to post this but i need to get it off my chest!)

muglas profile image
17 Replies

This is going to be LONG! I apologise but is the only way of explaining so hopefully people can understand!

So let me begin with what im going to write here is really personal, and effects me every day!

But I want to tell people now as I have had enough of being like this but dont know where to start or

to go for help!

I know there will be some people who will read this and just take the piss out of me....thats ok I have come to be some what used to it so go ahead!..maybe this will even make you think about laughing at people with eating problems or disorders in the future!

Basically I have eaten the same few foods since I was about 4/5 years old. Those being Weatabix (and a few other cereals), Chips, Mash potato, crisps (plain flavoured), Chocolate, Birdseye vegetable fingers, Spaghetti in a tin,Bread, Bread rolls,Biscuits and other junk.

So as you can see nothing good at all really!before the age of 4/5 my mum says I used to eat normally.

And let me be clear in know way do I blame my mum for eating! As far back as I can remember she was always trying to get me to eat normaly and my brother who is about a year and a half younger then me eats most things! Mum tried going to the doctors and was given advice like try putting food on his plate with the food he does like....when thats happened the whole plate got left untouched...Eventually the doctors gave up and basically said he will grow out of it as he gets older! 29 now so apparently this hasnt happened!

Let me be clear this is not just me being fussy! Im dead scared of trying other foods!

My eating has made me mis out on so many things as ive grown up like social events with friends and family, even going to weddings and big occasions like that I try to stay away from because I know my eating will be a pain and im embarred when everyone is sat there with a full on meal and then there is my limited plate!

As I have got older I have put on a lot of weight since I was about 14 years old, and that now stops me from doing a lot of things I used to enjoy doing! And I also know that if I carry on like this im going to limit my life span which is something I know my mum really worries about!

I have tried to seek help through my doctor who just refers me to a dietition, who tells me I need to eat other things (which I already know!) but that doesnt help me do it!

I want to be able to eat normally... I want to be able to go to social events......i want to not die from either being over weight or it affecting my asthma (that would also be a lot better if I lost weight!)...i want to be able to buy clothes in the shops and not have to worrie about if there have my size or not!

I dont want to have people look at me as I walk down the street and laugh at me! contsntly pretending to be happy whilst im out and about or whilst im talking to people but its mentally draining me all the time having to pretend!

I could carry on writing for a long time but I wont. If anyone has made it all thw way here and has any advice I welcome it at this point I dont know where else to turn to! If you could share this also would be appriciated!


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muglas profile image
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17 Replies

Oh muglas , that is such a sad story. I’m not sure I personally have any answers for you but I know there will be people on this forum who will have some understanding of what you have gone through and are going through, so please do keep coming here and I am confident that you will get help. Wishing you all the best. 🤗

muglas profile image
muglas in reply to


Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear this, I don't know if it would help to ask the doctor to refer you to a counselor instead of the dietician ?

It might help you to join our Daily Diary, everyone makes the food sound amazing and it could tempt you to try a few things?

Would you also like to join us on the weigh in today? Here's the link, I hope to see you there :-) x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, muglas :)

I'm sorry you've had such a life-long struggle with food, it must have been so exhausting. I think you need to see your GP again, or find a more understanding one. You need a different form of help to get you over this and a dietitian isn't the correct course of action.

There used to be a programme on the BBC called Freaky Eaters (please don't be offended) and I don't know if you'll be able to access is anywhere now On it were lots of people that were dealing with similar issues as yourself.

I hope that it is still watchable somewhere and that it can give you something to work on with your GP.

We will, of course, support you in any way we can with your weight loss journey.

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.

If you haven't already taken it, here's a tour of the forum

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

I wonder if this organisation would be any use to you, muglas? At least it would help you understand there are others with similar struggles and you might learn how they made changes

Flo-jo profile image

Hi there, I am so sorry you are feeling so down with your weight and your eating pattern. I don’t think anyone would laugh at you on this forum. You mustn’t let the people that laugh at you stop you going out as that will just make the hole situation worse. People that laugh are just down right nasty, I personally wouldn’t waste my time listening or acknowledging those sort of people.

Is it the taste of other food that you don’t like or is it the texture?

Perhaps for you your journey may be a little longer however with effort on your part I’m sure you can improve your situation.

I guess you will just have to try one or two things at first and give your taste buds chance to get use to the texture and taste.

My granddaughter is a fussy eater she use to just have a terrible gag reflex with most foods, I use to have to mash vegetables in with potatoes it was the only way she use to eat veg, I always did put veg on her plate too just 1 piece. Gradually I managed to get her use to flavours and then textures. She is still fussy and only eats the tops off broccoli, and holds her nose when she eats cauliflower. However she does eat many other vegetables now, i’m not sure she likes them however I give her plenty of encouragement. it was a gradual thing slowly reducing the mash and replacing with vegetables.

I guess failing that you could try hypnotherapy if you haven’t all ready.

I’m sure others may be able to give you better advice. Good luck on your new journey, you can do this if you really want to!!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Flo-jo

Lovely reply 😊

Flo-jo profile image
Flo-jo in reply to IndigoBlue61

Oh thank you, now I am going to blush😊

SofaJockey profile image

There's nothing to make fun of there, I feel your situation.

I remember very well being 20 stone with serious asthma (both now resolved)

My initial reaction is to seek some friendly and supportive cognitive help because as you say, you know you need to eat other things, the missing part is someone to help you actually do it.

The 'helping you do it' part is conceivable via a forum, but I think it would be a lot harder to do.

Either way, it was awesome of you to share your story, that's an act of courage and shows a determination to act, once you figure out how.

UnitedRed profile image

Hi muglas , thanks for sharing your story - and try not to worry about people laughing at you in this forum, I've found it to be a really supportive and encouraging place.

I'm involved in youth work, and have done a little training in counselling. I'm not expert, and usually just signpost the kids I work with to professionals who can help, but it sounds like a dietician is not the kind of person you need some support from. Maybe some kind of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or exposure and response prevention (ERP) would help? In both these situations a qualified person would spend 15-20 sessions with you looking at the reasons you react to food this way, and working with you to overcome or manage the fears you feel.

Exposure therapy starts with confronting items and situations that cause anxiety, but anxiety that you feel able to tolerate. After the first few times, you will find your anxiety does not climb as high and does not last as long. You will then move on to more difficult exposure exercises. In the UK the treatment recommended is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The behavioural aspect of CBT naturally includes elements of ERP but is a far more in-depth package than ERP alone.

Try your GP again, of if you've found them to be unsupportive in the past, ask to see / speak to another GP. Your practice may have a nurse who specialises in eating-related issues, always worth asking.

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501Restart May 2024 in reply to UnitedRed

Wonderful reply UnitedRed. CBT (cognitive behavioural theory) has helped a young friend of mine overcome specific difficulties with very restricted foods (i.e. only eating mash potato and yoghurt). It has been a super happy outcome. I wish the same for you muglas - I cannot begin to understand how all encompassing it must be. Do keep coming back here to chat, and push your GP for the right sort of support. Take care, and best wishes for your journey to overcoming this xx

ScoutyPat profile image

Hi muglas and well done on writing the post. No one here will laugh at you, we all have our own jouneys with food to deal with. Others have given some good advice which I won't add to except to say, don't rush it, try one thing at a time if you want to add items and start with items that are close to things you already eat. My son (who is now 26) wouldnt eat anything except fishfingers, chocolate spread sandwiches on white bread and bananas from the age of 3 to 15ish. He now eats most things, but not if the different food groups touch each other, or if someone puts gravy on his plate and reverts to the 3 food items when life gets too unpredicable or stressy, but getting there was a slow process that I had to let him control.

Hi Muglas, I just wanted to say that, that was a brave post to write and share. I hope you get the support you need! Never think anyone will laugh at you here. All of us are here because we need support in one way or another 💐 💛

monday1957 profile image

Hi muglas and respect to you for the courage to outline your food issues to us here. My heart goes out to you: the stress of trying to appear happy, is, in itself, a terrible burden...and how it’s curtailing your ability to socialise must be dreadful, too. But you’ve spoken out and that is a massive step you’ve taken. I shan’t repeat all the amazing advice and suggestions that others have already offered. However, I just wanted you to know that I’m cheering you on - and in the interim, sending you some 💐

Hello muglas. My heart goes out to you and I admire your courage for telling us of your struggle. I am very new here but quickly realised this is a very supportive and motivational group of people. You will feel safe here. I feel you should visit your GP and explain how badly your life is being impacted by this and ask to be referred on for the help you need.

BirthBlue profile image
BirthBlueRestart March 2024

Hi muglas

Well done for recognising your situation and finding a way to explain it. That will help you to be able to get support. NHS Information here about eating disorders: including a helpline you can call. Good luck. Keep reporting back. You are courageous and strong.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to BirthBlue

Hello BirthBlue and thank you for your lovely response 😊. It’s good to see you back with us here on the forum. A few things have changed since you were last here so please have a good look through Pinned Posts here Please read it carefully so you can find everything you need to get the most from the forum,

Best wishes

Indigo 😊

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