This is going to be LONG! I apologise but is the only way of explaining so hopefully people can understand!
So let me begin with what im going to write here is really personal, and effects me every day!
But I want to tell people now as I have had enough of being like this but dont know where to start or
to go for help!
I know there will be some people who will read this and just take the piss out of me....thats ok I have come to be some what used to it so go ahead!..maybe this will even make you think about laughing at people with eating problems or disorders in the future!
Basically I have eaten the same few foods since I was about 4/5 years old. Those being Weatabix (and a few other cereals), Chips, Mash potato, crisps (plain flavoured), Chocolate, Birdseye vegetable fingers, Spaghetti in a tin,Bread, Bread rolls,Biscuits and other junk.
So as you can see nothing good at all really!before the age of 4/5 my mum says I used to eat normally.
And let me be clear in know way do I blame my mum for eating! As far back as I can remember she was always trying to get me to eat normaly and my brother who is about a year and a half younger then me eats most things! Mum tried going to the doctors and was given advice like try putting food on his plate with the food he does like....when thats happened the whole plate got left untouched...Eventually the doctors gave up and basically said he will grow out of it as he gets older! 29 now so apparently this hasnt happened!
Let me be clear this is not just me being fussy! Im dead scared of trying other foods!
My eating has made me mis out on so many things as ive grown up like social events with friends and family, even going to weddings and big occasions like that I try to stay away from because I know my eating will be a pain and im embarred when everyone is sat there with a full on meal and then there is my limited plate!
As I have got older I have put on a lot of weight since I was about 14 years old, and that now stops me from doing a lot of things I used to enjoy doing! And I also know that if I carry on like this im going to limit my life span which is something I know my mum really worries about!
I have tried to seek help through my doctor who just refers me to a dietition, who tells me I need to eat other things (which I already know!) but that doesnt help me do it!
I want to be able to eat normally... I want to be able to go to social events......i want to not die from either being over weight or it affecting my asthma (that would also be a lot better if I lost weight!)...i want to be able to buy clothes in the shops and not have to worrie about if there have my size or not!
I dont want to have people look at me as I walk down the street and laugh at me! contsntly pretending to be happy whilst im out and about or whilst im talking to people but its mentally draining me all the time having to pretend!
I could carry on writing for a long time but I wont. If anyone has made it all thw way here and has any advice I welcome it at this point I dont know where else to turn to! If you could share this also would be appriciated!