Slim girl lost in a fat woman's body - Weight Loss Support

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Slim girl lost in a fat woman's body

12 Replies

I'm completely disillusioned with my situation. I have put on nearly 15kg in the past 3 years. I desperately want to lose weight but I have zero self confidence and zero motivation. I eat for comfort. Junk food is my best friend.

I don't know what to do.

12 Replies
Tiggerr profile image

Hi "Slim girl" and welcome.

Congratulations on taking the first big step to changing your life and posting here. This is a hugely supportive site full of kind, friendly and helpful people.

Later, one of the administrators will reply to your post supplying you with plenty of information on how you can make positive changes. The more information we have, the better choices we can make so its well worth taking the time to read it in detail and any suggested links.

They will probably mention the NHS 12 week plan, which I personally would recommend as its helped change my life considerably.

Feel free to post any of your thoughts, feelings and questions at any time, you will always find an ear listening out.

Wishing you all the best.

ary88 profile image
ary88Restart June 2024

Hi, we have a common enemy re overeating/binginging/no motivation.i have started the 12 week plan,and despite relapse lasting day,2,3days ect,they are starting after 11 weeks to be less frequent, and my mind not so obsessed bt crisps,chips,cheese ect,good luck on your journey.😊

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to ary88

That's really good. Its obvious that you've been having to struggle over these last weeks and yet you've carried on, carrying on. It sounds like you're getting to grips and you should be really proud of yourself.

Microbabe profile image
MicrobabeRestart June 2024

Love your title made me smile today ... you have made first step which is the hardest... take each day one at a time and try to eat healthy before you know it you have done a week 😊💪🏻

lucigret profile image

Hi 'slim girl' Many of us have felt as you do now. Tiggerr is right, read your way through the Topics and pinned posts and peoples posts on the forum. It will help you to find some motivation.

I would also suggest that you clear out your cupboards if you can't resist temptation and go and do a healthy shop. It can be quite inspiring to go and find alternatives to have in.

Set yourself small goals instead of looking at the bigger picture and make a list of non food rewards, lipstick, nail varnish, smellies, make up, whatever it is that would feel like a treat. Have a pot and put the money in you would spend on 'junk' and add £1 for a pound lost and watch it mount up.

If it's all a bit overwhelming, start by trying to have so many good days a week and build them up. It won't all happen overnight, it will seem slow and tedious, you just have to try and accept that. You don't have to give up everything you like either, you just have to eat it less often.

You will find lots of support here if you keep posting and hopefully as you go forward you will find some self confidence and some motivation.

It might help you to have a look at the happiness challenge, it's not for everybody. It was suggested to me a couple of weeks ago and although I find it quite a challenge it has helped me to think more positively about life in general. Even if you don't take part, just have a read and try to apply the positive thinking to your daily activities. Keep posting and let us know how you are getting on and if you need to, shout out for help. Good luck.

hope4ali profile image

You have made a massive step by joining! You can find all the tools and support to begin your journey here. You can do this!!

TheRockLobster profile image

I, like you and I am sure many others, am a massive comfort eater. This has been the way for most of my life and then a devastating life event just over 4 years ago made it worse. I used food and alcohol as a way to numb the pain. Now I have realised that food doesn't change what happened. It doesn't really take the pain away, even though it feels like it does at the time.

I don't really have any words of wisdom. You have done something really special and that is open up and ask for help, so a massive well done, be proud of that. 👏👏👏

I started the 12 week plan last week and I am already feeling the benefits so I definitely recommend having a look at it.

Welcome and all the best! 😀

jannah profile image
jannah in reply to TheRockLobster

Which plan is that I need to lose weight its difficult when you feel **** i need help. Anyone know what is protein and Mediterranean diet can someone send me a link for that please.


TheRockLobster profile image
TheRockLobster in reply to jannah

It's the NHS 12 week weight loss plan. If you look at the pinned post called "Welcome Newbies" the link is in there.

I've no idea about the other things you mentioned but the pinned posts are full of really good information.

Good luck!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to jannah

We don't supply links for different diets, jannah, you'll need to search the internet for them. TheRockLobster has explained about the 12 week plan :)

AnnTandy profile image
AnnTandy1 stone

It's always sad to see someone feeling so overwhelmed by life, the more so when you've been there yourself. The fact is, no-one can do it for you except you. There's lots of advice and support available on this site, Slimgirl, I found just going through previous posts gave me a lot of information, which made me feel this was much more "do-able" than I'd previously imagined. Stick with it, accept that the weight won't fall off overnight but that the journey needs to be made in order to arrive at the destination - a healthier, slimmer, happier you - and most of all, don't give up. You'll probably fall off the waggon but there are always people here to help you get back on it! Good luck!

Anita44 profile image

Hi there, I was like that last year, but this year having turned 44, I am so determined and motivated, joined Slimming World and a new gym, feel so much better, I have only lost half a stone but I rather do it slowly and keeo it off. Set realistic goals is my moto now, and if you fall just pick yourself up, and you will reach your goal. Good luck x.

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