Gotta try something : Hi all , I'm 4... - Weight Loss Support

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Gotta try something

Emmacarroll profile image
13 Replies

Hi all , I'm 41 and severely obese . My bmi is 41 and I'm fed up of being like . Biggest problem is I love my food and love snacking , hopefully I will find help with this

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Emmacarroll profile image
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13 Replies
lucigret profile image

Hi Emmacarroll ,

You have come to the right place for support. Take a look at the NHS 12 week plan. You can build all the food you like and your snacks into your diet if you want to. Tomorrow I expect you will receive loads of replies with all sorts of information for you to think about. We all like our food, you just have to learn a new way of enjoying it. Good luck:)

Emmacarroll profile image
Emmacarroll in reply to lucigret

Thank you , I need all the help I can get

Ashali profile image

Hi emma. I know how u feel. I love my snacks and i honestly to fizzy pop. Really hope this forum helps us!.. if only i could bottle.motivation and will power!

Emmacarroll profile image
Emmacarroll in reply to Ashali

I could also do with a dose of motivation and will power :)

Ashali profile image
Ashali in reply to Emmacarroll

My sisters a dietician and she it takes 27 days to break a habit. Hopefully this time next month I'll still be going strong..

WinWeight profile image

HI, I won't say that it is easy. You have to think as this as a health journey. It is not a sprint. Being healthy and being slim aren't necessarily synonyms. It is much better to loose the excess weight 0,5-1kg or 1-2lbs a week. If you go on a restrictive diet the chances that later you will gain more than you loose are very high. I've lost 2 years ago 10 kg in 2 months and then I gained 13kg. This quick loss and gain ended up in contributing to pain in my foot, so bad that sometimes I can't walk.

The best is to set SMART goals. The acronym is for: small, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Be very objective of your goals. If they are attainable you won't stop so quickly. I also went for 21 days for learning the new habits. I don't believe this because my habits is 20 years old. Then I went for 6 weeks, because that was the research that I always knew about. Then getting past Christmas. Then following a better planned exercise routine. After that I was 2 weeks on the 12 weeks NHS plan. I'm now 7 weeks in. I want to do this 2 or 3 times to get to my BMI weight. I think it will take me until October to reach my goal. I plan for setbacks so that I won't lose hope. Good luck and come read and post frequently on this forum, it keep you motivated.

What is important is that everybody needs a goal and a plan. We need to focus on health.

Sorry for my rambling.

Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023

Hi Emmacarrol Yes you will find help and support here Your bmi is not the biggest on this site You have taken the first step by joining and know you must do something about it for your health

Think how much it will change your life to lose that weight You can still eat be full and stop the snacking on unhealthy things It might be tough at first but once you see it come off you will want to keep going

Set yourself mini goals Write down all the reasons why you want to lose weight and also keep a food diary Don't buy bad things if there isn't chocolate crisps or whatever in the house then you can't have them Drink when you feel like snacking often that can fill you up and stop the urge Count calories you don't have to deprive yourself of things you love

Keep posting we will all support you and help you on your journey you can do it Good luck 😉

deb25426 profile image

I am like yourself, no one loves their food more than me and I'm morbidly obese..depending how early you get up...I eat a healthy breakfast, 3 hrs later a small snack 5 Brazil nuts,2/3 hrs later a wholemeal ham and salad sandwich, 2-3 hrs later a muller light yogurt, 2-3 hrs later evening meal 150gms of chicken, loads of veg or salad 100gm of potato(small jacket or boiled) then 3hrs later a bag of snack a jacks.. if you can eat small portions like this it should help I'm sure but make mindful choices, I've cut out crisps and as much chocolate as I can.. my thyroid doctor advices me to do this.. it is hard to change habits of a lifetime.

Oh I also have a hypnosis app for losing weight (by Andrew Johnson) , I think that has helped me too...


If you are severely overweight, one good thing is that you will find that just cleaning up your diet generally will start the weight going, even without having to "go on a diet". By cleaning up your diet I mean things like cutting out unhealthy snacks, snacks, staying away from the sweet shop and fast food shops, eating fresh food, lots of fruit and veg, cutting back on processed foods - basically the sort of diet recommended on this site. You'll also feel better in yourself if you improve the quality of your diet.

Once you;ve done that, you can then move on to counting your calories to keep the weight going.

One thing I'd suggest, as you love food (same here!) and I assume like a good full plateful at very meal, is that you eat lots of fresh vegetables, as they really fill you up, make each meal look very generous, and have very few calories. PLus they are very good for you. Aim to have at least 2 portions of low cal veg with your lunch and at least 3 with your dinner. If you also have 1-2 pieces of fresh fruit every day perhaps as your dessert after lunch and dinner, this will give you a lot of bulk in your food and help you feel full and not deprived.

Hope this helps.

jabellik profile image

Stand up and fight!

lucigret profile image

Emmacarroll I would also add that you need to use the BMI calculator to work out how many calories you need to be eating. If you have a lot of weight to loose you will need to use the higher end of the scale to give your self room to drop them as the weight comes off. Please don't be tempted to try sticking to 1400 calories as your body will respond badly to this, it will think you are starving it and you won't get a steady weight loss Ribaka is right in saying you should aim to loose 1-2 lbs a week. Accept it will take time for the weight to come off. Set your self small goals and treat your self with non food treats when you reach them. So maybe 5lbs = a new nail varnish 7lbs = some nice smelliest for the bathroom or something that you consider a small luxuary. I have a pot that I put £1 coins in if I loose weight on my Friday weigh in day. Try and plan ahead at least a day, write everything down and work out calories. This does take some commitment and is time consuming to start with but does get easier. Personally I think it takes a bit of time to prepare yourself to get properly started. Make sure you have some healthy alternative snacks. I like some of the rice cakes, almonds, sweet and salty pop corn and weight watcher caramel wafers. I have been 'dieting' all my life but now I'm eating far more healthily and diet isn't a word I use anymore. My eating habits have already changed in the space of a month. If your struggling at any time post on here and you will find people come running to support you through the rough times. You can do this.

YellowRose55 profile image

Hi Emmacarroll

Welcome to the weight loss forum.

Take a look at the Welcome Newbie post in the Pinned post section at the right hand side or at the bottom if your on a mobile. Have a look at the nhs 12 week plan, many members here have had success losing weight on this plan. Use the BMI checker to work out your daily calorie allowance.

Below the Pinned posts are the Topics where members share a range of weight related subjects.

Take your measurements at the start along with a photo so you can see the changes on the days the scales don't move.

We have daily weight ins so why not come and join us. You can find them on the Home page in Events. Just click on the post and post your starting weight, your aim for the week and any loss/gain or maintain for the week.

To get the most out of the forum be active, share experiences, tips and ideas. Read some of the posts they are good for inspiration and very motivating.

Have a good first week.


Antipaternalist profile image

I would throw in that a useful addition to calorie counting is recording *when* you eat.

I had some good success with intermittent fasting using an app called IMQUIT to gradually increase the time between eating. The advantage of this over calorie counting is that it's really simple, but it lacks the certainty of calorie counting.

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