I should have responded before this but food was my priority for a week. I am finding it hard this new years resolution. I need some emergency encouragement to get back on track for the new year. My goal is to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week for this year which adds up to approximately 80 pounds. I am tired of carrying this extra weight even half of 80 would be better and less tired. Thanks!!
Having a hard week...: I should have... - Weight Loss Support
Having a hard week...

Come on Wadestreet you can do this! It's time to join a weigh-in , so here's a link to today's
Ok, say to yourself stopp "with an extra P" breathe and then pick up where you left of. You are strong enough to do this and it is proven by you asking for help. Sending you a virtual hug and be strong you can do this.

Stop worrying about what you haven't done and just think about today. Don't think about 8lbs at all - just what you're going to do today to make you the healthy happy person you want to be. I'm a great believer in treats so go out and buy mango and raspberries if that's what you like. Healthy food doesn't have to be boring.
Come on,you can do it!
So nice to have the support that is needed especially from people who don't know you sorry not been on been differcult to stay in touch busy and I'm also finding it hard to stay focus!😟But today is another day😉 Thank you for your support people 😊
Hi why not make a valentines challenge to yourself to loose 7lbs by then which works out about your 1.5lbs a week then that's your first half stone badge got. Put £1 for every 1lb then the £7 can be a non food treat for yourself whatever makes you happy flowers, new earrings, beauty product, new scarf etc then each time you look at that item you will think I earnt that.
For the first time since I started I went off it yeasterday I was tired, felt awful and before I knew it had eaten 5 chocolate biscuits something I haven't done before so a slap on my wrists, early night and a hot lemon I went to bed this morning I am on it again with a promise to get on the treadmill to work them off so 5,000 steps here I come!
Hello Wadestreet ☺ be kind to yourself, you have come a long way ☺
Could you try to take little daily steps to success? It's always tough getting back on track, so for example, day 1, cut out junk; day 2, cut out snacks; day 3 go for a walk etc so you don't have too much to do all at once. Forget about the scales until you are feeling more in control.
Good luck ☺
And breathe! It's good to have a big picture of where you want to be, however, in my experience it is easier to cope with little goals. Do one day at a time, so think about what foods you like and then plan meals around them. If you think you're hungry (for a lot of us this is a habit rather than reality) have a glass of water and then wait half an hour. Build in other treats that are nothing to do with food, bubbly bath, walk, a good book, whatever it is you like.
3,2,1 and go... Good luck x

You sound like you have goals, which is great. I have been pretending to loose weight for a year! But on Monday said enough is enough. Downloaded NHS 12 week plan , have u..you been using that?
Good luck on this positive journey.
Yes you can do it. Look at all your achievements to date. Have you thought about mindfulness. January is such a difficult month for so many of us. Maybe focussing on this moment rather than looking too far ahead just now might help. Keep going, don't expect too much this month just keep going! Keep talking it's such a help to all of us. Oh of course walk as much as possible, in the house our of the house when it's dry. Sound a bit lecturing but really want you to keep going the spring is just around the corner! 🌻🐦👼😃
hi we all get days when we feel it is too difficult but once you have been doing it for a few weeks it gets to be part of your routine and it is not as difficult. work out your week's meals in advance and eat when you are hungry only. a good bowl of porridge in the morning will keep you full until lunch and if you add protein to your other two meals you can fill up with vegetables but you won't get hungry between meals. you start to feel really motivated once people start to notice the difference. I have lost a stone in 3 months and still going to remove another few pounds but now I can fit into all my clothes that were too tight so a whole new wardrobe. keep going. you can certainly do it. think of those summer clothes waiting for you.

Hello Wades treetop, today is a new day. Don't focus on what you have or haven't done focus on today and what you can do with today. Good luck, I will be thinking of you.
Hi Wadestreet, I bet your not the only one struggling at the moment. But you can do this have faith and believe in yourself we all believe in you.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the saddle. Keep posting and being accountable, we're all in the same boat, and all rooting for you
Find some distraction perhaps? Take up painting, knitting, patchwork quilting? Anything to keep your fingers busy and your mind occupied. Food becomes less of a temptation when you have a busy life.....easier to crack down on the between meal snacking. Keep going...you are worth it!
Instead of thinking New Year Resolution, why not think about objectives for 2017? That way, you can think about what you want to have achieved, weight-wise, by the end of the year, with interim targets every 3 months or so. This might make it easier to handle the (inevitable) blips along the way, as you haven't "broken" a resolution.