Caz28 has mentioned on a few occasions how good Leslie Sansome's 'Happy Walk' videos are but as I was already doing 6K runs three times a week I thought perhaps not for me. Well, I've recently bought a pedometer and on non running days this is proving to be a good way to get my steps up. However, the HUGE thank you comes because my hubby has just done the one mile walk and he's VERY enthusiastic - which is bordering on a miracle. Since having a pacemaker fitted last year and being in the early stages of heart failure he's been very frustrated at not being able to exercise at a level he thinks is appropriate. He's been doing yoga more or less daily but he's missing his running and trying to run but not being able to is proving very frustrating indeed. He thinks this walking video is great as he's been able to do the whole thing and feels as if he's had a workout plus he's going to repeat it at 6 o'clock! I know this is a dreadful week for you Caz with losing Molly but do feel cheered that you have really had an impact in our household!
A HUGE thank you to @Caz28: Caz28 has... - Weight Loss Support
A HUGE thank you to @Caz28

They're great aren't they? The interval training would also be good as it has short spells of jogging on the spot 😊 So glad hubby is involved too
IndigoBlue61 I'm so chuffed he's got something he thinks is doing him good - he's downstairs as I write this having another go. I'll search out the interval training. All his life he's been sporty - rugby, running - squash till he was in his 60s - after the pacemaker not being able to run was doing his head in - this could really get him back into exercising 'proper'.

Lots of Lesley Sansome ones 😊 Fat buster is good too
That's brilliant! really happy to have suggested something that has made a difference, tell him not to overdo it though! Lots of other leslie sansome on you tube and of course Christmas is around the corner, so maybe a couple of her videos as a gift?
Brilliant indeed - and I've only 'let' him do it twice today so as not to overdo it. To be honest he really poo pooed the idea of a 'walking' video - until of course he tried it. It's been a really positive day for the both of us Thanks again Caz as this is not something I would have come across on my own. I'll check out the videos for a prezzie....
thede areTwo mile walks then 3 and five maybe