I am new here and trying to loose weight. Thought I would sign up and introduce myself. My name is Kim and I'm 29. Wanted to meet people who are in the same position as me to share tips etc.
I am new here and trying to loose weight. Thought I would sign up and introduce myself. My name is Kim and I'm 29. Wanted to meet people who are in the same position as me to share tips etc.
Hello Kim
Hi there, welcome to the forum and good luck.
Hi Kim,
Welcome to the Weight Loss NHS forum. I hope you'll enjoy being part of this community, it's a friendly and supportive place, and I'd recommend having a read of our Welcome Newbie post - it's in the Pinned posts area (right-hand-side of the homepage, or at the bottom if you're accessing via a mobile device).
Please join in with any of the Challenges you like the look of - the other Pinned posts show some of these, and there's a weekly weigh-in session with the Monday group weigh-in as well, so maybe join us for that if you like the sound of it!?
Wishing you a great week ahead. I'd recommend the NHS 12 week plan, as it's really good, and easy to follow.
Hi Kim, lots to read and lots of people offering support. Have fun
Hi there!
I use an app to track my food which really helps and the Monday weigh-ins are always very motivating.
Hey Kim 🤗
Hi I'm also new here. Lisa
Hi there just keep logging on you can do it. mini challenges and counting helps good luck
Thanks everyone I honestly didn't expect such a huge response so thankyou :). Ill have a look at the forum and I weigh myself on a sun/mon so that would be good if I did that
I just need to find my way around the site x