Hi, new member here :): I was never... - Weight Loss Support

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Hi, new member here :)

YesICan13 profile image
YesICan13Healthy BMI
8 Replies

I was never overweight until the last 2 years of Uni. I gained a lot of weight due to stress and depression. I finally managed to lose 15kg in a year and now I am at the final stage of my weight loss journey. However, I find it the most difficult one.

I'm currently 53kg, however, I am unsatisfied with my body fat percentage and wish to drop 2 more kgs. Most days I'm very motivated and enjoy the results, but sometimes I feel like I will never lose those kilograms and fat because it takes so long and there are no visible results. This results in binge eating and unhealthy self-hatred. I really wish I could stop worrying about when I will reach my goal and just have the strength to continue my journey.

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YesICan13 profile image
Healthy BMI
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8 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum YesICan13

Very well done on losing 15kg, that’s an amazing achievement and you should feel very proud of yourself 😊👏👍. If you read any of the posts on here you see that the majority of us are unhappy with our body for one reason or another. It is very difficult to chose where we lose fat from. What may work is changing WHAT you eat, carbohydrates for example are linked to excess abdominal fat storage . The other thing is targeted strengthening exercises which can have good results. But try to look at the bigger picture, you are a good weight, I suspect a healthy weight? It takes time for our bodies to settle down, I’ve been maintaining my loss for over 3 years and my waist continues to shrink, albeit slowly. What’s important is to get onto an even keel and start to appreciate yourself and your achievements 😊

If you haven’t already then please read the Welcome post here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... please read it carefully and just ask if you have any questions.

I notice that you have left your post unlocked. We always advise that you select “only my community” when you write a post. Please read our security post here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

Best wishes in your weight loss journey

Indigo 😊

YesICan13 profile image
YesICan13Healthy BMI in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thanks for the warm welcome and all the tips! :)

Hello yesican. You haven’t said how tall you are maybe 53kg is what your body is designed to be. My advice would be to focus on eating healthily for a while and not be too focused on the numbers. You have done really well on losing the weight you have done focus on how far you’ve come and don’t stress about those lasts kgs.

YesICan13 profile image
YesICan13Healthy BMI in reply to

Thanks, jubbly1955 :) I'm 159cm, so I know this is very close to my optimal weight and fat percentage. I started focusing more on the exercise (I do recreational volleyball) and it seems to be working :). Just hope to lose this obsession over calories and food soon :)

in reply to YesICan13

Concentrating on the exercise is much better. In order to play well you need to feed your body. This might need a change of tack. Have a look at the LCHF forum. You will find loads of links to guide you. Good luck. 😊

over61andstilltrying profile image

Hi YesICan13,

Welcome to this helpful forum. Very well done on losing 15kg already! How did you manage it I wonder? You obviously found a method that worked for you.

It is probably my age, but I find it much easier to relate to stone and pounds, so your weight of 53kg is 8st 5 pound and I am currently 8st 3 or 4 (depending on how friendly the scales are being), so we are of a very similar weight as each other indeed and like you these last few pounds of extra around my middle are proving a real challenge to remove. My very heaviest some years back was (11 stone) 70kg. If I count myself as 8-3, it has taken me two months to lose that pound and, of course, I haven't completed removed that pound. Sigh ... I'm 5 feet 4 inches by the way, so I know that I am already fairly slim, but there is still unwanted mass that I would like to remove permanently. Onwards and downwards!

Have you read about the weekly weigh in groups? I am in the Monday Mass Mover group. It would be lovely to have someone in the group trying to lose this last few pound/kiolograms and at a similar weight. Do have a look at it. And I really hope that I 'see' you there on Monday. It is lovely the way folk support and encourage one another. It is like an online slimming club. I have never belonged to a slimming club other than this on line one.

I wonder if you have read this which was a link that I was sent, helpful whatever one's age


Then this was a mind blowing moment, not available on BBC i-player last time I looked, so I hope that this link works


I have found Dietdoctor very helpful


I am thinking of posting a question on the Low Carbohydrate High Fat forum (also HealthUnlocked) to see if anyone will have some ideas for me, but I haven't got around to it yet. I have been on the running sites as I plan to enter my first race on Monday. My garden is also calling me, so I'd better press on and construct my runner bean support structure.

Can you plan for your discouraging moments? So that you have a planned alternative to binge eating. All the very best on this challenging part of your weight loss journey.

YesICan13 profile image
YesICan13Healthy BMI in reply to over61andstilltrying

Hey, thanks for writing! Great to hear someone experiences the same struggle as me. Congrats on your achievement, you seem to be admirably determined :)! I will definitely check out the Monday group, cheers!

I'm 5ft 2 inches and 25 years old, so I guess at that age it's easier to control my weight but what I did was start a diet and exercise plan. My weight has always been healthy and I was very physically active (running, cycling and even sports gymnastics), but I had a really stressful period of my life when I couldn't stop comfort eating all day long. I also got demotivated to train and go out at all, so that's when I gained all the weight.

Fortunately, I managed to deal with that stress and anxiety and started my weight loss journey. A year ago I started focused strength training sessions at the gym 3 times a week and play recreational volleyball 2-3 times a week. This combination works really well because I work on building lean muscle mass and still get some cardio to burn the fat.

However, I think food has the biggest impact, especially on the fat percentage. I calculated my Basal Metabolic Rate to determine what is the bare minimum my body needs to function properly. From there I got ~1300kcal a day.

I do meal prep for the day, to avoid snacking and to know exactly how many calories I eat . I try to cook and eat mainly healthy meals (no olive oil, low salt, no sugar, no starchy veggies). I use myfitnesspal to log all my meals and aim to get 40% protein, 40% fat & 20% carbohydrates a day.

I do that by eating quark (low fat, high protein yoghurt/cheese) with mashed banana and some fruits (pineapple, mango, strawberries, blueberries) & chia seeds for breakfast (~250-300kcal). For lunch I usually have a big salad (no dressing) with meat (low-fat mince meatballs, chicken breast, lightly dusted haddock fillet, smoked salmon fillet) and aim to eat around 400kcal. I also try to eat lentils at least once a week as a vegetarian alternative (great source of protein too). For dinner, I would have the same as for lunch, or sometimes just salad (no dressing) with 4 hard-boiled eggs (just 1 egg yolk), feta & avocado. I try to stay away from processed foods and sweets, so whenever I crave a dessert I eat fruit. I drink only water (~8 glasses a day) and sometimes diet coke.

Keeping below 1400kcal a day and not having any snacks with me or just a small fruit from time to time seems to be working for me.

It's great that you are so physically active, that keeps mind and body happy and healthy and is very important! Luckily, I have the support of my boyfriend which helps a lot. I try to accept my body as it is but I'm reminding myself why I'm on this weight loss journey every day (looking at inspirational quotes, abs pictures even.. :D). I'm not too good at controlling binge eating yet, though... Maybe that's what's holding me back. Let me know your strategies!

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingMaintainer7lbs in reply to YesICan13

Hi YesICan13,

Just noticed your reply on the Thursday weigh in group and thought that I remembered your name as one of the few on the Christmas Countdown Challenge who are in the 8 stones bracket. I thought I'd have a look at your previous posts and low and behold find I have responded to you before and you answered, and then I didn't reply! I am very sorry. It is all jogging my memory and I thought that I had replied, but that must have been to a different post.

I must have somehow missed this reply of yours. So sorry.

You asked about my strategies. I certainly haven't mastered things yet and look forward to removing the unwanted mass around my middle and knowing what is the right amount to eat to maintain and then, just perhaps, reaching the stage that I hardly think much about it as I know what is right for me to eat and just eat that.

I eat low carbohydrate high fat and don't weigh or count things, calories or carbohydrates. Three meals a day no snacks except very rarely and if I have a dessert it will be full fat Greek Yogurt, strawberries, blueberries and flaked almonds - yum, yum. All a learning journey and it seems folk really find different ways that work for them.

All the very best on your onward journey. 😊🌸

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