Just finished my first week. Weight has stayed the same, and waist size has stayed the same. I have upped my exercise regime this week by quite a lot. So it must be my eating habits / portion sizes that are letting me down. Feeling very despondent.
First week a disaster: Just finished my... - Weight Loss Support
First week a disaster

In my book that is a win you haven't put any weight on! Some of us lose slower than others it took me 12 weeks to lose 9 lbs. it is hard not to compare ourselves to others but I tried to remember it is my body I am trying to change and not someone else's body. Every week I stayed the same - I got stuck on one weight for 3 weeks- I had to stay positive. I want going up so I was going in the right direction. It is frustrating and this is the very reason I have given up in the past. 15 weeks later I have lost 13 lbs and I feel good. Please stick with it it will be worth it 😀
Thank you for your reply. It's helpful to realise that other people have the same problems. Well done on your 13 lbs loss.
Hi Nanny. Me too, caring for my husband. My weight loss is so very slow. Often less than a pound a month. But, hey, that's 12 pounds this year. Wouldn't it be luvverly to get to a stone by Christmas. I have decided I am letting his mobility problems affect me too. Of course he likes me to sit and watch telly with him. (Not really my scene) But that is no excuse for cutting out quite so many of my former activities. Luckily I have not got into bad eating habits, but certainly need to make some overall adjustments to life balance.
Thank you for replying Sheilamb. Sometimes I feel very alone and forget that other people have the same problems. I have lost a couple of pounds since writing my original post, and have started taking time out from looking after my husband. One class of Pilates, one health walk and my favourite Zumba Gold (for oldies!). Keep in touch and let me know if you reach that sone stone by Christmas.
Good for you. I hope your own weight loss goes to plan. I hope I did not come over as too negative but my morning dance class was cancelled. (Boo. Hoo). Anyway, it being a lovely afternoon I took myself off for a long walk and ended up with a friendly chat to two strangers over a cup of tea. One of the ladies, like you and me, felt a little tentative about a solo jaunt with a poorly husband at home. I am sure that your classes will give great physical benefits but also you will find friendly social contact a great comfort. Best wishes.

The first week is always very difficult, I certainly found it so. It takes a few weeks to get used to a different pattern of eating. Brilliant on not putting on any weight and on not falling off the wagon. Just keep on doing your exercise and counting the calories and I'm sure you will see good results. Everyone's body is different and responds at a different pace when we make changes. Best wishes for this week.
Hello NannyC
You don't say which eating plan you are following. Is it the nhs12 week plan? It may sound daft but are you eating the right number is calories? If you check your BMR it will suggest a daily calorie target, often more than you think. It's important to eat enough as our bodies are very sensitive to 'dieting' and will cling to fat 😕
The other thing is what you are eating, as women get older refined carbohydrates or sugar can disrupt hormones and inhibit fat loss 😕
If neither of those things apply, then maybe you just need to give yourself time, many people (myself included) lose weight in monthly cycles, losing a lot all at once after weeks of staying the same 😕
Finally, I know it's difficult when you want to be slimmer, but try to focus on other measures apart from the scales, how fit you feel, how energised, how your skin and hair feel, how your digestion is working etc
Good luck and very best wishes 😊
As I'm a carer for my husband, I don't have time to count calories or cook separate meals, so I'm just trying to be sensible. Obviously not being sensible enough!
I don't count individual calories either, so I understand 😕 Have a look at the British Heart Foundation 'facts not fads' eating plan, it is portion controlled rather than individual calories, much easier to follow 😊
I always I ate healthily, it was portion size that let me down 😕 Post menopausally this became particularly problematic, especially with arthritis making exercise difficult. But there are always solutions 😊
Very best wishes 😊
Why are you despondent? You've maintained, which is better than gained! You've also made some fantastic changes to your life-style that your body will be so grateful for. The scales are really only one part of this journey and sometimes the scales are the last bit to slot into place. Just keep eating healthy, exercising and learning and the rest will follow. Trust in yourself.
♥ Well done for all the hard work you have put in this week, you're doing wonderfully.

Thank you for your positive remarks. I've never used a forum before, but I'm so glad now that I typed in my thoughts.
I got off to a very slow start too, hang in there and don't give up! The weight loss will pick up!
Thank you, I don't feel quite so bad after reading your reply!
Dont worry, its not just about the scales, its about your behaviour too, and youve made a positive change this week, which is something to be proud of. Keep going and the scales will catch up. ☺ x

Don't worry. I was 5 weeks before losing anything and am now only one pound off my first stone. Stick with it and it will happen. Good luck!
Just remember muscle weighs more than fat! And muscle burns more calories! Keep going...
I found I maintained or put on after starting exercising! X
Thank you for all your replies. I had a bad day yesterday, but the forum has helped me and I am back on track today.