12 Week NHS Diet Plan Success? - Weight Loss Support

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12 Week NHS Diet Plan Success?

mariaemilie profile image
13 Replies


I wondered what success people have had after completely the 12 week diet plan?

How much weight have you lost? What calorie and exercise regime have you stuck to?

I am on Day 1 :)

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mariaemilie profile image
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13 Replies
nickynoo77 profile image

Welcome ☺

I'm on week 11 now and have lost 12.5lbs so far, which I am so please with. I am currently 13 st 2.5lb and eat 1400 calories a day which I use my fitness pal to log. I've just started exercising today and have been swimming for the first time in 3 years today. I really didn't feel ready until now. Everyone is different.

This forum is fantastic and the support on here is amazing. There are some lovely people who use this site.

Good luck

Nic ☺

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to nickynoo77

Go you Nic!

Does anyone have a link to the plan. I am following a plan but would like to compare it with what I am doing.

in reply to

Click on the 'weight loss nhs' bar at the top of this page, that should lead you through to a link to it.

linggirl profile image

Hi. I've been really pleased with the 12 week plan, I'm on week 24 so you see I've been in it for the long haul. I've lost 17.5kg and am thrilled to bits. I used the myfitnesspal app which at first allowed me 1400 and something calls but as I've lost weight my allowance has dropped to 1390.

I began the couch to 5k running programme which I surprisingly really loved. Unfortunately my kidney disease has developed even further and I can no longer manage the running however I do walk to work each day, so that's at least 40 mins walking a day.

This week I've had a stinking cold and that combined with the kidney disease has meant I've had to have a few days off and even though I feel rubbish I've kind of missed the walk.

I've found that now I've had so much experience with the 12 week plan its kind of becoming second nature.

To find the plan just Google nhs 12 week weight loss plan.

Hi mariaemilie, I've lost 2 stone altogether. I did couch to 5k first and lost 3lbs, then did the 12 week plan on around 1400cals/day and lost 19lbs in the 12 weeks, then lost a further 6lbs in the past few weeks bringing me down to a healthy bmi at 10st4 (I'm 5'4"). I'm working on maintaining now, stopped logging in myfitnesspal and calorie counting, but I've got good instincts about portion sizes etc now and am managing okay. I still run 3x /week, cycle as much as I can, and do strength exercises to complement my running, currently 3x/week, although that part is a work in progress still 😊 good luck for your 1st week 😊

Portlandprincess profile image

At week nine and shed a stone. On the twelve week plan with about 1400 cals a day min.

2bFabnfit profile image

I have lost 7.6 kg and am nearly at end of week 12.

Now at goal weight. I had a calorie allowance of 1250.

At the beginning I was doing no formal exercise but started by parking short of my destination and walking a bit more/Taking the stairs etc. About week 5 I started doing Leslie Sansone's walk at home dvd. (With booster cables ) I aim to do a 2 or 3 mile walk 5x a week. ( 35 to 45 minutes ) In reality it probably has averaged out at 3 to 4 x a week.

I haven't had a week without a loss and have found it easy to stick to most of the time. Main challenge is eating out and when someone else does the cooking!

Now trying to keep at goal weight!

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to 2bFabnfit

Oh and I cut out refined sugar as I was addicted. After 3 days withdrawal which was hideous it has been easy.

I just don't want it now. I have told myself I can have it at special celebrations but I generally choose not to.

mariaemilie profile image

Thank you all for your very encouraging posts :)!

Really great to know that if you stick to the rules it will work.

I am using MyFitnessPal to ensure I stick to 1,400 calories per day and get all the nutrients I need.

I am combining walking over 10,000 steps a day with Couch to 5K and Stretch and Flex sessions (1 hour combined time) 3 times per week.

I am excited for the results! I will keep you posted.

Emma-x- profile image

Hey mariaemilie

I am on the 12 week plan, started the beginning of June and I have lost almost two stone. I wouldn't say it was a diet, it's more of a life style change. The weight comes off at a steady pace which is more sustainable long term ( I think so anyway) I would also take your measurements with a tape measure and re measure every couple of weeks, this is another thing to spur you on.

Exercise I have just walked a couple of times a week and swam one or twice a week for an hour. I have really enjoyed it.

As the others have mentioned this blog is great just to see how others are getting on and it's a good support network.

Good luck on your weight loss journey!

mariaemilie profile image
mariaemilie in reply to Emma-x-

Thanks Emma and a huge congratulations on your weight loss :)!

I will keep you updated on my journey!

nhs2015 profile image

Every one is different. Set yourself small goals, stick to the plan and you will be right. Look up C25K as well as Stretch and Flex exercises.

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