Lost for ideas now...: I found out about... - Weight Loss Support

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Lost for ideas now...

forthe100thtime profile image
6 Replies

I found out about this 12 week plan (and this forum) from my GP. I have struggled to loose weight for the last 18 months, and I am depressed about this and it affects my life daily - not only the weight, but the self hate.

I am not looking for a medical reason, I don't think I have some mysterious medical reason, I am just looking for help.

I am now 4 weeks into this plan, and have not weighed in for this amount of time, instead I took measurements.

My measurements have not moved at all, so I thought ok, perhaps I am loosing in other areas from where I am measuring - so I decided to be brave enough to weigh in - very anxious moment, having been a weigh myself 6-8 times a day to nothing for a month.

And I have lost absolutely NOTHING. not an ounce has changed on the scale (its not gone up either)

So from having a complete food make over, exercising 3 times a week (one week missed from injury) and tracking my calories on my fitness pal and staying within 150 below or 150 above 1360 calories a day I have lost nothing.

In theory, this is excellent news, I have found the balance from having good/treat days and still enjoying birthdays and special events, I have cut my drinking in half and I am sure with the exercise I am fitter to - I just look the same state.

I have now made an appointment (privately) for a full blood works and for a nutritionist to evaluate these results - I have no idea what to expect from that, but as I am now completely at a loss I have no ideas what to do.......

suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you.

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forthe100thtime profile image
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6 Replies
Seuzan profile image

Hello ft110time, first of all very well done for not gaining weight! I have just weighed myself and had a similar experience in that I have stayed within my calorie limit and I am quite active so should be burning off calories - but have stayed the same - aargh very frustrating!!!

I think however that it takes the body time to adjust to new food habits and it is probably still processing the fact that you mean business and that the lifestyle change is a permanent one , not a 'for the 100th time one'. Be prepared to be in it for a long haul.

Be sure that you are measuring portions and not guessing them (I am getting better at that slowly). Also make sure that you count everything and don't cheat (drinks / milk in tea / tomato ketchup even).

On reflection, even though I have not lost any pounds so far this week - I do feel a lot healthier and I know for a fact that I am putting nutritious fuel into my body.

You sound as if you have made a brilliant start with a healthy life style. Count all the positive things you are doing and be proud of yourself.

You are tackling the depression and self-hatred by doing this lifestyle plan (do not let negative thoughts win!!!). Be patient and keep going, you are doing so well!!!! X

Ps if you haven't read it already, try reading Matt Haig's book Reasons to Stay Alive. It is very good!

suzybenj profile image

I can understand your frustration and disappointment. I have been there in the past- and it is not a pleasant place to be- I feel for you.

I can only suggest take a different approach to eating- really mix it up and for a couple of days a week reduce the calories say to a 1000 a day- I know drastic- it is about getting your metabolic rate interested in losing weight. My strategies when stuck are as follows:

Literally concentrate on one day at a time- and really focus on what you are eating and excersing.

Eat as little processed food as possible- I tend to follow the low gi diet- half a plate of veg, quarter of protein and some sort of small amount of less complex carbohydrate.

Drink lots of water- small amounts often.

Drink - really cut back if you can

Raw veg- I make a great salad- of v small amount of pasta with chopped up carrot, pepper spring onion black olives with tsp olive oil- with some sort of protein. Chicken pieces , bit of fish.

I have suggested 1000 calories a day for a couple of days- modified 5:2 - the idea being to rattle your metabolic rate a bit. But do your own reading up on this and only do if you feel up to it or it is ok for you. I try to eat before 7 in evening so I do a 12 hour fast overnight. If you do this remember protein is your friend - to stabilise blood sugur spikes.

Really I wish you well- I hope the nutritionist has something to offer.

I only offer some thoughts on what has worked for me when I have stalled( I gave up drink for a month- and not one ounce shifted- I remember the fury and despair )

Hang in there- it's a beautiful day - have a re-think:-)

Meggiemo profile image


I have just joined this diet, and I feel for you, I also guess that the same thing will happen to me to, I do believe it could be your body changing and sorting itself out, as it is taking on a new way of eating and exercise,

I hope that I have not upset you in any way just trying to help

Caz28 profile image

I understand your frustration! I'm just completing week 4, lost n the first week and hardly anything since! At least I know I am eating healthily and getting some exercise but I also wish I could see some weight loss for all my efforts. We will just have to stick with it and hope our bodies start to respond! Hope everything goes well with your appointment.

forthe100thtime profile image

thanks everyone for your support, there is some good advice here and points I will take on board. I like the idea of 2 days a week at 1000 calories so this is something I shall start from tomorrow.

I've had a lovely weekend with firepits, fizz and family and have put thoughts of weight loss out of my mind today. Tomorrow is another day.

thank you again, it is much appreciated and good luck to you all for your journey.


greeny4 profile image

Good to hear you have enjoyed today. Keep going and believe you can achieve your goals. It's not easy or straightforward but it's definitely doable. Read others posts who have been where you are and made it. That's what I do and find it so helpful

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