I am desperate to lose weight. I find exercise difficult due to osteoarthritis. I am looking for exercise groups where I will not feel self conscious about my lack of fitness. Can anyone help me with this please
Hi. I am looking to lose weight. - Weight Loss Support
Hi. I am looking to lose weight.

Hi Pamela2653,
Welcome to the Weight Loss NHS community forum. I don't know a specific answer for your wish to find an exercise group, but I would like to give you some links to some threads which might be helpful with regard to your wish to lose weight:
The first link is to our Welcome Newbie thread:
The second link is to our current Monday group weigh-in thread:
The third link is regarding health and diet links relevant to osteoarthritis, and you might like to look at some links from that page, as you see relevant:
I guess exercise groups will vary from place to place, so maybe share your geographical location to ask if anyone knows a place nearby you could join in a group. There are online exercises too that you could do in the privacy of your own home, but I wouldn't know which ones to suggest to you, as I think your GP or healthcare professional might wish to advise you specific to your own health needs.
Hope you'll join in the weight loss group, if you think it might be something you'd enjoy being part of.
We also have some Pinned Posts (top right-hand-side of the homepage) and there's a great Recipe thread there too.
Hello pamela2653
I also have arthritis and mobility issues and understand how you feel 😕 I haven't managed to find any classes near me but still exercise by doing my own thing, swimming and indoor cycling, some stretches the Physio gave me, and walking when I am able. The NHS Strength and Flex videos are good, (I adapt and sit for sone of them) and I recently started yoga, again adapting to suit me 😊
However, I have to say, weight loss is much more about eating less than exercise, so the best thing is to do both.
Good luck! Read the Newbies post that lowcal suggested, find an eating plan you can stick to, and cheer yourself up by reading some of the inspiring success stories on here 😊
Thank you for replying. Where can I buy the NHS strength and flexibility dvd....I am very careful what I eat ....problem is some days I have no appetite so don't have anything.....can't eat if I am not hungry.
The videos are available on-line through the NHS Choices website 😊
Have you been seeing a physiotherapist? You can self refer or get your GP to refer you, I found this very helpful. 😊
Good luck
Arthritis Care run exercise groups in my area....Havant. They may be available elsewhere.
I'm on the GP exercise referral scheme. Costs 2£ a session at my local leisure centre, run by healthcare exercise experts. I struggle with my joints but do what I can, when it hurts I stop, there's lots of encouragement, no judgement and no size 6 Lycra clad beauties ( bless em ). Yet that is -but we all live in hope 😁
Also go the a music and movement class, used to be called Extend, held in the local church hall, always worth a check locally.