Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (11th April 2016) Afternoon/Evening Session.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
201 Replies

Hi Everyone,

This is the 'Afternoon/Evening Session' of the Fab 5'ers Monday weigh-in group, so please post in this thread if you're weighing in with us this afternoon and/or this evening!

The Morning Session has gone really well, and please have a look at the thread if you want to catch up with how everyone is doing:

If you join us for this Monday group weigh-in then one of the Fab 5’ers (Prin, Suzybenj, LotToLose and myself, Lowcal) will reply to you. However, please be patient with us, as we do have other commitments, but we will do our very best to get back to you as soon as we can.  You may have noticed that 2 people’s names are missing – i.e. Ruth_Canal_Runner and Moreless. Therefore please read on for details: 

A big announcement to make is that our lovely Fab 5'er Ruth_Canal_Runner has decided that it's time for her to step-down from Fab 5'er duties, and also stats responsibilities, as she has a lot on her plate currently, and needs to prioritise other elements.

I am therefore writing to just say that we have all appreciated your help and support Ruth, and your stellar stats prowess, and we will miss you in the Fab 5'ers group, but we are glad you'll be staying in the community and that we'll still be seeing you around and about, and especially that you'll still be joining in with the Monday group weigh-ins as a participant. 

Regarding the stats for the future, I would like to say I am happy to take these on, as it's a good way to keep connected to everyone's weight loss journey, and I do enjoy it when I do the stats - even though it takes more time now the group is so much larger - it is lovely to see everyone's progress in that way.

Moreless won’t be with us for 2 weeks as she is off on her holidays! So I’d like to say how much we’ll miss you Moreless, and that we hope you have a wonderful time. Luckily Moreless has been able to weigh-in yesterday (i.e. Sunday) as she’ll be travelling at the crack of dawn today to get to her destination. I am going to copy and paste Moreless’s results and post them in a moment so you can see how well she’s done. Her results are amazing!!! I am going to post them at the bottom of this thread, so please do look for them, they are particularly inspiring and I’d like to save the best till last!!!! ☺ 

Regarding my own weigh-in results, I feel that my hubby’s Birthday falling on the weekend was challenging for my ability to stay on track, as celebrating does tend to take precedence at such times, but thankfully I didn’t go overboard, and feel positive about things: 

 Last Monday I was 12 stone 12.2 pounds, and today I weigh: 12 stone 11.2 pounds, so I’ve managed to lose my goal of 1 pound, and I feel really happy with that. I only managed to get to the gym once – instead of twice, which has been the case for the past 3 weeks now, but I did enjoy the gym session, and made the most of it. This week I hope to lose another pound, if I can, and will try to get to the gym twice, continue with the Strength exercises and healthy eating and walking. 

Please look in the Pinned posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage) for details of various Challenges that are going on currently in the forum.

Do join in with anything that takes your interest, if you're not already signed up to something, and fancy a Challenge. 

I have done the stats this week, and they are particularly inspiring: 

 Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 132. 

 Total overall weight lost: 119.89 pounds (54.38 kilos). 

 Total people who lost weight: 80 (162.29 pounds lost) (73.61 kilos). 

Total people who gained weight: 27 (42.4 pounds gained) 19.23 ‘kilos). 

Total people who maintained their weight: 11.

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 14. 

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 2. 

Note for Newbies:

If you are joining this weigh-in group thread for the first time today, then welcome. Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your initial weight loss goals – setting yourself mini-goals leading to your ultimate weight loss goal is particularly helpful. You could also make a note of your body measurements – sometimes the scales stick at a particular weight, but there can be body measurement changes which are very motivating. It’s not all about the scales afterall – it’s how you feel in yourself.

You can always refer to previous weigh-in threads if you want to see what other people typically post (just click on my profile, Lowcal, and you’ll be able to see a list of all previous posts which are all clearly dated). 

Also, if you’ve not already seen it, then take a moment to read the ‘Welcome Newbie’ pack which is a Pinned post (situated on right hand side of homepage) which has been collated by Fab 5’er Moreless. 

Talking of Moreless, as I said, I’m leaving the BEST till last, and here is her great results: 

*****Message from Moreless: ****** 

"Happy monday Lowcal, Prin, Suzy, LotToLose and fellow losers

I hope you've all had a successful weigh-in, or at least are at peace with what the scales and/or tape measure are telling you today.

Ruth, we are so sad to see you step down, but perfectly understand your reasons for doing so. I'm so pleased that you'll still be around on the forum and no doubt continuing to encourage, motivate and inspire us, especially when it comes to strength exercises! Thanks so much for everything that you've done for us with the weigh-in thread, you were our stats woman extraordinaire! All the very best with your new ventures. 

 My goal last week, was to have lost 5st by my holiday. Unfortunately, I've missed that goal by a pound, but I've still lost 2.625lbs this week and am absolutely delighted! 1lb is neither here, nor there and really not worth worrying about.

This is my first holiday since I started on my weight loss journey, so I'm a little concerned as to how I'll fare, but my aim will be to maintain. If I put on a little, so be it, I'll just have to knuckle down on my return. I'm also wondering how I'll get on with not weighing myself for over a week! I think I'll take my tape measure with me!

I shall miss you all and will probably suffer withdrawal symptoms tomorrow. I suspect the first thing I shall do on my return, will be to update myself with everyone's progress! 

Good luck, my friends, onwards and downwards! 

Moreless ☺” 


 I'd like to be the first to Congratulate Moreless on such an amazing result - losing nearly 5 stones in total, and to achieving a loss of 2.625 pounds this week. Brilliant!!!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday Moreless, and there'll be plenty for you to catch-up with when you get back. I know we will miss you! 


Final note from me:

Wishing you all a great weigh-in! 

Onwards and Downwards! 

Lowcal ☺  

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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201 Replies
VickyDLM profile image
VickyDLM2 stone

Wow, that's absolutely fantastic results that Moreless has got!  Just goes to show that it can be done.

I have managed to lose 2lbs and am now 13 stone, even.  Never thought I'd get below 14, so this is great and I'm really looking forward to the 12s!

Another thing that I was really pleased about is that I've been at 39 1/2" around my waist for a few weeks now, but have dropped the 1/2" and am now only 39".

It's all about accumulating the baby steps to get there in the end. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toVickyDLM

Hi VickyDLM,

moreless  has certainly got absolutely fantastic results!  She is amazing!  I am so happy she's having a much deserved holiday - and that she's hopefully going to enjoy each and every minute of it, and come back refreshed and full of great adventures to share with us.  She has made inspirational progress.  :-)

You are also doing really well!  Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is a really great result!  Wow, you're so close to the 12's - hopefully this time next week we'll be celebrating with you getting into the 12's.  

Brilliant that you've also dropped half an inch on your waist too - to 39" - that is great! 

I think you're doing really well and making really good progress.  I hope you have a really good week, and enjoy it.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toVickyDLM

Thanks for your kind words Vicky :)

I'm going to read really quickly now, to see whether you've made it into the 12's now :)

Baby steps are just perfect! :)

maiziepops profile image

Hi, quick question, can I post in either morning or afternoon or are they separate when it comes to end results? I posted this morning but only because I am off work today, not sure i will be able to post in the morning regularly.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomaiziepops

Hi Maiziepops,

We used to do just one session, but as you can see the volume of traffic and participation has grown, and the site can get 'glitchy' when it gets larger - so we split it up into morning and afternoon.  Ideally, we encourage people to post in the Morning thread up to midday and then in the afternoon thread after midday onwards, but the stats are such that you should only ever report in one thread, otherwise I'd be doubling up - my memory is good, but not that good!  So your results are already recorded Maizie - and you can choose either thread next week, depending on what time is more convenient for you to personally report your results.  Hope this very wordy reply makes sense.

Lowcal :-)

maiziepops profile image
maiziepops in reply toZest

All good thank you x

HealthyTanja profile image
HealthyTanja in reply tomaiziepops

Hello Maiziepops,

Good question. I posted in the am last week and the pm today as I thought it all came together in the end for the stats. I'm only in weem two myself so might be wrong. Will be good to hear from one of the Fab 5 😊


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toHealthyTanja

Hi Tanja,

You can always choose either thread, it all depends on what works best for you.  We count the stats from both threads, so noone gets missed out.  You can vary between the threads week by week, whatever works best for you on that particularly week.

So it's all good!

Lowcal :-)

Chelseae86 profile image

Hi I'm sorry but really rubbish at this, to join this Monday weigh in do I just put my weight in this reply or should I be doing something else? Tia

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toChelseae86

Hi Chelseae86,

Don't worry, it takes a bit of getting used to, as a weigh-in like this is a bit different from a face-to-face situation!  Great that you've found us ok, and if you have a look at the beginning of the thread (i.e. read through all that stuff I've written at the beginning of the thread), then you'll see I've written a section for 'Newbies' so have a read of that, and then just click on reply and post what you want to share.  

Hope that makes sense.

Let me know if it doesn't, and I'll explain in more detail, but hopefully it does make sense.

Lowcal :-)

HealthyTanja profile image
HealthyTanja in reply toChelseae86

Hi Chelsea86,

Exactly just post a reply with a little about yourself and your stats. That's what I did last week for my first post. I included my starting and goal weight and three smaller goals in between. 

Everyone is really friendly and welcoming so don't feel shy about your first post 😊

Best of luck with your journey!


muffintop67 profile image

Hi Lowcal. Pleased to hear that you lost your goal of 1lb this week. Well done also to Moreless for an amazing result too. I am so pleased to report that I am in the 10's. Yippee! Not seen them for a while.  So last week I was 11 stone 2 and this morning I weighed 10 stone 13.5. So only just made it. Good luck to everyone else weighing in today and I hope that the scales are kind to you.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomuffintop67

Hi Muffintop67,

Thank you so much, I was relieved, as I did eat quite a few extras over the weekend in the end.  I just hope they don't show up on the scales next week, as that is a possibility!!!  I appreciate your encouraging words, and I know moreless  will too - she'll be looking forward to reading the threads when she returns from her holidays, and she'll have a lot of reading to do!!!  But all inspiring reads, so it's all good.

Wow, your post is especially inspiring!  I am so happy to hear you're in the 10's.  This is brilliant news!!! Many Congratulations!!!  :-)  You've lost 2.5 pounds this week, that is really great!!!

What a lovely way to start the week.  I hope you enjoy the remainder of the week and enjoy the 10's!!!

Lowcal :-)

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply toZest

Thanks a lot Lowcal. Yes I did do a little jig on the spot in the bathroom this morning. Just need to keep it up :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomuffintop67

See, even in celebration you were jigging on the spot - great exercise!!!  You can keep it up Muffintop - just keep doing what you're doing and stay focused and positive.  :-)

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply toZest

Haha yes I guess I was. Thanks so much :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply tomuffintop67

Whoop whoop 😊 Well done "much-less-muffin-top" 😊😊😊 very pleased for you 

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply toIndigoBlue61

Thank you. Yes I didn't think the name through very well! Muffin top still there but is definitely shrinking :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply tomuffintop67

Glad to hear it!! 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply tomuffintop67

Thanks muffintop and woohoo to you for getting into the 10's! :)

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply tomoreless

Welcome back moreless and hope you had a lovely holiday :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply tomuffintop67

Thanks muffin, I had a fab time! :)

HealthyTanja profile image

Hello Lowcal,

What a great post! Your dedication to us in this forum, to keeping us informed and supported is outstanding and I am grateful for all the work you do. Thank you! 

Congratulations on your goal weightloss for the week; especially over a birthday weekend. It is great that you were able to enjoy your husband's birthday without obsessing about food. All around well done!

These are my stats for week two:

81.8kg/ 179.96lb/ 12st 88 BMI: 25.25 

I'm down another 1.1kg, lost another 1cm around my waste and have nearly reached my first goal of 81kg.

I'm really happy about these results, especially as there was cake involved this week 😥 I'm just hoping I'm not just loosing water and muscle...we'll see, still cycling as much as possible so hope that will help to build muscle or at least preserve it.

Overall, I'm the most happy with the fact that I myself stopped me from a giant chocolate binge twice this week! Sweets have always been my downfall and usually when the cravings get too strong I give in, have a massive blowout and start again at the bottom, feeling guilty the next day.

This week there were two occasions when old triggers showed up and I was alone so noone there to keep me in check. I really worried about it, but in the end I didn't need anyone else; I kept myself on track and that is my biggest achievement for the week 😊

Here is to week three. Happy going everyone! 


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toHealthyTanja

Hi Tanja,

Your post is really encouraging from so many perspectives, and I think you've done so well in coping with your desire to have a chocolate binge on two occasions - you were able to acknowledge the old triggers, and you were vulnerable as you were alone at the time, and yet you have kept yourself successfully on track and coped with those situations, and not resorted to bingeing on the chocolate.  That is such a great outcome, and all credit to you for coping so well.  

Congratulations also on achieving a weight loss of 1.1kg and a cm off your waist.  Your BMI is so close to the healthy range now, you're within touching distance of it!  

You're likely to lose a bit more weight in the first couple of weeks, as there will be some water weight disappearing, but as long as you're eating healthy balanced foods you shouldn't be compromising your muscles, and so it should be a healthy and sustainable weight loss that is happening.  The amount lost will begin to reduce as the week's go on though, as the larger weight loss usually only happens in the first couple of weeks or so.

Hope you have another great week ahead.  Enjoy that cycling.

Lowcal :-)

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply toHealthyTanja

Well done for ignoring those triggers and keeping strong. Great weight loss for you this week :)

TheHud profile image

Amazing Moreless in more than one way, just all round amazing, not so round now though ;).  Well done and I hope you have a wonderful time :) xx

Dearest Lowcal, I hopefully will not make a pigs ear of this weigh in.

Not done any of my exercise (house hunting and not eating properly, or at all)

Last week weigh in

13st 11.2lb

This week weigh in

13st 9.6lb

Total loss = 1.6lb

Still better than a poke in the ribs (if you can find mine) with a sharp stick ;)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toTheHud

Hi TheHud,

I can't imagine you making a pig's ear out of anything!  It sounds like you've had quite a bit of stress on your plate this week, what with your house hunting - that is never easy!  I hope you're making some good progress in terms of finding somewhere and that it's not too stressful. 

Congratulations on losing 1.6 pounds, that is an excellent result.  I hope you're pleased with that.  

Nobody is going to be poking you in the ribs, and definitely no sharp sticks here.  

I hope you have a lovely week, and good luck with your house-hunting.  I"m going to have some lunch now, as I'm ready for a nice lunch.  I hope you enjoy your lunch and your afternoon.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply toTheHud

Whoop whoop well done TheHud  😊🎉😊 it's all that dancing! 😊🎉🎶💃🏼😊

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toTheHud

If you have been stressed, then that is a good loss, The Hud, some weeks I lose 1.5 and others I lose 2.5, it all evens out in the end!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toTheHud

Thanks Hud, I really appreciate your kind words :)

You're doing pretty amazingly yourself! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

12.45pm Just stopping to have some lunch now.  Will be back later.  :-)

Lowcal :-)

Lilybug13 profile image

Hi. This is my first weigh in and I have managed to lose 3lb in my first week :) following the NHS plan it's not been too bad. I started last Monday weighing 14 stone 9 and I now weigh 14 stone 6! Exited for what next week brings and setting myself a goal of 2lb loss.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toLilybug13

Hi Lilybug13,

Welcome to your first weigh-in, and it's great that you've managed to lose 3 pounds in your first week!  Congratulations!!!  Glad you've found it not too bad following the NHS 12 week plan, and it's great to hear you're feeling excited regarding what next week brings.  You've set yourself a sensible goal for this week, so good luck for losing 2 pounds.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toLilybug13

Excellent result - way to go, Lilybug!

Twickenhamred profile image

Please be gentle with me!

This has all come as something of a shock, but over the Easter break I took the kids for a long walk in the woods and ended up blowing like a middle aged steam engine.

It would appear that I have gained "some" weight since the last time I checked,  50 lbs to be exact - with most of it having gone on over the last 12 months - and that has to change - so here I am!

My first weigh in was 228.4 lbs and I'd like to shift 2lbs a week through portion control, exercise and not eating the kid's leftovers!

All advice, help or general nagging gratefully received!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toTwickenhamred

Hi Twickenhamred,

Of course we'll be gentle with you - we're kind and supportive, and we don't do nagging or poking with sharp sticks (despite what TheHud  was aniticpating) - you'd have to read her entry to see why I mention a reference to sharp sticks.  

I think your post clearly illustrates how weight can surreptitiously creep up on us whilst we're not looking, and so 50 pounds can end up with us before we know it.  I've had the same thing myself, and it is shocking, but the great thing is that you've taken stock of things and you're hoping to reduce your weight so you can be healthier and fitter and enjoy more lovely walks in the woods with your family without ending up mimicking a middle aged steam engine.

Welcome to our Monday group weigh-in, and I hope you felt ok sharing your starting weight, as that is a daunting step.  You asked for advice, and I would definitely recommend having a look at the NHS 12 week plan, and you can find a link to that in our Welcome Newbie thread:

Lots of stuff to read there as well with some good tips and suggestions from other community members here on Weight Loss NHS community forum.

It can help to also take body measurements, which you can then compare over time, to see changes in those as well as the weight loss on the scales.  There are occasions when the scales get stuck or even increase a little, but the body measurements can show a pleasant reduction - it's not all about the scales, it's also about how we feel and how our clothes feel too.

I hope you have a really good week.

Lowcal :-)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply toTwickenhamred

Hello Twickenhamred   

You have come to the right place for support and advice 😊 Really friendly site with lots of inspirational success stories 😊 

Do some research, find the right eating plan, have enough to eat but watch portions, and you will soon be feeling fitter and healthier 😊

Good luck!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toTwickenhamred

The weight has this habit of sneaking on but now you are aware of it and you sound very determined, it will come off, I am sure. 

Marianne0915 profile image

Firstly may I say a stupendous achievement moreless and have a lovely holiday. Lowcal you are to be admired, birthday celebrations and still lose, well done. My weight is today 13.10.9 a slight loss from last week of 13.11. Have a lovely week Everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMarianne0915

Hi Marianne0915,

Thanks so much for your very kind words and support to myself and to moreless  - she will be reading through the posts when she returns from her holidays, and I know she'll be really pleased to read your kind comments on her achievements.  I agree, it is stupendous!

Well done for losing 0.1 pound this week, that is really good - an onwards and downwards trend and so Congratulations!  

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply toZest

Very deserved praise Lowcal to you both. Thank you for your kindness also. Keep up the good work as I shall be attempting to do.

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toMarianne0915

Every loss is to be celebrated in my book, Marianne - keep up the good work!

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply toLessToLose

Many thanks LotToLose, appreciated.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMarianne0915

Aaw thanks Marianne, that's really sweet :)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply tomoreless

Very welcome and deserved moreless. Have you had your holiday and I hope it was a good one. M

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMarianne0915

I had a lovely holiday thanks Marianne and now I'm trying to catch up with everything that I missed here :)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply tomoreless

Welcome home, you have been missed. Time flies. Best of luck with the catch-up.

Sana786 profile image

Last week I  was 15st 712lbs 

Today I am 15st 432lbs. Which gives me a loss of 2.8lbs. Not what i had gained in last week but at least i have lost some. Just need to check with @scoobasteve how well i did and who is the biggest loser now. 😃😆😅

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toSana786

Hi Sana786,

Wow, what a great result - Congratulations on losing 2.8 pounds this week.  I already know ScoobaSteve  's result (by the way, to tag him you need to put the font the same as he does, so you couldn't tag him with @scoobasteve because you used a small S and he uses a large one.  Try it again with a large S and you'll see the drop-box show his name to tag.  I know his result, so I know which of you and he are the 'Biggest Loser' - but I'll wait till you've caught up with him to find out.  I am going to look for his original Challenge thread later today as well, just to update my results.  I didn't Pin the post as it was only a one week challenge, but it should be easy to find him.  :-)

I hope you're enjoying your lunch.  I had a nice one myself - a tuna and salad wholemeal wrap.  Very tasty.  

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply toZest

Sana786 and Zest

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toScoobaSteve

Thank you!!!  I was going to look for you!  :-)  I'll pop over there shortly!  :-)

Sana786 profile image

P.S. sorry Lowcal I will try and write a detailed reply later on as im at work and just nipped out for a quick lunch and thought i should pop my weight in as well. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toSana786

Hi Sana,

I've just replied to you above.

Hope your lunch was good!

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image

Good afternoon peeps, just a quick visit to post my weight. I'll catch up on everyone's news tonight. I believe Moreless has done extremely well, what a start to her holiday👍

This week I've lost 1/2lb leaving me 5.07lbs to reach my target.

I am off for a long weekend starting Friday and am worried I will gain. It's end its inevitable really as I'll be stuck in a car all day for four days so no steps to burn off any excesses😞

At best I'm looking to maintain. Doubt I'll be able to weigh in till the Monday night when we get home. That aside it'll be nice to get a wee break as we can't get a summer holiday due to work.

Good luck to all those weighing in today 🤗

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toBu-dog

Hi Bu-dog,

Good afternoon!  I'm sure you'll have lots to read through when you get back later.  The Morning session is amazing, and the Afternoon/Evening one is great too - yes, moreless  has had a fantastic start to her holiday.  :-)

Wow, you're getting ever closer to your target - Congratulations on losing another 0.5 pound, that is great!  :-)

I hope you cope with your long weekend away - it will certainly be more challenging with all that driving and lack of opportunities to do your steps.  Sensible to set yourself a goal to maintain, and good luck with that.  It's fine to weigh late on Monday night, but I would also suggest that if you prefer to wait till the Tuesday morning, you can do that, as I will still check the thread on Tuesday morning for any 'late weighers' - and if it helps your continuity to weigh at the same time of day, and you'd prefer the morning, then do whichever you want to do.  Just wanted to point out that option is available.

Hope you enjoy your wee break. Have a lovely time!

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image
Bu-dog in reply toZest

Thanks lowcal. I do prefer to weigh in the morning so will probably weigh early of Tuesday.

I'll be mindful of what I eat...and drink and do my best to maintain. One bonus is that my job involves a lot of walking so will hopefully manage to undo any damage on my return.

Thanks for your ever loyal support 👍Xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toBu-dog

You are very welcome, Bu-dog, and I'll look forward to catching up with you when you weigh-in, most likely on the Tuesday morning.  :-)  Have fun!  :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toBu-dog

Another loss, Budog and so near target weight.  Don't worry about your weight loss while away, but also be mindful and catch up when you get back. Above all, have a great time! 😃

Bu-dog profile image
Bu-dog in reply toLessToLose

Thanks LTL. Moreless said she'd kick my butt if I didn't lose so....needs must lol xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toBu-dog

LOL Bu-dog! I'll have to keep reading, to find out whether a butt-kicking is in order! ;)

Hope you had a lovely long weekend break :)

Bu-dog profile image
Bu-dog in reply tomoreless

Aw, thank you Moreless, we had a lovely weekend. That's our holidays over now till November so made the most of it. I guess seafood isn't too fattening lol!

Hope you had a lovely break also and well done on your fabulous weight loss so far 👏 Xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toBu-dog

I'm really pleased to hear that Bu-dog :)

We had a lovely time thanks and are lucky enough to be having another hol at the end of July :)

kars1111 profile image

Afternoon all,

Well done on your loss this week lowcal! Me on the other hand had a wee hiccup this week and gained 1lb all done by overeating only myself to blame but no dwelling on it, moving on and looking forward to next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tokars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Afternoon!  Thanks for your kind words.  Sorry to hear you've had a wee hiccup this week and gained 1 pound - at least you know why that happened, and I would say don't blame yourself too much, and don't dwell on it - it's already in the past, and you can move forward from it - great that you're already looking forward to next week, and I think you'll have a much better week ahead.  You'll soon have that pound off again in no time.

Have a really good week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tokars1111

It happens and the best thing is to put it behind you and get right back on track - it sounds like you have the right mindset and will have a great loss next week. 😃

prawncess profile image

embarrassed to confess to just 1/4 lb loss. still good motivation for the coming week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toprawncess

Hi Prawncess,

Please don't feel embarrassed about a 0.25 pound loss - imagine that quarter of a pound on a plate (lard/butter) and you'll see it's a lot!  Glad you recognise that it is still good motivation for the coming week - because you can have a really great week if you're feeling motivated to succeed.  

I hope you really enjoy your week and have a good one.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toprawncess

A loss is still a loss, Prawncess, so be proud and have a great week ahead!

Happymary profile image
Happymary in reply toprawncess

Don't be embarrassed - be pleased you have maintained. Your body will take time to adjust...... 

motherofboys profile image
motherofboys3kgRestart April 2024

This is my first weigh in. I lost 0.5kg in my first week, I am now at 75.7kg, with my first mini milestone of getting below 75kg in sight - ultimately aiming for 68kg. (The NHS site suggested 64kg ... but I can' t remember ever being that weight in my adult life - so I think I'll aim for 68kg which is a weight I have been and maintained for 12mths+ in the past and see how I go!)

It has been tough, I was getting hungry at the weekend, but I have turned down cake when offered, managed to go into a coffee shop and just have coffee, and planned each day ahead to know what it takes to stay on track.

Pleased. I know it is going to get tougher, but I am feeling brighter now I'm not weighed down digesting rubbish food!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply tomotherofboys

Hi Motherofboys,

Really pleased that you've joined us for this Monday group weigh-in, and a very warm welcome!  I know I've already given you the link to the Welcome Newbie thread, so I won't do that again today!  

You've lost 0.5 kg in your first week, this is a fantastic start!  Really well done!!! Congratulations!  :-)  Your first mini milestone is already in sight as you say, and you're getting closer already.  I think you're sensible to pick a goal weight that you personally feel comfortable with achieving, and like you say, you can then see how you feel at that weight as and when you achieve it.

Great that you're planning each day ahead, so you can keep on track, and well done for being disciplined and turning down those extras that you've not counted into that plan.  

Great that you're already noticing that you're feeling quite good eating healthier foods.  Really good!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tomotherofboys

Well done on a great start - the first week is the hardest and it does get easier, so stick with it.

I am pleased you are feeling the benefits already, that is a good incentive to keep going.

Suzie54 profile image

Hi everyone. Joining the afternoon session. This week I've lost 3 pounds, after much determination & gritting of teeth. So that's 4 pounds in total & Im aiming for 2 pounds off this week

Onwards & downward x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toSuzie54

Hi Suzie54,

Great that you made it into this Afternoon thread, as I know you couldn't access the Morning one.  That must have been really frustrating, and I am so glad you have managed to get into this one ok.  

Congratulations for losing 3 pounds, it is such a great result!   Wow, you've lost 4 pounds in total - and good luck with losing another 2 pounds this week.  

You're doing really well, and I hope you enjoy the week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toSuzie54

Yay!  Fandabidozy Suzie - I have Moreless's pompoms and am waving them for you - what a great loss and your gritted teeth have obviously prevented you from eating too much.

Maxine5555 profile image

Afternoon.  Well done on achieving your target and losing a pound.  I have stayed the same this week.  I was very good all week last week but went to my mum's this weekend, saw family, and wine, and cake!!  So lucky I stayed the same.  However, Eddie (Shetland) and I have done 2 40 minute runs this week, the second being 3.55 miles which is our very furthest.  So I'm dead chuffed at that.  And yesterday we managed 2 miles at an average of 10.46 minute mile.  So exercise wise I have rocked this week.  Food and alcohol - I must do better :-)  This week I aim to keep under 25g sugar a day, for more days than last week, and go running three times.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMaxine5555

Hi Maxine5555,

Afternoon.  :-)  Thank you so much for your kind words. 

I'm glad you've had a very good week and that you enjoyed your weekend at your Mum's - I think you've done really well to maintain your weight in such circumstances as seeing family, and having wine and cake at the same time!  So Congratulations on maintaining, as that is so much better than gaining, and it's a good result.

Brilliant that you and Eddie have done two 40 minute runs this week - wow, 3.55 miles for the second run is a long way!!!  Glad you're feeling chuffed, you deserve to be!  You have certainly rocked the exercise front this week, and so has Eddie!!!

Good luck with reducing your sugar content this week, that is such a healthy goal to be focusing on, there are so many hidden sugars in many things, so it can be a bit of a minefield, but there is an app that is on the NHS Choices website, which you could download to help you with that - if you needed any further support with it.

Enjoy your runs too - three sounds like a great number!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Maxine5555 profile image
Maxine5555 in reply toZest

I tried downloading that app but I couldn't.  I can't remember now why.  But you've spurred me on to have another go.  The bread I have alone is 2g of sugar!  Who would have known unless the media had highlighted it, that savoury foods would have had sugar in?!

You have a good week too.  I know you'll achieve your goal too :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMaxine5555

I hope the download works this time!  :-)

Maxine5555 profile image
Maxine5555 in reply toZest

My phone must be too old.  The program is  'incompatible with this device'  One day I will discover technology from this century - but there's no rush :-)  Pen and paper job again!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMaxine5555

Sorry to hear that, but hopefully the pen and paper will serve you well.  :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toMaxine5555

You did well not to gain after your social weekend, so your exercise is paying off - good luck for a great week!

Fitforit75 profile image

Lowcal, well done on losing another 1lb! More less, wow!! Really glad you met your holiday goal and hope you have a lovely relaxing time :) Ruth thank you for your commitment to the thread and good luck with your future plans :)

I have lost 1&1/4lbs this week so down to 17st 7&1/2 (still 1/2lb to get back to where I was 2 weeks ago!)

I have had a good week in terms of exercise  so intend to keep this up, and a bad week in terms of drinking wine :/ so intend to not buy it so I can't drink it!

 Ed and I are going to North Yorks for a long weekend from Thurs so will be out in the lovely fresh air as much as poss! (may allow myself a little Prosecco while we're away.. ;) )

My youngest sister, her partner and their 1yr old son have been living with us as a "stopgap" while finding and buying a house. Unfortunately (for me and my sanity/diet/stress levels) they are still here almost 7 months later! My patience and goodwill are almost spent and I truly believe that when they move out I will find dieting, not drinking and generally feeling better about life in general, easier.. Here's hoping :)

Moan over :)

Have a happy healthy week all.

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toFitforit75

Hi Kate,

Thanks for your kind encouraging words, they are much appreciated!  :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1.25 pounds this week, and to getting closer to the mid 17's.  Well done for having a good week in terms of your exercise, and it's good that you've decided to limit your supply of wine - like you say, if it's not available, then you can't actually drink it!  You can savour some lovely Prosecco whilst you're away in North Yorks with Ed.  Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend together there.

Glad you shared your moan here in the thread, because it's better out than in, and I can appreciate it's tough to have unexpected guests who are staying far longer than originally anticipated!  I think your patience has been well and truly tested, and I think it's a great thing that you and Ed can get some respite for the long weekend away - you deserve it!  :-)

I really liked your Shellfie - that is such a great photo.

Hope you have a great week and a lovely relaxing weekend.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toFitforit75

That does sound stressful, so well done you for getting back on track and losing the weight again.

Enjoy your holiday and the walks and the Prosecco!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toFitforit75

Thanks Kate :)

I see you've changed your name - much more appropriate, although one has to ask what you may be fit for ;)

emielou profile image

congratulations to all who have been trying to lose weight! I haven't weighed in for 9 weeks - 8 feb. I weighed 9st 12lbs then and today I weigh 9st 10lbs. I haven't been trying daily for the past 2 months. been a rollercoaster. getting back on track to make exercise and healthy eating normal again. avoided writing on here as felt guilty as i hadn't lost any weight! onwards and downwards xox

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toemielou

Hi Emielou,

You've had a longish break from weighing, and it's good to see you again after 9 weeks away.  You've only gained 2 pounds in all that time, and that includes the Easter break - not sure if you celebrate Easter or not, but it was quite a challenging time for many of us.  You said it's been a rollercoaster for you over the past couple of months, and it's good to hear you're feeling that you're getting back on track in terms of exercising and eating normally again.  

I'm so sorry that you ended up feeling guilty about not losing any weight - we would have been very supportive to you - no matter what is happening on the scales, so I really hope that you'll be brave and post anyway next time, because it's at those rollercoaster times and tougher times that group support can really come into its own.  Let us try to support you through it next time, don't isolate yourself away.  We would never judge you Emielou, and we all go through difficult or challenging times - so we'd understand and be there for you.

As you've not been here for 9 weeks, I'll count your result as a 'new start' and we can go from now - a fresh page, a fresh week ahead, and so just focus on going forward, onwards and downwards.  Remember, that if you ever maintain, that is much better than a gain, and we celebrate that too, and if you happen to gain, then still post about it, as we can hopefully encourage you and support you to go forwards, learn from it, and do better again in the future.

Have a great week Emielou, and it's really good to see you back with us.

Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

emielou profile image
emielou in reply toZest

how kind! really lovely of you. thank you so much. your words mean a lot :-). i celebrated easter in the way that i ate a lot especially chocolate :-) i lost 2lbs but 2 months is such a long time, i felt embarrassed as my weight was up and down but mostly up. i comfort eat. my boyfriend had passed in october '15, but i am determined to still lose weight that i planned too from august '15. i weighed 10st 13lbs then. i am short, 5ft 1" and hope to get down to 8st 5lbs, within BMI guidelines from the nhs. thank you so very much Lowcal :-D 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toemielou

Hi again Emielou,

I've noticed that Anon-E-Mouse  has put me straight that you have actually 'lost' 2 pounds since February and not gained it, as I had suggested.  I can see you have also confirmed the same thing!  So thank you to you both for pointing this out to me!  :-) 

I don't know what's wrong with me - I was needing a cup of coffee I think, to stimulate my brain and get it working again - sometimes it goes a bit off the boil...!  

I'm glad you celebrated Easter, as it's a lovely time of year, but there's such a lot of chocolate around isn't there...!?

I am particularly impressed that you lost 2 pounds over that time, despite the Easter break, so that is a brilliant result.  Infact, I think I'll divide it by 9 weeks so we can give you a result for the stats - I can take 0.22 pound as a loss for your weekly result - hope that's ok!!!  Congratulations!!!

I am so sorry to hear that your boyfriend passed in October '15 - you have had to cope with such a significant bereavement, it must be really hard.  I hope though that you are doing better as time goes on, and that you will feel ok to join us for future weigh-ins.  It's lovely that you're on board with us.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

emielou profile image
emielou in reply toZest

Zest  & LessToLose  thank you both for being great encouragers. I am invigorated today from coming back online to the community. thank you :-D XOX

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toemielou

Welcome back and well done for not putting any weight back on (I probably would have, LOL), I hope you have a great week ahead!

Hello there,

I'm new to this site, but I need to lose a bit of weight. Last year I did a lot of kayaking- I completed a big trip and was really slim and lean when I came back. Unfortunately since August last year I have piled on the weight and haven't been doing as much exercise. 

My weight today is 71.1kg, I would like to be under 70kg soon and ideally about 66-68kg. My BMI still says I'm within the normal range for my height (5"8) but I know I'm not as healthy as I used to be and I have a belly now!

I am doing the couch to 5km plan and did the W7R1 today. I will keep up with running and going kayaking and to fitness classes. I must stop snacking on chocolate after dinner too!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Hi and welcome!

I am doing the C25K plan too and I love it, well done on getting so far into it, only a couple more weeks and you will be graduated.

All the best for successful weight loss, I am sure you will do it with all those fabulous activities!

modge profile image

hi all ...a better week for me ....

down to 97.3 kgs ...

don't know how as scoffed a whole ton of rice pudding the other night !!

it was a stressful moment after night duty lol

plan to keep at it ...especially eating fish 3 times weekly and restricting bread and potatoes ...opting for huge bowl of salad or veg instead ..

Feel better keeping wheat intake to minimum .

modge profile image
modge in reply tomodge

hat is down from 99.3 kgs last week

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tomodge

Wow, Modge, that is 2kgs - despite a stressful night shift and the tin of rice pudding (yum) - well done!

bakersdozen profile image

Lowcal I can't believe that you still lost with a birthday party  that is great! I wish I could learn the tricks from you! Lost 2 lbs this week so I am now 11.6.

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tobakersdozen

Excellent result, Bakersdozen, you are doing so well - in the lower 11s, yay!

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply toLessToLose

Thanks! Plus all my clothes are fitting me it is all this walking/dancing plus eating healthy! I feel so much better now! 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply tobakersdozen

That is such a nice feeling, so good to actually see the results, it encourages us to keep going.

Adheela profile image

Hi everyone, 

What amazing results Moreless, sounds like hard work! And well down lowcal, even managing a lb and enjoying treats is a bonus. I have not been doing any exercise, just trying to keep portions down. I have good news I have lost another lb. Today I'm 10 st 8! 

Targets for next week: Either walk 3 times a week to daughters preschool or try a dvd 3 times a week. Also to carry on meal planning. 

Well done everyone 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toAdheela

Well done Adheela, another lb off, that is fantastic progress.  I like your exercise plans for the week ahead, that will help greatly, I am sure!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toAdheela

Thanks Adheela, It didn't actually feel like hard work at all :)

Well done you for continuing onwards and downwards :)

WeightWarrior profile image

Hi folks.  Wow, lots going on here today eh!  

1.  Thank you Ruth for all the time you put into doing the stats, you did an amazing job!  Hope you will still be around the forum a bit, although life "offline" can get in the way of things, I can completely appreciate that!

2.  Happy holidays Moreless and congrats on a brilliant result.  I'm glad Lowcal told us you'd gone on holiday because I might have thought that this time when you turned sideways, you did genuinely disappear - lol!

3.  Woo hoo Lowcal!  Excellent result for you this week, birthday celebrations and still getting a loss is a fab outcome, very well done!  :-D

I lost 1 pound this week, which is quite good given that I had a midweek blip and went over my calorie allowance by a couple of hundred on one of the days - oopsie, should pay better attention!  Fortunately I am now in the mindset that when you get a hiccup, you just get right back on the wagon and keep looking forwards.  Seems to be paying off, slowly but surely...

Wishing everyone a good week ahead, and at the risk of sounding like Lowcal's echo (!) onwards and downwards!  :-D

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toWeightWarrior

I like your mindset, WeightWarrior, that is such a good way of thinking.  Have a great week ahead too!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toWeightWarrior

Thanks WW, I've not disappeared yet. I've been thinking about trying my "vanishing" act on the queue at Specsavers ;)

Can't telly you how happy I am to hear that you can deal with those irritating hiccups now :)

Onwards and downwards!...........echo..............echo......................echo ;)

Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Well done Zest  and moreless  for your respective losses this week 😀😀

I have had relatives here for three days and we visited other relatives so lots of sitting around chatting over cups of tea/coffee and (unfortunately) biscuits (I don't buy as not much will-power there), also all out for meals so no-one had to cook or wash up! The end result is that I haven't exercised as much as normal also I've eaten a huge amount and not the right food either. Thank goodness I don't drink or it could have been worse. I have stayed the same this week.

The upside of their visit is that they fixed me up with Wii fit exercise stuff (I don't understand it all), showed me how to turn it on and use it, so when I can't go out for a walk (eg raining or too dark, etc.) I can still exercise and in a fun way. 😃😃

It's lovely to get back to healthy eating today. Onwards and downwards...

p.s. Lowcal, if I've read Emielou's post right, she has lost 2lbs in nine weeks.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toAnon-E-Mouse

Hiya anon it's hard when life tries to scupper your plans, well done on minimising the damage - the wifit sounds fun I hope you enjoy it and your returned regime this week

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toAnon-E-Mouse

It sounds like you had a good time, so at least you managed to be mindful about your weight which is half the battle, I feel.

Enjoy the Wiifit, how handy!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toAnon-E-Mouse

Thanks Mouse :)

skipper65 profile image

Hello all, this is my first weigh-in post.  I am please to say that last week I weighed 10st 4lbs and this monday I weigh 10st 3lbs.  The goal is 9st 2lbs.  I am very pleased with my 1lb loss as there were two celebration meals one of which was in my house yesterday where I ate no less than 3 desserts.  Well, people had gone to the trouble of making them so I felt it was rude not to sample them.  That's my excuse and I am sticking to it.  However, I also did three 7km walks during my week and one 63.85km cycle.  I'll just say that again, 63.85km, which included a very long hill.  Now that may not sound like much to seasoned cyclists but it is my best so far and I have been cycling for six months.  To be very honest I was the last up the hill, (by quite a distance!) I always am but that's ok, or so my very encouraging fellow cyclists tell me.  They are so kind, they never leave me on my own, there is always some lycra-clad man plodding along beside telling me I am doing great.  I was so slow yesterday  another guy actually came back to make sure I hadn't got off the bike altogether - the shame!!!

Well done to moreless, that is a very impressive achievement.  Hope she has a great holiday and left that tape measure at home.

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toskipper65

I think you have done amazingly - I can't get over that bike ride!  Chapeau!

You've lost a pound, too despite the puddings - another triumph - well done!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toskipper65

63km is a fantastic achievement- made all the sweeter by a Lycra clad man😜 I barely cover that distance in 5 spin classes way to go! Exersise as played a part in your loss I am sure- keep up the good work

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply toskipper65

You're amazing - just because you get on a bike!! My hubby is a very keen rd and MTB biker but Lycra is most definitely not my friend and neither are hills :/ your 63.85k ride is fabulous - Ed (hubby) had joined our local gym and does regular spinning sessions and it has improved his strength and stamina for long rd rides an awful lot! Keep it up :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toskipper65

63.85K's???!!! WTG you!! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

5.30pm I'm cooking my dinner now and will be around now and then, but I know there are Fab 5'ers on the evening shift, and suzybenj  is back in the house as well now.  :-)

Happymary profile image

One pound off for me and I've enjoyed a good week of exercise and careful eating.  I need to do my measurements again but will leave that til next week. We'll done everyone. We are good at motivating each other. I need this space when my focus drops lower. 

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toHappymary

Evening happymary- well done on pound loss- they all add up in the end. And most of us need encouragement- which is why we use this site.  If I am a roll weight loss wise I do my measurements once a month:-)

Looks like you have a plan that is working for you:-) good luck for next week- onwards and downwards:-)

radioactiveblue profile image

I'm down 4 lbs since last week so now 205 lbs. I seem to have a few consecutive days dropping a pound or two a day, then stay the same weight for a few days. 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toradioactiveblue

What a great loss this week, radioactiveblue, it won't be long before you are in wonderland (one-derland)!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toradioactiveblue

RAB- that is brilliant - well done:-).  Whichever it is coming off - it clearly is successful:-)

I would stick to your winning strategy- as moreless would say- losers are winners:-)

radioactiveblue profile image
radioactiveblue in reply tosuzybenj

Thanks! I have a few milestones coming up ... 202 lbs (which will be 50 lbs down and half way to my goal), one-derland and then 196 lbs (where I become 'overweight' in BMI terms).

Keep losing everyone!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toradioactiveblue

Pom Pom waving and wishing you luck on those milestones - all good things to have in your sights:-)

gracierose25 profile image

Hi weighing inat 14st 4IBS , Which I have been stuck on for a long while now , being a nurse I am on my feet for long shifts , so loosing some weight I know would be very beneficial to me in more ways than one ,

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply togracierose25

Hi Gracierose, yes extra weight does take its toll on the body and the poor feet bear the brunt. 

The 12 week plan has been successful for many of us on here, so I am sure you will lose the weight that you want.  Good luck for a successful week and be sure to ask us on the forum if you need any help.

Tinkle72 profile image

Well done Lowcal on the 1lb loss!  It's hard to maintain at such times so to lose is excellent!

I  managed to maintain this week.  Neck was still playing up making sleep uncomfortable and a trip to the gym a no go.  It's slowly getting better so hope it hit the gym again this week.

My girls return to school this week too so outings with coffee breaks should reduce significantly but that will mean that the amount of walking will reduce as I'm back to my desk based job now for the 7 weeks to half term. So those trips to the gym will be needed to help lose.

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply toTinkle72

I am sorry about your sore neck, lack of sleep and pain could so easily drive you to the biscuit tin, so you have done well to maintain.

Hopefully you will manage some exercise despite being back at work, at least the evenings are longer now and a walk outside is doable after work if you have any remaining energy!

I hope your neck continues to improve and that you have a good week this week.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toTinkle72

Hi tinkle 72- I am a desk jockey too- and I find it hard to maintain exercise levels in week. I guess somewhere along the line the balance of days out with kids vs eating less at work will help:-). Anyway you maintained - so no damage done. Focus on this next week- hopefully the scales will register a loss:-)

Good luck for next week:-)

PP_1234 profile image

Hello & well done to everyone that has posted so far :) after graduating from C25k on Friday, my back starting hurting on Saturday and annoyingly I have not been able to do much in the way of exercise since then and have been off work today so feeling a little down. However, the scales have rewarded me as I have had a loss of 2lbs this week, which brings me to a total loss of 1st & 0.25lbs since I started 9 weeks ago, amazing results! Last week I was 14st 5.75lbs and this week I am 14st 3.75lbs :) so I am very happy. But I am worried if my back doesn't feel better soon that I won't be able to do much exercise this week but I will use it to try and stick to the plan even harder! I hope everyone has a good week! :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toPP_1234

Congratulations all round - finishing the C25k is a fantastic achievement- I still remember the satisfaction of 'crossing the finish line'  So sorry to hear about your back - but don't push it to soon - or you could set yourself back longer.  (My experience is the body does not forget what you have trained it to do.  Even with quite prolonged gaps in running - i can still crack off a 5k (slow) run:-)  )

On the weightless front schmazing...I am so pleased for  you-Just over a stone lost - which is a milestone in itself and a couple of pounds this week.  And all achieved in 9 weeks - really fantastic.:-)

I do hope your back feels better - good luck for next week- onwards and downwards :-)

PP_1234 profile image
PP_1234 in reply tosuzybenj

Thanks very much for the reply Suzybenj. I can't believe I actually miss running so I hope my back feels better very soon!

Rose-A profile image

Today I am 9 stone 9 which I THINK is a 2lb loss from last week :D

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toRose-A

Great news Rosa-A - 2 pound loss very respectable:-)

Good luck for next week:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toRose-A

Hi Rose-A,

Yes, I can confirm you're right, you are 2 pounds less than you were last Monday.  Really well done!  :-)

Lowcal :-)

Hi everyone- lost 1 lb this week due to dietary regime from doctor- spent another day in hospital (arms look like colanders from all the blood tests) and back there again on Thurs. I might as well let the cat out of the bag i found out a week ago i'm unexpectedly pregnant (totally unplanned and in the case of my partner- unwanted) and since then ive been sick as a parrot, fainting, getting agonising abdominal cramps, bleeding, shaking, heart palpitations, migraine visual disturbances in my left eye (without the headache) and during last week the hcg hormones were going up well but this week theyve only doubled but should have quadrupled so at yet another scan today i was told its not developing at the rate it should be and they couldnt even see it, yet they saw it on Thursday with a different scanner. So confusing as they can see everything else and i have all the symptoms which are increasing daily. 

Trying so damn hard to stay positive and accept "what will be- will be" but in 8 days ive had to go through the emotions of finding out i'm pregnant (accept that i'd have to change my diet and my 4th july goal which was so important to me) then accept everything is fine and going normally, now it might all be over- talk about messing with your head and then all the crazy emotional hormones on top - i wouldnt wish it on anyone- anyway if anyone has a tardis- can i please borrow it??? (failing that a rocket would do)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MarmiteRehoming,

I have just sent you a Private message as I wanted to reply to your post there in more detail - I hope you'll feel free to message me back if you want to, and in the meantime, please take care.  I haven't got a rocket or a tardis, but I do have a sympathetic ear, and I just want to say that your health is the most important thing, so keep following the advice of your hospital specialists and doctors, and I'd like to wish you the best.  You've had such a lot to process in the last few days, and I hope you will be ok. 

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Marmite Rehoming - that sounds like an awful lot on your plate - to chew over in one sitting.  Very brave and courageous to post here.   I have PM'd you

I am guess you are probably quite worried about the outcome whichever way it goes.  All those hospital tests etc must be very upsetting and then the uncertainty of how things will move fwd.

Pregnancy is wild on your emotions- and I guess not many people in your world know about it just yet - whilst you ride out the storm to see what will be.

Take care my friend and be kind to yourself.xx

in reply tosuzybenj

Thanks Suze ive been keeping it completely to myself so no-one actually knows and its been driving me crazy! Still i feel much better for just putting it out there (ok its anonymous- but its a first step) most of the time i seem to be ok but tonight i think the whole thing just got to me and i wanted to just stop carrying it silently on my own

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

We don't mind you unloading on us🎒

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Oh my! What a week! Weight loss must be the last thing on your mind 😞 Thinking of you, try to take care of yourself, very best wishes 😊

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

Sending you love and hugs take care of yourself you are the No1 prioritiy 😘

in reply toPrin

Thanks Prin i feel much better for letting it out : )

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Oh, that is so stressful and upsetting and confusing all in one.  I hope you feel much better very soon, whichever way it goes.

It is a tough time for you, so make sure you look after yourself and you know where we are if you need a shoulder.

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to

Oh Marmiterehoming, what a week!! Your goal may need to change and that will be fine - pregnant ladies can lose weight as long as they do it sensibly and with advice.. I really hope things work out for you however you want them to.. I had two pregnancies that started out with complications and the stress is unforgettable - my oldest is almost 18 and the whole pregnancy is still crystal clear! Don't be alone in this - if your partner is not supportive come on here please.

Hugs Kate xx

telute profile image

12st 13lbs - so a loss of 1lb which I'm very happy with and slightly surprised by as this hasn't been a good week.  

Hopefully I won't put it back on this week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply totelute

Hi Telute,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that is brilliant!  Glad you're very happy about that, and I know you're slightly surprised as it hadn't been a good week.  

I hope you don't put it back on this week - do stay strong and focused.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

You're into the 12's, that is very exciting!!!  Well done!!!  :-)

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply totelute

Such good news to lose 1lb even if you have had a bad week, so well done and I hope you succeed in having a better week this week.

AliceFraser profile image

Hello Everyone,

Not sure if I am too late for this session - I'm a newbie, I have been trying to loose weight alone and thought I could do with some company!

My current weight is 71kg (11'2)- and I am aiming to loose a stone and get to 65kg (10'2).

Last week I had a foot injury and can't move around at all, I'm worried I am going to put on the pounds, given I'm completely sedentary for the next few weeks, how much would you suggest cutting back on my daily intake? I'm currently around the 1200 mark.

Thank you!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toAliceFraser

It's never too late ( says she who is yet to weigh) welcome aboard we have a couple of newbies this week with a similar goal, Do you have tactics? If not have a look at the NHS choices 12 week plan it's a realistic place to start-1200 is a minimum really and remember the idea. Is to keep the weight off so something sustainable is key, good luck and check in next week

AliceFraser profile image
AliceFraser in reply toPrin

Thanks Prin! I am using a food plan from a nutritionist, but its only one week long, so I'm getting a bit bored! I'll be at the printer printing off the 12 week plan tomorrow. I hope to get down to 68 kg by the beginning of May. What are your tactics?

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toAliceFraser

I am a ' maintainer' so I weigh in regularly, I am currently recovering from very minor op so can't exersise much but normally go to the gym at 6.30 x3 times in order to misbehave at the weekends. 

I do loads of other excersise but since Jan I have had a fit bit with which I am obsessed- getting in my 10,000 steps a day you get a wee virtual badge for each 5,000 additional steps each day....,,

I have probably now around 120 dresses 😳 Purchased since goal sept 2013 size 8 to 12 mainly 10 and My motivation is to ensure they all continue to fit

Strange tactics indeed....

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply toPrin

I haven't seen the virtual badges! Where are they? :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toFitforit75

Click on account then your name at the top amd you will see top badges earned- a bit further down you can see all badges earned- let me know if you can see them

That's the list

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply toPrin

Thanks, I'll have to look on laptop in the morning - I will let you know :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toFitforit75

Do you not have  the app so you can sync to your phone? - or tablet?

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply toPrin

Aahhh I've never clicked on them - just assumed it was a one off accolade each time! Hmm now I really want to get 35000 steps in a day! Lol 

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toFitforit75

The gloves are off! 😜 I have that one time,  only also all my shoes up to ruby slippers 65,000 but I can't see me getting those again 😬

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply toAliceFraser

Hello AliceFraser  

Good idea to watch your calorie intake whilst you are recovering 😊 Also try to keep moving and do any exercises you have been given 😊 Hope you are soon on the mend! Best wishes

Emjayd profile image

Hi everyone,

Congratulations to everyone who has managed to lose weight and to everyone who has continued on this journey regardless of their results! Today I am starting week 2 of my journey. I have lost 2 and a half pounds this week and I am thrilled as I didn't think anything would come off. Today I weigh 10 stone 11lbs. My target is between 8 and 9 stone so a long way to go yet...

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toEmjayd

Well done a great start, set your self a mini goal, so it's just a mini hill rather than a mountain, keep going and here's to another successful week

john-bailey profile image

Evening all.Loss of 1.75lb this week to make up for last weeks 1lb gain.Now 12st 10.5lb and belly has shrunk but whats left is heading south.I find I have to count calories meticulously.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply tojohn-bailey

Us ladies have shape wear for that! Carry on the good work - how far away is goal? Have a good week👊🏾

john-bailey profile image

8.5lb to reach top end of "normal" weight but will try to go lower to have a buffer.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply tojohn-bailey

I am always at the top of mine now - I work at keeping my dress size constant 😜

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

Hi, just a quick note to tell you that I had a great week; visits from family kept me busy and we had some good walks together, so pleased to say had a 3lb loss!  Now weighing in a 13stone 12lbs (down from 15st 6lbs) and it has been some years since I was in the 13's!  Going to burn my (huge) old bras now....!!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toDartmoorDumpling

Hi DD great that you have licked the 14's and are now turning 13's to dust great work and a mid term medal for you🏅Have a great week 

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toDartmoorDumpling

It's annoying but get a bra refit (confidence boost) and a new more fitted, inexpensive item of clothing your budget is £10

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024 in reply toPrin

Making do with a couple of inexpensive T-shirt Bras from Bon Marche - very comfortable too!  (Only slightly over £10)!!  Got a cupboard full of Size 16's to re-discover as they start to do up again...this is the best bit of losing weight when you find your clothes have "grown"...

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toDartmoorDumpling

Away the 18's to the charity shop it's a pity we can't swish here👚👙👖👗

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

11.35pm I'm very tired now, so going to go to bed.  Night night everyone.  I'll be checking the threads tomorrow for any late weighers - it's been another excellent couple of Monday group weigh-in sessions - really enjoyed it, and some really inspiring posts.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply toZest

I realise why you are constantly losing weight the whole of your Monday is devoted to the thread no time for snacking or malpractice 😜 Good night 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toPrin

You're right, it's a good strategy!!! :-)

Mano20 profile image

Hi everyone

I am same 90 kg ,no change. congratulation to lowcal and moeless to loose weight.

And wish good holiday for is good time for you enjoy and enjoy.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMano20

Hi Mano20,

Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week, that is much better than gaining, so we do celebrate all 'maintains'.  

Thanks for your kind words to me and to moreless  , I agree with you, it is a lovely time of year to be away on holiday, and hopefully she will be enjoying it very much.

I hope you have a really good week.  Maybe next week you'll be into the 80's.  Good luck!  :-)

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMano20

Thanks so much for your kind words Mano :)

Mrscaw profile image

Thanks Ruth, for all your previous hard work and to Lowcal for taking on the task! Hope moreless has a great time. No change at 11st 6 this week. Had family staying all week. Had some lovely outings, tried to have healthy options, but succumbed to the easy 'sandwiches for all' preparation on some days. Will make time to do soup for me next time. Really admire those with children at home who manage to stay on track! 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMrscaw

Hi Mrscaw,

Good morning.  Thanks for your kind words to myself, moreless  and Hidden  . 

I hope you've enjoyed your week with your family staying with you.  It's great that you've had some lovely outings and that you tried to have healthy options - definitely tougher when routine is changed.  Soup is always a good fall-back, so that's a good plan for another time.  

Congratulations for maintaining your weight over that time period, as that is an achievement!  Well done!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mrscaw profile image
Mrscaw2lbs in reply toZest

Thanks Low cal, sorry response to the post was a bit late. I'm back logging calories from today, so fingers crossed for this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toMrscaw

That's fine, Mrscaw, and fingers crossed for this week.  :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toMrscaw

Thanks so much Mrscaw, I did indeed have a great time :)

Prin profile image

Morning lowcal Ian jealous/in awe as you are now rooted in12's can tell you where I am breakfasting this morning but it is work and it paid for yesterday's lovely dress. Got on the scales before I went 11.3 so 1.5lb on due to drinking for a week with gay abandon, aim for this week 1lb off since I shouldn't be & gym but gentle walking allowed so will aim to do my 10,000 per day

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toPrin

Hi Prin, (Lovely Fab 5'er),

Great that you're enjoying a lovely breakfast this morning, and that you've got a lovely new dress - fantastic!  Sounds like you had a week of celebrations last week - and I'm sure that you'll soon get that 1.5 pound off.  You've set a goal to lose 1 pound this week, so good luck, and I hope you enjoy a lovely week. 

Enjoy that gentle walking, and hope the weather shines on you for those walks.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toPrin

:-) I am having my own road to damascus this week.  Wine bottle firmly shut...I need a turn round plan:-)

Alisonayb profile image

Good morning.  I hope I am not too late.  Missed posting my weight yesterday - it was a bit manic with work and sorting stuff for my partner's parents' birthdays today and tomorrow.  I could really have done with his grandparents planning things a bit better! Have done some embroidery for his mum and also made home made chocolates.  I would like to say I did not lick the bowl but I would be lying ☺️.  Just managed a tiny lick though 😁.  My partner tried one to make sure they are fit for consumption rather than the bin and he gave the thumbs up.  Now just need to sort his dad's stuff out tonight - finish making a memory box and more chocolates!

Anyway, I stayed the same ...... Again!  11st 12lbs last week and 11st 12lbs this week.  I aim to try and get in even more exercise this week and also to plan meals a bit more.  However, have another long weekend in London and will be spending Monday afternoon on the top deck of a route master enjoying afternoon tea.  Eeek!

Well done moreless on your weight loss.  Gives me inspiration to keep going.  Hope you have a great holiday.

Also, sad to see Ruth step down but glad she will still be with us.  Hope everything you are doing goes as you want it to.

I will be weighing in next Tuesday again.  Realistically, I would like to see a maintain.

Good luck for the week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toAlisonayb

Hi Alisonayb,

No, you're not too late!  Good to see you!!!  :-)  Sounds like you're very busy at the moment, and I hope you've sorted out your partner's parents' Birthdays for today and tomorrow.  How lovely that you've done some embroidery for his Mum, and those homemade chocolates - those are  really thoughtful presents, and I hope she appreciates the work you've put into that.  :-)  Wow, a memory box for his Dad and more chocolates - really thoughtful too. 

Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week, as it is so much better than gaining.   Good luck with your excellent plan to pre-plan some meals and do more exercise, sounds like a winning formulation.

Lovely that you have a weekend in London to look forward to, and I'm sure that Monday afternoon's special Afternoon tea will be amazing.

Thanks for your kind words to us all, and I hope you have a really great week, and enjoy celebrating those Birthdays, and your weekend too.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toAlisonayb

Thanks Alison, I would be delighted to inspire you and others. The way I see it, is that if I can, anyone can :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Just to update that asics  has lost 0.7 pound this week - Congratulations Asics!!!  :-)  Thank you for your update post, and I'm so sorry you had difficulties last week in posting your update.  Hopefully it will be better in future, and I hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Claire31 profile image

Sorry I'm super late!! Weighed in at 11st 4.75 this week have decided to go to decimals as my losses are so little!! So this week have lost .25lb xx good luck everyone for the week xx

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply toClaire31

:-) every little bit counts - and i count the quarter pounds too:-)

Good luck for next week - onwards and downwards:-)

Hi Lowcal. Well done on losing the pound despite celebrations for your hubby's birthday. Wasn't able to get on the scales yesterday morning so weighed this morning instead and I have stayed the same. Pleased with this result as I was housesitting at my sister's and her larder is full of chocolate, popcorn and crisps. I did succumb somewhat so glad I didn't put on any weight. Back home this week and after the Oreos incident yesterday, no more snacking this week.

Onwards and downwards :) :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Excellent - I think always a good result - when you have indulged and no impact on the scales- hooray:-)

Hi all

Well done to all you losers especially Lowcal and Moreless. I am pleased to report another loss of 1.75 lbs so now 10 stone 2.5 lbs. Those elusive 9's are hopefully not too far away now. I think I was 12 years old the last time I was in the 9 's so will definitely make it for my 60th in September. Thanks once again for all your support I am only online again for a few minutes so will not be able to respond but will catch up properly at the end of May. Xx to all

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

go you mimsta- well done:-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Mimsta, I'm so pleased that you're paving the way for us :)

Ready2change profile image

Newbie alert! Day one of the 12 week plan was yesterday, and as usual at the start of a diet I am feeling positive..... long may it continue! 

Starting weight: 15st 2lb, waist 105cm

Target number one: 14 st 7lb

(Ultimate target: 11st 7lb)

I'm hoping tracking with this forum will help keep me on the straight and narrow - I love reading everyone's success stories. 

Thanks! x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toReady2change

Hi Ready2change,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in session - great you've decided to join us, and I hope you'll enjoy being part of this group.  I am glad to hear you're already on Day 1 of the 12 week plan - I think it's an excellent plan and the fact you're feeling positive is of course a great start - so like you say, long may it continue!!!

You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do that, as it can be a daunting first step sometimes. Great that you've also taken your waist measurement too - those body measurements can be very motivating as they change over time.  You've also set a mini-target weight, and it's great that you've been reading people's success stories - they are very motivating! 

Have you seen the Welcome Newbie post, which moreless  has collated?  Here's a link incase you've not seen it yet, and you'd like to have a read:

Also, do check out our Pinned Posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage) for details of various Challenges going on in the forum currently, and also the Recipe collation post is there too, and is worth a read if you're looking for new recipe or meal ideas.

Have a great week and enjoy it!

Lowcal :-)

Ready2change profile image
Ready2change in reply toZest

Thankyou. Day three now and so far so good! 

Quite looking forward to monday so I can get a week under my belt and hopefully see a result on the scales. However, Just focusing on one day at a time at the moment. 

Thanks for replying.

Nussaybah profile image

Dear Lowcal and team! (Are you the Fab 4ers now!!?)

I am so happy to read these good news about everyone. 

I am sad to see Ruth_canal_runner go but at the same time I completely understand and plus it's good to know we will still see her here and there in the forum. She did a great job with our stats and I'm glad you are able to carry on doing this task Lowcal. 

Lowcal congratulations as well on your 1 pound weight loss even though there were celebrations going on. And your plan for this week sounds good. 

Moreless what can we say? I am so glad your absence is temporary only, and I hope you are enjoying yourself. Five stones in just seven months wow, amazing. 

On Monday morning I was weighing 69.2kg i.e. 10 stones and 12.5 pounds or 152.5 pounds. That is half a pound less than my last weight in which was two weeks ago. Not much but I will take that. Especially considering that last Monday (when I could not register my weight to the thread) I actually had gained  2.5 pounds! So really if one compares to last week I have lost 2.75 pounds in a week!! I am very determined to lose a bit more weight before I properly maintain. 

I have to admit I feel much more relaxed with myself, my food, my lifestyle, the way I look etc. The changes are quite dramatic with this 3 stone-loss and a new wardrobe. The confidence I have gained is extraordinary, I feel good every day when I go out, nothing can buy that. It's like I'm on a catwalk every single day even when I just go to the fruit and veg stall round the corner lol. 



Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply toNussaybah

Hi Nussaybah,

It's lovely to see you, and great to hear you've lost 2.75 pounds this week!  I will count that amount as we do take the last week's data, so many Congratulations!  

I love the fact you spoke of feeling as if you're "on a catwalk every single day" even when you're off to the fruit and veg stall around the corner - you have lost 3 stones and you have a new wardrobe - you are amazing!!!  Such fantastic progress, and I'm glad you're enjoying your new slim figure.

Great to hear you're feeing much more relaxed with yourself, your food, your lifestyle and the way you look.

Thank you so much for your kind words to myself, moreless  and also the very kind things you said regarding Hidden .  She is still around and about in the forum, and that is so great.  :-)

I hope you have a great weekend, and wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toNussaybah

Thanks so much Nussaybah, I had a fab time away, but I'm glad to be back to catch up with everyone :)

Will we be seeing you on the telly soon, strutting your stuff on the catwalk? ;) I'm so happy for you :)

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