Really pleased to have found this website. It all makes so much sense. After years of dieting I don't trust that anything will work anymore so I'm looking forward to proving to myself that I can do this. It was all about fitting into my clothes before but at nearly 50 I'm starting to worry about what I'm doing to my body. I just want to be healthy and lose some weight. Sounds easy so why do I always fail after a few weeks on a yet another diet! Hopeful that this is the way to go
Newbie: Really pleased to have found... - Weight Loss Support

Hello pickle17
I don't know why but this time I am managing to keep losing weight, slowly and consistently, since August last year. I managed to have small 'breaks' for holidays and get back to plan immediately. BUT I am not 'on a diet' I am following a healthy eating plan for life long fitness and health. For me, the key is finding the right plan, one that fits in with my home life and daily routine, with food I enjoy. Together with an exercise routine that I enjoy. I have created good habits, (slowly) and feel more confident of keeping the weight down this time. I am almost 55 and been 'dieting' for 40 years. If I can do it, anyone can!! Good luck! 😊
I've done loads of diets I loose about half a stone then give up I eat too much sweet things and I think I'm to impatient I'm expecting to loose it all in a few weeks but it don't work like that so fingers crossed I can do it this time.we can do it good luck
Hi pickle17,
As Anna said its a lifestyle change, ditch the word 'diet' and look forward not back.
Have a look at the pinned 'newbies' tag to the right of the posts and if you fancy why not join in the 20,000 leagues challange ?? Take it slow and steady, you will get there and best of all it's free !!

Sounds interesting Flossie. I'll have a look and sign up. Feeling up for anything at the moment. Haha.

Hi Pickle!
I agree with you, I don't trust "diets". There's so many fads, ridiculous claims, and bad information out there that I've avoided dieting like the plague. But in January this year I knew I had to do something when the scale hit 15 stone, just wasn't sure what! It wasn't just the weight, which was a problem, but I wanted to be healthier all around. I was really pleased to find the NHS 12-week plan as it had the advice I needed. Even better, it's free! I completed week 12 last week and it's really worked well (I'm at 13 stone 2 lbs) and I'm feeling so much better in myself. I have a ways to go still, but at least now I have the confidence to know that I CAN do it and I don't have to do it alone.
Granted, it also helps that I'm no longer working in a kitchen!
Good luck!
Blimey. Well done you. That's just the motivation I need. Dare I say it but compared to all the diet stuff that's out there this does seem to make the most sense. My hubby's always telling me it's not rocket science and doesn't understand how confused you become and then bury your head in biscuits and chocolate. This looks so good and as you say, it's free. Yay.,
Welcome Pickle! I too have given up dieting! I have been just calorie counting with the help of My Fitness plan and of course the support of this site. I've been doing this 4 weeks and have lost 11 lbs so far. I haven't felt hungry or tempted to go off the rails so who knew after all these years that eating sensibly and not depriving myself would work! I hope that you find what works best for you xxx 😆
Thank you so much. 11 lbs in 4 weeks is awesome. I love that eating sensibly and not depriving ourselves works. I always thought I couldn't be bothered to count calories but it's not hard work I love my friend for suggesting this site when we were having our usual 'it's not working' coffee chat. She'd seen the advert on tv.
Hi pickle17. I am fast approaching 50 too and wanted to be slimmer, fitter and healthier. I have yo-yo'd weight wise for years and think it gets harder as you get older. It seems its all about a lifestyle change and getting out of old habits, moving more and eating less. It needs to be something that you can stick with longterm. So many people on this forum are doing so well and I am sure you will succeed this time.
Hi pickle17 hello and welcome! I am new to this forum too, it's really friendly!