It is what it is πŸ˜•: Hi all, Hope... - Weight Loss Support

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It is what it is πŸ˜•

β€’19 Replies

Hi all,

Hope everyone is goodπŸ˜ƒ

It's been 5 weeks since I've weighed in, this has been due to illness. I'm now on the mend and ready to get back in the groove 😜

I've needed to take steroids so weight is up, today I'm starting at 12.13 Ib and it's the heaviest I've been for over a year and I can feel every Ib of my gain !! Clothes are tight and I feel very lumpy !!πŸ€”

While unwell I have still tried to stay with the round the world challange and my kms have been slow and steady, from Monday I am going back to circuit class and I can't wait !! I need my fix !! Lol

This week it's back to basics and I've printed off a diary sheet to keep me focused and on track πŸ˜ƒ

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and a great week.


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19 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Flossie,

I am really glad to hear that you're finally on the mend and ready to get back into the groove again after your period of illness, and having to take the steroids etc. It's been tough for you I know, and I'm so glad to hear things are turning around, and that you've got your diary sheet printed off to help to keep you focused and on track, and back to basics sounds like a great foundation to build on.

Wishing you a great weekend, and also a really good week ahead.

Enjoy your day!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal,

It's great to be back πŸ˜ƒ and I'm so ready for the change.

If there's one thing I've learned is how much rubbish I can shovel in when I can't taste anything !!!

Meeting up with friends tomorrow and hoping for a nice walkπŸ˜ƒ

Enjoy your weekend and catch up on Monday


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Yaaaay Flossie! You've done this before and you'll do it again and we'll be behind you all the way, cheering you on! I've got my pom poms ready! :D

Wish I was 12st 13lbs ;)

in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless,

Love them pom-poms 😜, I'm so glad to be feeling better and ready for a big push ( I hope !!) of kms for the remainder of our awesome trip😎

I want to be back on dispatches !!

You are so right, wether it's a few Ibs or a few stone we can all do this together, cheering and supporting each other🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Flossie, Flossie, Rah, Rah, Rah! :D

trafford1 profile image

Hi flossie :-) I know you have had a tough time with being ill. 5 weeks is a very long time to not be able to continue with your journey as much as you would have liked. It can be a little harder to kick start things again as I have just found out recently when I got back into exercising after having a two week break due to pain and injury and in total I had 3 weeks off.

It's great that you still managed some kms to keep up with your exercise routine and hopefully you'll be fully fit for you next circuit class. Go easy though hun :-) and build into it. I know what you mean about needing that fix :-) back to basics sounds like a good plan and you sound ready to kick some butt

Best wishes floss :-)

Traff x

in reply to trafford1

Thanks Mrs T,

It has felt like a long time and you are so right about how hard it can be to get back into the routine and I don't want to overdo things!!

I'm already managing to up my walking, still a little breathless but it is getting easierπŸ˜ƒ and even if I only manage half a class it's something !!

Hope you are getting over your injury and feeling ok xx


Veronicaby profile image

You sound like you know what you want all I can say is go...... For it..πŸ˜€

in reply to Veronicaby

Thanks Veronicaby,

You are right, sometimes we've just got to dust ourself down, make no excuses and change ! πŸ˜ƒ


Jenever profile image

So pleased you're feeling better Flossie, I'm full of admiration, to continue with the challenge must have been difficult, so hats off to you. Have a good weekend.

in reply to Jenever

Thanks Jenever,

Same back, I know it's not been plain sailing for you {{{{ hug}}}}}. We can do this πŸ˜ƒ


LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

You have done really well to keep on clocking up kms even when you were poorly. I am sure a lot of the weight is due to the steroids and once you are back into your normal exercise routine, they will drop off quickly.

in reply to LessToLose

Thanks LotToLose,

The challange gave me something to focus on, even taking the dog out got me moving. I never clocked up any aerobic kms as I was not able to move that quickly!! but it all adds upπŸ˜ƒ

I'm hoping that getting back to class , moving more and eating regularly and healthily will get me back down, I will turn it around πŸ˜ƒ


Good luck flossie :-) It's such a shame you've been ill and that you've had to take medication that's made you gain weight. Steroids can be a nightmare for that ! Well done on keeping with the km challenge though - you've done really well :-)

in reply to

Thanks Lucca,

It's all you fab folk that kept me going and the lure of Daniel Craig !!!!😜

Now it's back to reality and re-start the ongoing journeyπŸ˜ƒ


sueper profile image

Hi Flossie,

Sorry you have been unwell and gained. But you have the right attitude - it is what it is. No point fretting about it or making yourself feel bad,

Glad you are feeling better and able to get back to your circuit training.

I am sure those pounds will start to come off soon enough :)

in reply to sueper

Thanks Sueper,

It's been a bit of a long haul but ready to get cracking againπŸ˜ƒ

I'm still thinking re Easter challange, I don't want to state a Ibs to lose goal, but will think of somethingπŸ€”

I ve already had a creme egg ( purely medicinal !!) πŸ˜•

Enjoy your weekend


sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

A creme egg!! I have refused to eat them since they changed the chocolate - still tempted but resisted so far! Hope it helped you recover.

I decided to approach the Easter challenge in a different way as I failed miserably with the xmas challenge. I'm not doing great but you never know the bunny may get eaten before the end of April!

Enjoy the rest of you weekend :)

in reply to sueper

Oh no not the bunny !!! πŸ‡


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