Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (1st February 2016) - Morning Session.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
282 Replies

Hi everyone,

This Monday Group weigh-in is run by the Fab 5'ers (Prin, Suzybenj, Ruth_Canal_Runner, Moreless, and me, Lowcal). If you weigh in with us today (using the 'Morning Session' thread for morning weigh-ins, and the 'Afternoon/Evening Session' thread for later weigh-ins), then one or more of us will respond to you at some point - please be patient if you don't get a response for a while, as it can get very busy, and we do have other commitments, but we will ensure everyone receives a response.

If you're joining us for the first time today, then welcome. Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your initial weight loss goals - setting yourself mini-goals leading to your ultimate weight loss goal is particularly helpful. You could also make a note of your body measurements. You can always refer to previous weigh-in threads if you want to see what other people typically post (just click on my profile, Lowcal, and you'll be able to see a list of all previous posts which are all clearly dated).

The weekly stats for last Monday's thread make very encouraging reading:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 136.

Total overall weight lost: 149.4 pounds (67.8 kilos).

Total people who lost weight: 87 (165.9 pounds lost) (75.25 kilos).

Total people who gained weight: 17 (16.5 pounds gained) (7.5 kilos).

Total people who maintained their weight: 18.

Total people starting out on the their weight loss journey/plan: 12.

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 2.

The Afternoon/Evening session has now been posted, and the link is here:



OK, I'll kick off with my weigh-in for this week:

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 1.8 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 2.2 pounds, so I've gained 0.4 pound this week. I had a large Sunday lunch yesterday (family Birthday at a restaurant), so I was expecting a greater gain. Therefore I am feeling reasonably ok with such a small gain, and I'm hoping that I will be able to try to lose 2 pounds next week - as I was good for most of this week. I know that as long as I get back on track today, I should hopefully see a loss on the scales next week.

I am going to try to do more 'strength exercises' - things like squats, press-ups, sit-ups etc, as part of my daily exercise and complement that with 3 gym sessions, and some walks - so that I ensure I keep up my exercise, and I'm hoping to do some weight training as part of my gym work-outs. The other thing I'm hoping to continue is trying to have a larger fasting window in the evenings - i.e. not having any snacks after 8pm.

I'd like to wish everyone a really good week ahead, and here's to our motto: Onwards and downwards - I hope to join many of you in contributing to a downward trend on the scales next week! But remember it's not all about the scales, and keeping your body measurements can also be useful, as sometimes the scales may increase of stay the same, but the body measurements can change.

I checked my body measurements today, and they are: Chest = 39 inches; waist = 32 inches and hips = 41 inches. I have therefore lost 1 inch off my chest and 1 inch off my waist since I last did the measurements before Christmas. I'm really pleased. It shows me that even when the scales don't show a loss, that the body measurements can change for the better.

Wishing everyone a great weigh-in day, and hope you'll join us for this Monday group weigh-in. Make sure you enjoy being part of the group, and interact and support each other as much as you want. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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282 Replies
gareth0073 profile image

Good morning only lost 1lb this week week 4 now 12 st 8 started at 13 st 3 so lost a total of 9 lb was hoping to get into double figures this week lol Gareth

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gareth0073

Hi Gareth,

Good morning! Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that is really great! You've lost a total of 9 pounds, that is well on your way towards your first stone. I know you were hoping to get into double figures this week, but you're doing brilliantly, making great progress, and hopefully next week you'll be celebrating achieving those double figures.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

mommygal profile image
mommygal in reply to gareth0073

Um, one pound is awesome! You lost weight, which means you're heading the right direction! Way to go!

small-steps profile image
small-steps in reply to gareth0073

Hi Gareth0073 you still are heading in the right direction. It will be double figures next week

Emma-and profile image

I gained a pound this week but I have had a tiering week by middle child got chicken pox and passed it to her little sister so being housebound and eating from freezer and cupboard what ever is left but it's fine it's not like its ha gain so I am now 12.11

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Emma-and

Hi Emma-and,

You have had a lot on your plate this week, with your middle child having the Chicken Pox, and then your younger child catching it - I can understand that was tough, as you were consequently housebound and reliant on the contents of your freezer and cupboard. At least you've only gained 1 pound, and hopefully that will soon be off again, once you're able to get back to a normal routine.

Hope your daughters are feeling much better and that you all have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Emma-and profile image
Emma-and in reply to Zest

Well my hubby been fab trying to help but he works nights so there only so much can do fingers crossed can lose this week with kids at home still x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Emma-and

Great that your hubby has been helping out. Good luck for this week, fingers crossed! :-)

helenb1967 profile image
helenb1967 in reply to Zest

I hope your Children are feeling brighter. Another Monday, another week :)

mommygal profile image
mommygal in reply to Emma-and

Someone once told me that, with every addiction, there's regression. I used to smoke, so I relate to that. Not sure if eating is an addiction for me, but I like to apply the idea to everything in my life. There's always going to be reverse steps. It's what you do going forward. And, btw, I relate to child = tired = eat too much. ha ha

Lardlegs profile image

Morning all, put on 1lb again this week, I am finding this so difficult. I know what I need to do and how to do it it's just the actual getting on with it. Starting again today.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lardlegs

Hi Lardlegs,

Good morning! Sorry to hear you're finding it difficult - and I wonder what you could do to make it easier - I know you said you're starting again today, but maybe there are some things that you could consider to try to make the week a better one. You've gained 1 pound, but try not to let that affect you too much, and move forward from it.

Pre-planning is a helpful strategy - so maybe think about planning your meals for the next couple of days, so that you don't have any unexpected extras - and work out when your more challenging times are, so you can put a strategy in place to try to help yourself through it. e.g If grazing at night is common for you, then maybe look for distracting activities you can do instead - or maybe think about putting food 'out of sight' so that it's not a temptation.

I don't know what things are difficult for you, but maybe taking time to consider them will help you to work out a way to make things easier.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

mommygal profile image
mommygal in reply to Lardlegs

Don't beat yourself up. Every day you wake up is a new day to change your life or your habits or anything!

small-steps profile image
small-steps in reply to Lardlegs

Hi Lardlegs

Only a lb on, great that you are starting again today. Hope all goes well this week and we'll see less of you next week. You can do it.

gertie61 profile image

hi all

my start weight is 11.10. I had a hip replacement 8 weeks ago so exercise is still limited (though walking is encouraged). I gained a couple of stone over the past to years, mainly through reduced mobility due to the arthritis, but working in a management role and being office based didn't help!

I will be happy with 1lb loss this week, as I will be away from home for half the week, but I do plan on increasing my walking distance.

I will be limiting myself to a 12 hour eating window, so whatever time I get up, I will fast after 12 hours until I wake the following day. May reduce that over time.

hoping everyone is happy with their weigh in this week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gertie61

Hi Gertie,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday group weigh-in. You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do that. I hope you're recuperating well following your hip replacement 8 weeks ago. I know your exercise is still limited, but it's great that you can do some walking and that is encouraged.

You've set yourself a good goal to lose 1 pound this week, and I hope you cope ok with being away from home for half the week, and that you manage to increase your walking distance.

Good luck also with your 12 hour fasting window.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

2bFabnfit profile image

I too had a big Sunday lunch yesterday with friends. I too gained 0.4 kg but am still at the bottom of my maintenance range at 55 kg. I am still happy with this weight . All the best to my forum buddies

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hi 2bFabnfit,

I hope you enjoyed your big Sunday lunch yesterday - you are still at the bottom of your maintenance range at 55 kg, so Congratulations for maintaining so well. You only gained 0.4 kg, and it is within your maintenance range, so that is fantastic. You are still happy at that weight, and that is the important thing.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Alisonayb profile image

Good morning everyone. It's great to hear how positive you are about such a small gain and encouraging for the rest of us.

Last week I weighed 12st, today I am 11st 12lbs so a loss of 2lbs which I am obviously pleased about.

I am looking forward to reading all the posts on my way to work. Will be good distraction as I will not be having breakfast until I get there. On the bus now. Then a walk and the train.

Good luck. Everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Alisonayb

Hi Alisonayb,

Good morning! Thanks for your kind words.

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and to also getting into the 11's - that is a great transition, and I bet it feels good!!! :-)

Hope your bus journey goes well and that you enjoy the walk before getting your train. Great that you'll be reading the posts during your journey, and I hope you enjoy your breakfast when you get to work.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Alisonayb profile image
Alisonayb in reply to Zest

Thank you. It does feel good after I maintained last week. That is a total loss of 6lbs in three weeks which I think is good going.

I have added in more excercise by going for short power walks during my lunch break. I did it twice last week so aiming for three times this week. It has the added benefit of waking me up for the afternoon!😁

I forgot to mention that I will not be able to weigh in next Monday as I am going to London for a long weekend with my partner. I will be weighing myself on Tuesday instead. I am expecting to gain so a maintain next week would be good. I will not be able to calorie count so will be hoping that making healthy choices, portion control and lots of walking will help out. Also, if I am extra good until Friday, I might store up a small loss to help out.

Trying to decide whether to weigh myself Friday or just bite the bullet and leave it to Tuesday.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a really good week ahead.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Alisonayb

Hi Alison,

I hope you have a lovely break with your partner. You can always join us on Tuesday to post your weigh-in results if you want to next week, as Ruth normally doesn't calculate the stats till later in the week - completely up to you. You could do that or leave it till the following week.

Sensible to set yourself the goal of maintaining in view of your long weekend break - good luck!

Lowcal :-)

Alisonayb profile image
Alisonayb in reply to Zest

Okay, that's great. I'll do that. 🙂

Bobs-Minion profile image

Only lost 0.4lb this week :( , new weight 173.6lb, total loss so far 5.6lb.I always weigh less on a Friday than I then do on the MOnday?? Weird. Anyway got to be super good for the next fortnight if I'm going to make 168lbs by my birthday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bobs-Minion

Hi Bobs-Minion,

Congratulations for losing 0.4 pound this week, and to achieving a total loss of 5.6 pounds. Great that you have your Birthday a fortnight ahead, and that is something to work towards. You're doing well, so keep positive and focus on the journey ahead, and you'll be getting closer to your goal by next Monday.

I know what you mean about often weighing less on a Friday than on a Monday, I also find weekends are more challenging in that respect - but that's partly why having a Monday weigh-in can be quite good, as it helps to keep the mind focused even during a potentially challenging time.

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Morning Lowcal and forum friends :)

Bad luck that the meal scuppered your week Lowcal, how jolly unfair! ;) Not to worry, with your great strength exercise plans, I'm sure next week's weigh-in will be a different kettle of fish all together :) I'm so envious of your fab measurements! Roll on the day that I see some 3's :)

Today I'm very relieved to report a maintain, as the scales had been showing a rising gain all week! :o

It's made me think about my large loss last week and I realise how easy it is to accept a downward blip in our weight as something we deserve - however, we don't feel the same about upward blips, in fact we feel downright miffed! ;)

Just a thought for the day :)

Good luck today everyone! Onwards and downwards! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless (lovely Fab 5'er),

Good morning!

Thanks so much for your very kind and supportive words - you are definitely helping to spur me on with your mention that next week's weigh-in will be a different kettle of fish - I felt it would be good to pledge my exercise goals publicly in today's post, so it would spur me on to ensure I carry them out.

Congratulations to you for maintaining your weight this week. You have had some extremely large losses on the scales recently, and the fact you've maintained that weight loss this week is fantastic! So well done. I know you had noticed some rises on the scales earlier in the week, so it's good that you haven't actually gained today.

You've done lots of great exercise this week too - I noticed your Kicking the Kms totals in the Around the World Challenge, and they are fantastic!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal :)

We'll both have a great Monday next week :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to moreless

Good morning Lovely Moreless - congrats on a great week - I hope you are finding a good way to measure your fitness gains because judging by your posts in the RTW challenge they must be off the chart!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonti

That's extremely kind of you Gonti :)

I'm just trying to up my weekly averages gradually and see how far I can go. Roll on longer, lighter and drier days, because then I shall really be able to crack on :)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to moreless

Well done on maintaining this week moreless and I can see from all of your smiley's that you are more than happy :-) :-) :-) onwards and downwards! :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to trafford1

Thanks T1, I am indeed more than happy :)

Onwards and Downwards! :)

amz786 profile image

Hi everyone☺Good morning!! well its my 2nd week weigh i was 82.5kg today i am . Not bad put on 5lbs i was expexting a bit more as i had my period last week and u put on a little bit hoping to lose that next week😉😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to amz786

Hi amz, I'm a little confused. The difference between 82.5kgs and 83kgs is only 0.5kgs, or 1.1lbs. I think you're doing yourself a big disservice by adding 5lbs this week ;)

1.1lbs is a minimal gain considering it was your time of the month and I'm sure that'll disappear this week with no trouble :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to amz786

Hi Amz786,

Good morning!

You have gained 0.5 kg, so that isn't a gain of 5 pounds, it's more like 1.1 pounds isn't it? I'll report it as a gain of 0.5kg anyway, as Ruth_Canal_Runner will be doing our stats this week, and so she will make a note of that amount, but I'm pretty sure that is 1.1 pound gained, rather than 5 pounds.

I also notice a weight gain during a period week, so you've probably gained due to your hormones. I'm sure that will come off again next week, like you say.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

amz786 profile image
amz786 in reply to Zest

Ok. That's nice to know!! Yeah was rushing this morning with 5 kids and partner. Wow i feel much better😃😄. Thank guys. Here i was thinking that i need to lose that much more in next coming weeks. So glad its not what i was thinking

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to amz786

Glad you're feeling better! Glad we were able to point that out and that you can enjoy your day feeling reassured! :-)

trickoflight profile image

Happy Monday all!

Beginning weight- 129kg

Week 1- 126kg

Week 2- 125kg

Week 3- 124.5kg

This week- 123.6kg

That extra gym session really paid off for me this week. I am hoping to increase my time by an extra 5 minutes each time I go. Does anyone have tips to get the best out of my exercise time? I recently swapped gyms back to one I feel comfortable at as I think you really need to take the optimal exercise environment into account.

Such a small gain forva big lunch, Lowcal. Sometimes together time with the family offers its own reward for mental wellbeing even if the roast potatoes are hard to resist!!

Everyone on here is so inspirational and whether we lose, gain or maintain we are all a step closer to being a healthier version of ourselves. Keep at it.

Hope you all have a great week. x

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to trickoflight

Morning - you asked about tips for getting the best out of the gym . I have relied a lot on the gym while recovering from a serious leg injury and here is some of what what I learnt (i) change routines every 6 weeks (ii) measure lots of things every six weeks - for example waist, wrist, upper arms, butt, number of press ups you can do, or reps * weights if you are doing strength training. (iii) borrow loads of books from the library and browse you tube films for ideas. (iv) Try everything out (v) get good headphones and make the most of music, talking books, BBC iplayer radio.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to trickoflight

Well done Trickoflight, those are great stats! :)

I'm afraid I'm not a gym bunny, but I'm sure someone far more knowledgeable than me will answer your question :)

If you need any motivation though, please join us on our trip Around the World in 80 days :)

We are an inspirational bunch, aren't we and I include you in that statement :)

Have another great week yourself :)

suzymac profile image
suzymac in reply to trickoflight

Hi , well done on your constant downward trend. I don't really enjoy the gym but up here in Scotland it is quite difficult to get on the bike or run at this time of the year. I was advised to put some resistance on the machines and to do interval (eg. run 4 mins walk 1 min). But for me the only thing that keeps me going is my audio book. I can get lost in the story and not notice how boring the exercise is!! Of course I always feel brilliant when I've finished and the machine tells me I've burnt 600 calories. Also it takes 10 minutes on cross trainer to earn that 100 calorie snack, it makes me stop and think before I shovel in a Jaffa cake!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzymac

Hi Suzymac, Lizzy needs your K's for sunday to be able to complete the weekly stats :)

suzymac profile image
suzymac in reply to moreless

Okay . I'll find the post to let her know. Thanks

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzymac

Thanks :)

Cazmaz06 profile image

Stayed the same, feeling ok about that and hope for a loss next week :) happy Monday

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Cazmaz06

Well done Cazmaz, you and me both! Next monday's going to be brill! :D

14st10lbs -that's 4lb lost whoop! Whoop! I know the first week is easier and my challenge this week is to stay on track and up my water intake and exercise more. Feeling positive but wish me luck. And fingers crossed for everyone's weight loss goals this week. Can we do it? Yes we can. X

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo determined! Fantastic result for your first week! :)

Maybe you should have called yourself Bob the Builder, if you're going to come up with catchphrases like that! ;)

Here's to a fab second week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

7.10am I'm just going to have my breakfast but I'll be back later! :-)

mommygal profile image

I'm at 161.2 this week! Of course, it's my first week, so maybe the biggest loss week but so glad I finally took first step. I lost 4.4 pounds. I hope to make it to under 160 next week. Then, maybe under the overweight mark in one month. I got hungry sometimes and, while I knew that that was part of the process, I also didn't torture myself, as I knew things would backfire, so I'd grab a handful of trailmix, which amazingly did the trick to quell hunger before the next meal (I know it's high in calories but has always let me hungrier before!). I will find it hard to start exercise this week, as my mom is visiting, but she's also trying to lose weight and we'll inevitably walk around a lot, so I'll try to incorporate 30 mins into every planned day. Wish me luck!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to mommygal

Yaay mommygirl! Fab first week! :)

Hunger is the enemy when you're trying to lose weight, so having healthy, tasty and filling snacks on hand is a great idea :)

Having your mum come to stay will be great, especially as she's weight watching as well. You can share calorie counted meals and start a good exercise programme.

If you need motivation to exercise, join us on our trip Around the World :)

Hope your second week is as good as your first :)

ange1960 profile image

Hi Low Call, Well my weigh in this morning showed a 2lb loss. Last week 20.9, this week 20.7. I'm a bit disappointed with the 2lb to be honest, but trying to get my head into the lose a reasonable 2-3lb a week and it stays off forever thinking. Total of 5lb in 2 weeks for me, so it's all going in the right direction. Well done on your good week, low call. A very minor gain even though you had a family meal out yesterday. Hope everyone else has had a good week, and if not, put it behind you, let that week go and move onto the coming week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ange1960

A 2lb loss is fantastic Ange and one that you should never be disappointed with. If you don't celebrate every ounce lost, your journey is going to be long and arduous.

You worked hard for those 2lbs, so give yourself a big pat on the back and tell yourself how amazing you are, because that's the truth and I applaud you! WTG you! :)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to ange1960

Ange, how can you be disappointed with a 2lbs weight loss? It is a great result so well done :-)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Hi last week I weighed 11st10.25lbs, this week I weigh 11st10lbs a loss of .25lbs. Not much of a loss but at least I'm going in the right direction again now, after gaining through January. Now looking to get to 11st7lbs initially. Good luck everyone.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 191253summer

Every loss should be celebrated summer, so well done you! :)

11st 7lbs is well within your grasp and next monday should see you closer to your goal :)

djas profile image

Morning all,

I've lost another 1lb this week taking my total up to 8lb in 4 weeks i was hoping for more as i've been sugar free since last Wednesday but hopefully a bigger loss next week as its only been 5 days. x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to djas

A 1lb loss is great djas and 8lbs in four weeks is perfect, giving you an average of 2lbs/week.

Well done for giving up the sugar, one of the benefits of that, will be to lose the cravings and make cutting calories so much easier. Keep up the good work, because you're doing brilliantly :)

Stephb profile image

Morning all,

Happy Monday. This week (esp from Friday onwards) has been hectic as I attended a conference and which meant Friday, Saturday and Sunday all food was provided. It was full of snacks available which I tried my best to avoid. Also on the Saturday I had alcohol for the first time in a while - realised I actually prefer not drinking, so going to take this forward.I expected I was going to have a gain this week but it's quite frustrating to gain so much ha...I wouldn't say I went crazy but I ate more then I normally would. But hey ho, it's only one week and I'll definitely be back in full swing.

Start weight: 12st 2.2lb

Week 1: 11st13.2lb

Week 2: 11st 10.6lb

Week 3: 11st 9.4lb

Week 4: 11st 12.2lb (2.8lb Gain)

Have a good day everyone x

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Stephb

Conferences and buffets are awful - poor you. Great news about the alcohol , hope you pick up again with ease this week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Stephb

Your overall stats are great Steph, so don't be disheartened by this blip. It's a nightmare when your food is completely out of your control, because apart from starving yourself, there's nothing you can do!

You've made a great decision about the alcohol and I'm sure that'll make a big difference in coming weeks :)

This couple of pounds will soon be shifted when you get back onto the straight and narrow.

Have a great week :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Stephb

Hi Steph, Lizzy needs your K's for sunday, in order to complete the weekly stats :)

kars1111 profile image

Morning lowcal,

aren't family birthdays a inconvenience to us i found this out last week but your gain will soon be knocked off in no time im sure ☺

This week for me was a good week with a 1lb loss to report so im back down to 10st 6lb 😆

Good luck to all for this week 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kars1111

Yaay kars! Well done you :)

Here's to another great week :)

suzybenj profile image

Morning -----managed a half pound off this week - and have not got to the 11's - but I suppose still downwards.....

Anyway that makes a clear 9 pounds - which is 5% of the weight loss from my starting weight. For jan just under 5 pound loss.

Gave myself the 'treat' of end of the month measurements- and just about 1.5 inches off all vital statistics - I needed that boost - as was wavering on the 'nothing makes a difference ' etc. So that has cheered me up - BMI down and BP under better control. Thus trying to look at the big picture. Very glad January is over - it has been very dull.

New goals for Feb - to try knock those 2 pesky pounds off to get to 11s - and no more than that maintain (as have holiday over half term)

Good luck everyone:-)

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardener7lbs in reply to suzybenj

Hi suzyb, great Feb goals; if you manage to get to the 11s and maintain that, you'll feel great😀 I managed to get back to 11-13 having bounced back up during the week; I think partly I made it because I had replied to you to come join me in the 11s and then went on a snack binge! I think there are some weights your body just likes to stick at which are really difficult to move away from. Eventually your body will let go but it takes a big effort- don't give up, I'm sure you can do it 😀

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to AvatheGardener

Yes - I am back re-focused - just read loads of posts from morning and afternoon thread - inspiring:-)

Great news on the bounce back down:-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

I think rainshine's said it all Suzy. You've been struggling to get below that barrier for so long, that I'm not surprised you got to the "what's the point" stage - woohoo for the inches lost! It couldn't have happened at a better time :)

Your overall stats are great and your health measures are improving, so things are looking pretty rosy :)

2lbs in a month sounds very doable, so come on February, bring it on! :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to moreless

:-) :-). I am on the case!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suzybenj

Woohoo! :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to suzybenj

Suzey you you I better than me I gained you lost and I am sure this month you will get rid of these horrid 2 lbs!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to bakersdozen

Thanks. - I am chasing those. Two pounds down:-)

Tinkle72 profile image
Tinkle72 in reply to suzybenj

Well done in losing! You'll soon drop those 2lbs and be in the 11's. Not a great week for me - put on 2 lbs following a weekend away! Now have 4lbs to lose to get to 11's.

Good luck for the week ahead.

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Local - inspiring post, congrats on the measurements which show increased fat loss and muscle improvement - you are obviously getting even more fit and toned while doing a wonderful job of keeping your weight within a healthy range. This thread is also an extraordinary achievement. Basically you are amazing...

Last Friday (22 Jan) I weighed 90.6kg. I now weigh 89.5kgs. A loss of 1.1kg but this still feels insecure to me. The last three months I think I plateaued because I was too focused on fitness gains and too dazzled by the energy and mobility improvements and health gains I have already experienced. I now need to realize I am not out the woods - I need to focus much more on a healthy sustainable diet. I am inspired by some of the people posting here.

For different reasons I got a super early start this morning so once again these are Fridays weights from my home scales. (The gym scales today showed much less as usual ) I will try and get back to a Monday- Monday cycle in the next fortnight.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti,

I'm a member of the Lowcal fan club too and can only say ditto and hear hear to your comments :)

You say you feel insecure about your weight loss this week, but it was just under two and a half pounds and, in my eyes, is absolutely fantastic! :)

You are one of our exercise queens and do splendiferously every day. To have achieved such a loss, you must be doing something right with your eating and if you keep up losses such as this one, you'll reach your goals in next to no time :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to moreless

Thanks for the encouragement Moreless, this is in fact the first weight loss for three months (as opposed to gaining losing same kg) so am insecure for a reason. If I can lose again this week I ll be off the plateau.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonti

I have absolute faith in you, it's much easier to lose weight than to maintain, so you've got the difficult bit under your belt, you just have to crack the easy bit now ;)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Gonti

Well done Gonti, out of the 90's and into the 80's now that's brilliant news :-) I'm very pleased for you :-)

Carolee13 profile image

Good morning Lowcal and everyone. Well done on losing those inches, that's brilliant!

I've lost 100g this week, going from 52.6 to 52.5 kg so pretty happy. I did have a brainstorm on Saturday though, putting chocolate biscuits and Jaffa cakes into my trolley. What was I thinking??? Biscuits remain unopened but I ate 5 Jaffa cakes yesterday, got to get a grip. I should give them away, if I take them into work they'll be gone before long.

Onwards and downwards!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Carolee13

Oh my gosh Carolee, jaffa cakes!! I have the breaking strain on a wet digestive where they're concerned! Give them a way, quick! :)

The fact that you're more than maintaining even with the dodgy 5, is testament to how well you're doing :)

MrsCMH profile image

Last week I was 16st 5lb, now I'm 16st 3.5lb so only 1.5 lb for me this week. I was a lot lower Fri Sat Sun, but had too much wheat yesterday and am bloated!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to MrsCMH

1.5lbs is a great loss MrsCMH, so well done you :)

Now you know what causes you problems, you'll be able to avoid the same mistake in the future :)

Janet72 profile image

Hi, I didn't weigh in last week as I was in Marakesh. When I came back I had put 2lb back on., but am pleased to say I've managed to get it off & am at same weight as I was two weeks ago. 11.12 which is a total of 9lb loss.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Janet72

Hi Janet,

Congratulations to you for maintaining your weight this week. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Marakesh, and I think it's fantastic that you managed to get the 2 pound gain off again when you got back, and that you have maintained that loss this week - and that your total loss is 9 pounds is fantastic. You're making great progress, and you have coped well with a time away. I can imagine there are plenty of quite sugary and calorific foods in Marakesh to contend with - lots of sugary pastry desserts - but I could be wrong, there might be more healthy things around to eat as well.

You are safely in the 11's, and that's great.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Well I'm only 0.1 kg down which is really maintaining but I'm pleased as midweek it was up up up!

I like the sound of the longer fasting window - 8pm sounds a good cut off.

Well done on the lost inches - that's fab.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ceriandblue,

Thanks for your encouraging words - much appreciated. Yes, the longer fasting window seems to be quite achievable as I tried it last week, and managed it most nights. I could do better though - I tend to fancy a cheese sandwich in the evenings, so I need to ensure I eat it earlier, or not at all, depending on what I've had for my evening meal.

Congratulations to you for losing 0.1 kg - it's a loss in my book, rather than a maintain, and fantastic in view of the fact that you mentioned that it was on the up up up mid-week - you've obviously managed to keep on track to get it back down again, so really well done!

Wishing you another great week ahead, and if you are trying the longer fasting window, then I would like to wish you success with it.

Lowcal :-)

ch8rl0tte profile image

Hi everyone, since I did my first weigh in I keep forgetting to come on here and post.

Weight - 11 stone / 154 lbs

Goal - weight loss of 1st 9lbs / 23lbs

Week 1 - 11 stone/ 154 lbs

Week 2 - 153 lbs

Week 3 - 153 lbs (today)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ch8rl0tte

Hi Ch8rl0tte,

Glad you remembered to come here to post today - it's great to see you! :-)

You've maintained your weight this week, so I'd like to Congratulate you on doing that, as a maintain is much better than a gain in our book! You've lost 1 pound already, and so you're on your way towards your goal weight. I hope you're enjoying the plan so far, and we'll hope to see you next week, providing you remember to post - it would be great to see you again!

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hasna2015 profile image

Small shift from 65.4 to 65.2kg. Really thrilled about it, as I didn't manage to do my usual level of exercise, plus sneaked in more chocolate than usual. I was REALLY dreading getting on the scales ....I am sure a lot of you know what I am talking about....that's the beauty of this forum!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Hasna2015

Hi Hasna2015,

Congratulations on losing 0.2 kg this week, that is great! Especially as you were dreading getting on the scales today, and you knew that you'd not managed to do your usual level of exercise, and that you'd eaten a bit more chocolate than usual. You've had a good result!

Hope next week goes really well, and that you're able to manage your exercise and maybe cut back on your chocolate - if that's what you want to do of course!

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

knitsandcodes profile image

Good morning. Finally I can report a loss - starting weight on Jan 2 was 80kg, by Jan 9 it was 78kg where it stayed for two weeks and today it's 76.5kg. So 3.5kg in a month. If I can keep that up I'll get there. Target weight is 60kg but any kind of steady increase is fine!

I've started recording my food and exercise in myfitnesspal, which is helpful I think. We'll see if it pays off next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to knitsandcodes

Hi Knitsandcodes,

Fantastic that you've lost 3.5kg this month. I'm sure Ruth will be able to calculate how much you've lost this week, but for ease of her stats, I will calculate that if we divide 3.5kg by 4 weeks, then it makes an average loss of 0.875 kg per week, so I hope you're ok if we use that figure for this week's loss?

Congratulations on such a great result, and it's really great progress.

Glad you're finding using Myfitnesspal to be helpful - it gets easier to use as you get used to it, and I know you were deciding between that system and the other one we talked about last week, so I am presuming you prefer the database perhaps. I have used MFP for a long time, on and off, and find it really good.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

knitsandcodes profile image
knitsandcodes in reply to Zest

Thank you. i agree with your maths!

i decided to stick with mfp because it has a more up-to-date front end, and an app for my phone. But functionally it's the same, i think.

i've totally changed my position over this last month - i've been reading that daily weighing is no bad thing, actually seems to encourage more sustained weightloss/maintenance, which goes against what i always used to think. probably explains why i gained 3 stone in 7 years!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to knitsandcodes

I usually weigh every day - I really like to see how my weight changes day to day. There has been some research studies that suggests it can be motivating to weigh daily, which is good to know that research does support such behaviour. But in the end, I guess it's whatever works best for an individual person.

Lowcal :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to knitsandcodes

what a fantastic month you have had. Well done

AvatheGardener profile image

Hi Lowcal, it sounds to me as though you've had a good week really! 0.4lb is hardly anything. Nice to have a Family birthday celebration and it's important not to be so obsessive that you can't relax and enjoy these lovely occasions. AND you've lost inches over the time since your last measuring which includes Christmas! An all round good week for you! Well done 😀👏🏽

Last week I weighed 11st 13 lb on Monday morning, a very exciting occasion to be able to weigh-in at the very top of the BMI healthy range and down into the 11s... Thereafter though I went off the rails snacking on cheese and sweet things. Yesterday I tried to get back on track so I am very very happy to report that this morning I weigh 11-13 so a maintain of a week (despite having put 3lb back on mid week)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to AvatheGardener

Hi Rainshine,

I agree that it's definitely important to relax and enjoy social occasions as part of our lives, and I did enjoy the lunch yesterday - it went on virtually all afternoon in the end! Thanks so much for your encouraging words.

I am so happy to hear you've maintained your excellent transition into the 11's, especially as you had re-gained 3 pounds mid week - you've obviously got back on track and done really well to get your weight back in check, so really well done! Lovely that you're still in the 11's and that you're still within the healthy BMI range - fantastic!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

asics profile image

Morning Lowcal!

I think you are right to expect a good loss next week - today's is that Sunday roast inside you!

I have gone to decimal places too this week!

So this week 11 03.7 to last weeks 11 04.4 = loss of 0.7.

This takes my total loss for January to 7lbs. Delighted.

Here is how January went:

Start: 11 10.7

Week 1: 11 11 +0.3. +0.3. Although reported as +1lb

Week 2: 11 09.7. -1.3. -1

Week 3: 11 04.4. -5.3. -6.3

Week 4: 11 03.7. -0.7. -7

I have also lost a total of 2.25 inches off my measurements from 4th January to today. (although I have actually lost more as I realised I was reading the numbers incorrectly first time!)

I have also been dry for 21 days and sugar free for 7 days.

This month I will be working on:

1. getting the right hours of sleep

2. getting back to health to be able to walk at least 6 miles per day again

3. Continuing to clean up my diet

4. Adding in a little extra exercise

Thank you to Lowcal and the Fab 5ers for this post, to FizzyLiz for her walking post and also a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond to my posts, supported, encouraged, advised, shared their stories and cheered me on. You have all been the difference that made the difference.

Good luck to everyone for a healthy, happy and weight losing February. 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi Asics,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I avoided the 'roast' and chose fish and new potatoes instead of roast potatoes - stuff like that, but still gained. Never mind, it was only small. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 0.7 pounds this week, and to achieving a total loss of 7 pounds for January, that is excellent progress - I bet you're feeling pleased with that, and rightly so! Great to hear you've also lost 2.25 inches off your body measurements too - really great!!!

Wow, being dry for 21 days and sugar free for 7 days - you're making lots of changes this year so far. Well done for doing that.

I love the fact you've listed your goals for February - thereby breaking it down into manageable chunks of time, and having specific things to focus upon. I am sure you will make excellent progress, as you have done so well in January, which I personally think is probably one of the most challenging months of the year - being a dark and dismal kind of month for those of us who live in the UK.

I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

asics profile image
asics in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal.

Your Sunday food choices were excellent - you really do inspire me. I will think of you when I am next dining out and think...what would lowcal order?😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi Asics,

It wasn't an easy choice to choose the new potatoes over the roast ones - especially as everyone else chose the roasties and spoke of how tasty they were - but I really enjoyed the new potatoes - they were really good! So I was glad I made that choice. I enjoyed all my meal choices yesterday. A delicious lunch. :-)

Thanks for your very kind words. I must ensure I choose well this week too. I have a meal out later in the week.

Good luck with your meal choices. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Morning Lowcal

Sorry to hear about your small gain. I am sure you'll lose it this week. It's great to hear that you'll getting smaller 😃😃

I've gained 0.8lbs this week. I do think I suffer with fluid retention. So this week I'm going to drink more water and stay away from salty foods i.e. no bacon bagels or crisps (my biggest downfall). And I will take my measurements.

Good luck everyone and here's to a great week 😊😊😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi FizzyLiz,

Good morning! Thanks for your encouraging words, much appreciated!

You had an excellent loss last week - 5 pounds wasn't it? So to have gained 0.8 pound this week is minimal - probably just your body evening itself out, and like you say you suffer from fluid retention - so having that extra water and avoiding salty foods should help.

Hope you notice some differences when you do your body measurements, and that you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal, glad to hear about the inch loss, I bet you can feel it in your clothes.. I have to say it great when clothes feel a little on the big side rather than a little on the tight side...

I've been traveling a lot again this week so had another difficult week on the calories front but still managed to get plenty of exercise in..

Weight this week is 18st 12.5lbs , so a loss of just 0.5 lb.

No traveling this week, so I am setting a target for myself of 3 lbs.

well done everyone...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Health_Kick_2000,

Yes, I do notice a difference in my clothes fittings - definitely more on the loose side than too tight, which is great!

Congratulations to you for losing 0.5 pound this week, despite all that travelling you've been doing, that's an achievement for definite! :-) Great that you managed to get plenty of exercise in as well.

Good luck with your target to lose 3 pounds this week.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Hi everyone

11st 4.2lbs this week so a loss of 1.2 lbs. Today is the start of week 5 for me and I am still feeling good. Upping the walking last week has also helped keep a calorie deficit whilst sticking to 1400 calories a day. I'm in this for the long haul so slowly does it. Good luck to all🍀

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Fantastic loss and a fantastic positive post Mimsta! :)

It's that attitude that's going to make your journey to health and happiness, one that's fun to do :)

Keep up the good work, you're doing brilliantly! :)

Morning! 11 3lb for me this morning. I think that means I'm down 1 or 2 lbs - but I'm away from home and cant check which!!

Bit excited to be approaching the "sacred 10s" now! I was 11st 1lb on Friday - usual weekend upswing - but I hope another busy week ahead should see another move in the right direction.

Have a great week everyone! Good luck - you can do it! Xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Ruth will be able to verify your loss Runningsoon, I can just congratulate you on a fab loss, whatever it was :)

How exciting to be so close to the 10's! We'll be there to cheer you on when you cross that line! Let's hope it's sooner, rather than later :)

in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless! I checked and it was a 2lb loss - so I'll take that!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Woohoo! :D

kantara71 profile image

Hello everyone, I have joined the Monday weigh in for the first time today. I am in the middle of the third week on the 12 week plan and so far it is going well for me losing on average about 2lbs a week. So I thought I would keep to a Monday for my regular weigh in and reporting!

This morning I weighed in at 17st 5lbs, I am aiming to hit 17stones by the end of the month and 16 stones by 18th April, when I go to Cyprus for three weeks. I also got the measuring tape out and recorded the following; Chest 46.5" Waist 47.5" Hips 45", No real targets set for inches lost except I would like to fit into my trousers that have a 38" waist label on them :-( I still have a box of them, as well as my dinner jacket that was designed to be a double breasted style but now is a single breasted - aagh!

I have been lax last week in going to the gym but this week I am going to have three visits, concentrating on CV exercising. We also move house this week and so I am in for some decorating and heavy gardening in the coming weeks :-)

Checked my BMI which is 32.9 = obese, so my first target is to creep into the overweight band on the BMI which means getting below the 16 stones mark.

Good luck to everyone in the coming week - John :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kantara71

Hi and welcome John :)

How fab that you've decided to join us at the monday weigh-in. I'm sure you won't regret your decision, because it's so motivating, supportive and makes you accountable every week.

Thanks for your current stats and your short and medium term goals, it gives us a lovely clear picture of you :)

Well done for your success so far and I'm sure those successes will continue and you'll be our own James Bond, in your double-breasted dinner jacket :)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless, I could not remember what I weighed 15 years ago but I know that dinner jacket and the trousers fitted me! The trousers have undergone some adjustment to makes sure they fit me so I will be really pleased if I can send them away to be taken in to the original waist size :-) !

in reply to kantara71

Welcome to the weigh-in thread John! First of all do you have a loss to report for this week - or shall we count you as a new starter as far as this thread is concerned?

I like the sound of all your different targets, and you certainly have some great incentives - Cyprus and all those trousers and jackets! I hope you do stick to your plan to go to the gym three times this week. I find that exercise really makes a difference - not just for the fitness but the feeling of wellbeing - that you're actively doing something to help yourself. On the days when I run etc I definitely eat more healthily as a result too.

Lots of luck for the week ahead and for your next goal of reaching 17 stone :)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to

Think I will start this week. I did start a healthy eating regime from 11th January but did not register on the 12 week plan until the 14th. On the 11th i weighed 17st 12 lbs so weight loss over 3 weeks has been 7lbs so I am really pleased with progress so far. Switching to a monday weigh in keeps it in line with my diary too! John

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning Lowcal, morning all

Last week was my first week back from holiday and whilst I didn't fall completely off the wagon I felt like I struggled to really get back on track. I did go back to my pilates class which felt like torture at the time as the class has now changed to using reformer benches which I found tough but I'm going to persevere and go back again tonight. Despite all of this I have managed to maintain my weight at 10st 5lb, which to be honest I am both surprised and pleased about.

Today is the first day of the week and the first day of a new month what better day could there be for making a fresh start and concentrated effort to get back in the driving seat of the wagon. My goals for this week, pilates tonight, 2 cross-trainer sessions and 1 kettlebell session. I'm going on holiday 7 weeks today and would like my weight to start with a 9 by the time I get on the plane, hopefully this and the continued support from you guys is all the motivation that I will need to achieve this.

Have a productive week everyone.

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi mrsg3 - I know what you mean about finding it tough going back into things. My running's been all over the place this winter - I've completely lost my 3x a week routine - and as a result when I do go out it's difficult. But, like you, I'm glutton for punishment and go back again and again. Just came back from a tough short run and everything hurts. But at least I did it! Hope your pilates tonight is a bit easier or at least makes you feel great :) And I also hope that the next 7 weeks brings you a '9' on the scales :)

Hi all, I am on 11 st 7 which is the same as last week. I also am OK with this as it was lower than I'd been for ages and through the week, it's bobbled up to 11, 10 and then back. I've been very good food wise and also done a lot more exercise than usual, though had a few glasses of champagne yesterday (hard to refuse!) which I am not going to regret. Feeling positive that through this coming week, if I can maintain the discipline, I can get into the lower 11s and down to 11 by end February. (current mini-goal). All best

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

What a great mindset Frankie! You are so in tune with your body and relaxed about what it's doing :)

I'm convinced that your vision of getting slowly down the 11's is well within your grasp and won't feel like a chore.

We can all learn a lot from your patience and discipline :)

ScoobaSteve profile image

Morning LC,

11st 12.2lb today, happy to see a 1.6lb loss this week. Hoping to lose the same by next Monday. This puts me 5lb away from my second stone and 6lb away from a BMI of 25! Which I hope to achieve near the end of the month.

All the best to you and everyne else for the week ahead :)


in reply to ScoobaSteve

Good morning Scooba Steve - great results this week :) You're so close now to that healthy BMI, and to have almost reached 2 stone loss is amazing. How are you finding the last few lbs? Are they coming off easily enough or is it getting tougher/slower? It sounds like you've got everything under control. Wishing you lots of luck for another excellent loss next week :)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to

The weight coming off may be beginning to slow down but I still have a fair bit to lose. It's not any tougher, I expect to be 'in the zone' for the next month then I'll probably hit a plateau for a few weeks!

Still not 100% on what my target weight is yet as I have never been thin haha

I'm guessing somewhere around 10st 0-7lb which will leave me at a BMI of 22-23 (I think I am about 5ft 7"- 5ft 8"). But i'm just going to keep going until I think it's time to stop really.. Thanks for the encouragement :)

Garfield_123 profile image

Last Monday I was 16,5 and today I am 16,3 so a loss of 2lbs. My goals were to eat breakfast every day (which i did) and to keep an eye on my sugar intake. That was quite tricky, as I thought it would be, but I certainly cut down what I normally eat just by reading food packaging more carefully I think. My goal for this week is to cut out bread and meat. I couldn't do that long term but I'd like to see what impact just a week has.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Garfield_123

Hi Garfield_123,

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, that is really great! :-)

Well done for achieving your goal to eat breakfast every day, and also to keep an eye on your sugar intake. I can imagine that was quite tricky to do, as sugar is hidden in all kinds of places, particularly those sauces etc that we can buy.

You are aiming to cut out bread and meat this week. Do make sure you have balanced nutrients on your plate in any meals and snacks you have - that would be my advice, as cutting things out can mean potentially depriving yourself of nutrients. Also, cutting something out completely can be more extreme, and can backfire sometimes in terms of setting yourself up to crave something.

I just wanted to give those words of caution, and of course, what you choose to do is completely your choice - and I wish you success with your goals for the week.

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Garfield_123 profile image
Garfield_123 in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal. For your advice and also for your support and words of encouragement at last week's weigh in - I meant to say that before. My strategy of weekly goals is that I'm pretty good at giving things up (if it's for a limited time) but abysmal at having "just a bit" of something. I think if I give-up or take-up a couple of different things each week then maybe i will train myself to be more aware of those things even once the week is over. The meat and bread thing is an attempt to be more adventurous with my lunch ideas (not just a greggs chicken sandwich!)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Garfield_123

Hi Garfield,

Sounds like a good plan - being more adventurous with lunch ideas - hope you find some great things to try out and hope you'll share any good ideas with us - I love hearing new recipes or ideas.

You've obviously found a strategy that works for you, and that's absolutely great - wishing you success and another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Well I was quite happy because I'm now 12 St 7 lbs. I had barely recovered from the previous week's virus when I got another head cold so it's a good result despite the fact I did little or no exercise. Best of all my waist measurement has dropped from 101 cm 3 weeks ago to 96 cm now. That surprised me. And pleased me.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Derrygeel,

Oh no, you've had some bad luck on the cold front - having just recovered from your virus last week, and then getting a head cold - that is really bad luck, but probably because you were run down from the virus perhaps.

You mentioned that you're now 12 stone 7 pounds, and that you've lost some weight. Do you mind just mentioning how much weight? We can look back on your previous weight of course, as all previous threads are available, but it would mean extra work for us if we do that for people, so would be easier if you could perhaps remind us - and mention it. I always like to mention the amount for Ruth (as she does the stats).

Anyway, I would like to Congratulate you on your weight loss, and it's fantastic to hear you've lost 5 cm from your waist measurement over the past 3 weeks, that is fantastic!!!

Glad you're feeling pleased, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Sorry, meant to put it in. Down 2 lbs from 12st 9 lbs to 12 st 7 lbs.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Derrygeel,

Thanks so much - that really helps. :-)

Congratulations again! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal, great stats - thanks for taking them on for me this week. I just had one of those weeks where there's not enough time, too late to bed every night, and late into work each morning. I was fighting something off, probably the same bug my boyfriend was coughing out into the shared space of my flat :( But I'm feeling more on top of things today, as I got to bed early last night and have been out early for a run this morning.

This week I have a loss to report - but it's a weird one. Last week I would have called it a mere fluctuation within my maintaining window of 10st0-10st7. But I've decided to set a new maintaining window of 9st8-9st11 - a new goal to try and achieve a lower BMI of 23, and to help me fit better into size 12s. So having dropped 2lbs from 10st5 to 10st3 this week feels like an encouraging start. It would be great to lose the same again this week - but I'm in it for the long haul, so even a 1lb loss would be great.

Like you, I'll also be keeping track of my measurements, and am re-introducing strength exercises - but very gradually. So far since Saturday I've done 10 squats every day. I'm going to build from there. Hope you enjoy getting your new exercise schedule set up, you sound very very determined to see those 2lbs gone next week, so lots of luck for that :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth (lovely Fab 5-er and fantastic Stats Woman),

You are very welcome regarding this week's stats, it was a pleasure to be able to help you out - you do the stats so consistently and reliably every week for us, and it does take time and energy to do that, and I'm glad you have recuperated from your bug you were suffering from, and it's good to hear you're feeling better now. I bet you missed the chance to run, and it's good that you've enjoyed a run this morning.

I know you've re-set your maintaining window, which means you are now on the road to losing weight again, and I must say that your 2 pound loss this week is an extremely encouraging start - many Congratulations! :-) I think you're sensible to set yourself the goal of achieving 1 pound loss this week, and then if you lose a bit more it's a bonus.

It was partly down to you mentioning strength exercises again, that I decided to pledge to do more myself, so thank you for that inspiration. It was your September Strength Challenge that originally got me into them, and I must admit over Christmas and for much of January, I've no been keeping up with them, but this week will be different and I hope to do them daily - with perhaps one day to rest and recuperate, as that is important too.

Well done for doing 10 squats per day - and building from there - that sounds great!

Wishing you a really good week ahead, and many thanks for your encouraging words, which I really appreciate.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Hay Ruth, great numbers already this week with your loss of 2 lbs and weighing in a just 10/3 WOW :-) I'm in aww of you and can't wait to catch up. Keep up the great work and hope that your feeling 100 % real soon :-)

CatRuns profile image

Hi, well done on your inch loss!

Today's weight is 89kgs, lost 1kg since last week. I'm beyond happy with that as I wasn't able to run and have been so low on energy that the only exercise this week was walking around. This is also my first time under 90kgs since my baby boy was born over 2years ago. So hurrah!!

Onwards and downwards :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CatRuns

Hi Catmay,

Thank you! :-)

Wow, that's fantastic to hear you've lost 1kg this week, Congratulations!!! :-)

That is especially good in view of the fact you weren't able to run this week and that you've been low on energy - at least you managed to do some walking, and it's really great to hear you're under 90kgs - the first time since your baby boy was born 2 years ago. Fantastic!!! :-)

Yes, here's to 'Onwards and Downwards' - wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

calm201 profile image

Hello, I had a good week overall, getting down to 94.1kg this morning.

I'm particularly pleased as I had a few minor dietary slip ups this week and it started out a bit lazy too when I missed a gym session because I couldn't bare to go out in the horrible weather but just about made up for it in the rest of the week getting to a total of 3 good hard sessions in. I am interested that you have decided to lift more weights lowcal, I'm really enjoying the weight training I do in the gym and it seems to be really getting results:) it's super fun seeing the fast progress I can make too, after just a few weeks I'm going up the levels like you wouldn't believe!! It gives me more motivation for the cardio! I hope you enjoy it too this week:)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to calm201

Hi Calm201,

Great to hear you've had a good week overall, and that you've got down to 94.1kg this morning. I can't remember what you weighed last week, so not sure what your weight loss is this week - if you could let us know, that would be good, but if not, don't worry as we can hopefully double check it from our records of your weight last week (you'd just save us a bit of time if you are able to tell us). I always like to state the amount to help Ruth_Canal_Runner when she comes to do the weekly stats.

The important thing is that you've lost some weight, and so I would like to Congratulate you on that, and I note that you described a 'few minor dietary slip ups' this week, and that you missed a gym session at the beginning of the week - but you obviously made up for that later in the week, and hence you are reporting a good outcome.

You sound like you're really enjoying your exercise, and particularly the cardio. That's great!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

calm201 profile image
calm201 in reply to Zest

Sorry I started at 95.3, then last week was 94.9:)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to calm201

Hi Calm201,

Thanks very much, I make that a loss of 0.8 kg - brilliant! Really well done. You've also achieved a total weight loss of 1.2kg, that is great progress. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image

Morning to All, Well done on your measurement achievement Lowcal. My wight today is 13.7 an increase from last week which was 13.6.6. I hoping for a decrease next week as I will be more active this coming week. Best wishes Everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Marianne0915

Hi Marianne,

Good morning!

Thanks for your kind words on my measurements. I am so glad I took them as a comparison.

You've only gained 0.4 pound this week, same as me, and that is a very small amount, so I hope you're not too disappointed by that. I think you'll have a loss on the scales next week, as you're planning to be more active this week, so good luck with your plans, and I hope you have an enjoyable week.

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to Zest

Many thanks Lowcal, I do hope for better as Ive been mostly out of action for 2 weeks. Onwards and downwards to us all.

Dani_uk61 profile image

Morning Everyone!! last week i was 12st 11.6lb and this week i am 12st 10.7lb so i havent lost much. I really need to get on the wagon and start trying harder!

so......I am going to put it out there and say next week my aim is 2lb.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dani_uk61

Hi Dani,

Good morning!

Congratulations for losing 0.9 pound this week, that is great! I know you said it wasn't much, but it is over half a pound, and if you imagine that amount as a slab of butter or lard on a plate, it is not insignificant!

You've set yourself the goal to lose 2 pounds this week, so I would like to wish you luck with that goal. Remember - you are already on the wagon, and you're feeling motivated and determined to go forward, so all being well you'll have another great result next week to look forward to. Pre-planning is really helpful.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dani_uk61 profile image
Dani_uk61 in reply to Zest

thank you for your words Lowcal. I think that is partly my downfall is not pre-planning, so my task at work today is to do a meal plan for the week, so lets see how i get on with that! :) x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dani_uk61

Hi Dani,

Great idea. Good luck with that meal plan.

Lowcal :-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Good morning, I've lost 3lbs this week! So I'm pretty pleased! Gone from 16st 5 - 15st 13!! Wahoo I'm in the fifteens!! I'm gonna try just as hard this week but I don't expect to keep losing 3lbs a week! Good luck this week everyone :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Hi Jesterpuss1,

Wow, you've lost 3 pounds this week, that is amazing!!! :-) Many many Congratulations on getting into the 15's, that is a wonderful transition, and I'm so happy to hear you say "Wahoo I'm in the fifteens!!!" - that is inspiring!

You're right, it would be very unusual to keep losing 3 pounds, and so your weight loss for next week is likely to be less, but remember that any weight loss is great, as it's all 'Onwards and Downwards' and should be celebrated. Also, maintaining is better than gaining, so we also celebrate maintaining too.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and enjoy being in the 15's.

Lowcal :-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to Zest

Thanx Lowcal, you always know just the right thing to say! I must admit I'm worried a small loss this week may make lose my enthusiasm! But fingers crossed ill lose a little more! Good luck to you this week and to everyone on this brilliant forum! :)

Mrscaw profile image

Happy February everyone! Weighed in at 11st 8lb this morning.. so 2lb loss this week. Hope to reach my next target of 11.7 soon. All the shop stomping seems to have paid off. Even managed to carry 6pts milk back yesterday. Onward and downward.. Thanks again for all the encouragement on here. This is the longest time I've ever monitored my calories and quality of food and not got seriously bored and given up :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mrscaw

Hi Mrscaw,

Happy February to you too! Congratulations on achieving a 2 pound loss this week, that is fantastic. A great start to the new month! :-) You're getting very close to your next target of 11 stone 7 pounds, and maybe you'll be there next week all being well.

Your shop stomping has definitely paid off! Wow, carrying 6 pints of milk back yesterday sounds heavy! A good work-out! :-)

Well done for keeping on track and it's great to hear you're still enjoying the plan and that you've not got seriously bored or given up - well done you! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Mrscaw

Woohoo for the shopping stomping Mrscaw!! :) :) :)

Berylbee3 profile image

Well I'm confused. I weighed myself at C. 6.15 this morning and was ok with 13 st not brill but ok. About 30 mins later I weighed 13 st 2 lbs! I hadn't eaten anything just some water taken. I checked this but it stayed the same so I guess I'm 13 2 😳. I have felt the need to kickstart my weight loss as I don't seem to be getting anywhere. I therefore have invested in some Lighterlifeplus to assist with the 5:2 diet . I was quite successful with the 5/2 diets few years back but thought I wd try these meal replacements as a colleague at work who is on the Cambridge Diet is doing very well. I do think my age, 62, and quite high stress levels are making it harder. Well had my first shake this morning and so am optimistic that this will help to get me there. Well done to all those achieving weight loss it does encourage me to see success in others. Helpful too to understand how it was achieved. Onwards and downwards !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Hi Berylbee3,

Oh dear, it just shows how fluid can change the weight - you gained 2 pounds just by drinking some fluid this morning, in the space of just 30 minutes. Maybe weigh yourself again tomorrow morning, and give us that weight as your result - because then you can be sure as to whether it is closer to 13 stone or closer to 13 stone 2 pounds? Only if you want to, it's just a suggestion. We can take the weight of 13 stone 2 pounds if you prefer. Do you remember what you weighed last week? We can look it up, but if you are able to give us the figure it would be easier for us - and I'd like to let Ruth know a figure for your weight result for this week.

It's good that you found success with the 5:2 diet, and so I hope you find those meal replacements alongside that method of eating to be helpful to you this week. You are feeling optimistic about it, and that is a good mindset going forward.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Berylbee3 profile image
Berylbee3 in reply to Zest

Thanks for your kind words LowCal - I believe I was 13 st 1 oz last Monday and I'll stick with the 13 st 2 oz this week please.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Absolutely fine Beryl, thanks for confirming that. I'm presuming you mean 13 stone 2 pounds rather than 13 stone 2 ounces, as you mentioned 13 stone 2 pounds earlier in your post. If you were 13 stone 1 pound last week, and you're 13 stone 2 pounds today, then you've gained 1 pound this week. But if it's ounces rather than pounds, that is a much smaller amount. So do come back to me if I've got it wrong, otherwise we'll take your weight as 13 stone 2 pounds this week, and a gain of 1 pound for the stats.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Berylbee3

It's always best to weigh yourself at the same time, in the same place, naked, after going to the toilet and before having anything to eat, or drink and before having a bath, or shower. Any change in routine, will impact on your weight Beryl.

If you take 13.2 as your weight today, you may find that next week you'll be that 2lbs down and hopefully more :)

Your choice of "diets", is of course yours, and yours alone, but my concern would be that lighterlife shakes are "diet" food and therefore not something that's sustainable for life. Have you tried a healthy eating plan, with maybe a daily fasting window, rather than extreme fasting supplemented by shakes. I'm only a few years younger than you and it's working for me.

I will certainly respect and support your decision, whichever way you choose :)

Onwards and downwards, for sure :)

in reply to moreless

You’ve just described the daily morning weighing routine here at Runningsoon HQ Moreless!!!

Beryl – try not to worry too much about the fluctuations – it’s just "noise" – you'll know if you’re heading in the right direction really won’t you? In the meantime, can I suggest never getting back on the scales – yours sound like the type that add on a couple of pounds just to be spiteful!!

tubbycat profile image

I think knowing you have put on weight but still seeing you determined and upbeat will be a fantastic help to everyone Lowcal! I realise more and more how losing weight is battle with the mind as much as our bodily cravings. It doesn't matter if we have a bad week as long as we don't lose heart and give up.

After sticking for 2 weeks on 11 stone 8 (despite I thought being very good!) I am 11 stone 6.8 this morning so my reward has come at last. I wish it were faster but in a way this is to do with changing a way of life so slow and steady has to be ok

Good luck next week to you and everyone sharing this journey

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to tubbycat

Hi Tubbycat,

Thanks so much for your kind words - they are much appreciated! I agree that it is important to keep going and put things into perspective and move forward. It's a good mindset to have.

Your reward has definitely come at last, so it's so great that you were patient and saw it through - you didn't give up, you kept focused and kept going, and now you can celebrate losing 1.2 pounds this week - Congratulations!!! :-)

Slow and steady is so great - healthy and sustainable, and like you say - it's a 'way of life change' so you can move forward in life with a new mindset with the aim of keeping the weight off permanently. No more yo-yo dieting for any of us.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

I have lost 2 lbs so now at 23st 3lbs. Guess I will pay for my fizzy transgressions next week 😖

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Bbwnoire71,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds, that is fantastic!!! :-) You are getting closer to the 22's. You mentioned some 'fizzy transgressions' so I hope they don't impact too greatly on you next week - just put them behind you and move forward, and you'll hopefully have a better week than you anticipate!

You're doing really well, and don't let a few fizzy transgressions hold you back!

Onwards and downwards.

Lowcal :-)

Shushannah profile image

Lost 0.6kg not huge but I lost another 2cm on my waist. Good luck and best wishes to every one. I am trying to come up with something to distract myself on Wednesday, it would have been my son's 19th birthday. I tend to stuff myself with loads of bread when I'm feeling sad. I'll try going for a walk.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Shushannah

Hi Shushannah,

Congratulations to you for losing 0.6 kg - it is a great loss - I know you said it's not huge, but it's significant, and good progress. Fantastic to hear you've lost another 2cm off your waist. Really good! :-)

I really hope that you cope ok with Wednesday - sending you a big hug and hoping that it goes ok, and that you're able to enjoy the walk. Make sure you don't have any bread in the house that day, and no temptations available in sight - maybe think of some other things, in addition to your idea to have a walk (which is a great idea) to help you get through the day without turning to food for comfort. You're aware of the dangers, and therefore you have every chance to hopefully cope with the day in a different way, but it could take a bit of pre-planning to ensure you have some different strategies you can try.

All the best for Wednesday and hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Shushannah

That's a perfectly good weight loss Shushanna and should be celebrated and 2cms down on your waist measurement is fandabedozy! :)

How about a long walk to your favourite beauty spot, where you can "chat" to your son, in your head and share your thoughts, hopes and dreams with him. Celebrate nature with him and positive things about your improving health.

If you keep your mind and your feet busy, then maybe you won't feel the need to fill the void with bread. Sending hugs to get you through this difficult time.

suzymac profile image

Good morning. Week two completed and with a slow start as poorly, I wasn't hopeful but worked hard and have managed to get to 11st 6lbs8oz so 2lbs8oz lost. Total 2 weeks 6lbs 8 oz

Two weeks until I am in the sunshine so that is a real driver to lose a few more so I don't look like a beached whale on the sunbed!!!

Good luck everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzymac

Hi Suzymac,

I am sorry to hear you've been poorly, and I really hope you're on the mend now, and feeling better. Congratulations on losing 2.8 pounds, and to achieving a total loss of 6.8 pounds, that is fantastic progress - really well done! :-)

Just another 2 weeks till you see the sunshine - you're right, that is a good driver and motivator, and I'm sure you'll be looking fabulous on the sun-bed.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image

Well a loss of 1.7kg for me today. Feeling chuffed. Stuck hard to my healthy eating and managed just soup on the day we went from lunch. This week will be more challenging as I have 1 lunch and 2 dinners out but feeling focused. Bonus is, the other half will be joining me on my healthy eating plan(albeit kicking and screaming) so a bit of a challenge going on which will be fun.

Goal 1 - up my mileage. Aiming for 10km a day and discarding the Wellies!

Goal 2 - lose 1kg

Fingers crossed and good luck to all those weighing in today.🍎

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bu-dog

Hi Bu-dog,

Congratulations to you for losing 1.7kg today - that is fantastic! I can understand you're feeling chuffed - really great! :-)

Well done for sticking to your healthy eating and I hope you enjoyed that soup you had for lunch that day when you went out for lunch. It's good to know that you can cope when eating out, and I know you have 1 lunch and 2 dinners out this week - so that is a more challenging week for definite, but it will be good practice to see how you get on - and what choices you can make in those circumstances. Good luck! If you can see a menu beforehand, that can really help to pre-plan your choices - I find that deciding 'on the spot' can be quite difficult - so having knowledge of a menu beforehand (often available online or you could even ring the restaurant and ask them), can be really helpful.

It's great to hear your other half is going to join you in the healthy eating stakes. Should help a lot too.

I think it's great that you've listed your goals for this week, and I wish you success with each of them. Hopefully those Wellies will be discarded, as you say!

Have another great week ahead, and hope you enjoy your meals out.

Lowcal :-)

flavourfiend profile image

Am using a new set of scales, and everything is consistently 3 kg heavier than on the old, mechanical, ones. I've checked them against what the GP's say and, sadly, the new ones appear to be telling the truth. :-(

So I've revised my diary, and added 3 kg to all previous weigh-ins. Sigh...

Start: 123 kg, at beginning of October (that's 271 lbs or 19st5 - eek!!)

Ultimate aim: somewhere starting with an 8

Last week: 110 kg (last week I said it was 107, using the old scales)

This week: 108.5 kg. (105.5 on old scales)

So, I've still really lost 1.5 kg in the past week, and am now 239 lbs, or 17st1. Getting there...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to flavourfiend

Oh the disappointment! :(

Never mind flavourfiend, even though the numbers have increased, the trend is still decreasing. In a couple of weeks time it'll all be ironed out and you won't even remember :)

You're so close to the 16's too, so fingers crossed you'll be there next monday :)

bakersdozen profile image

Moorless you beated me! ;) You must be thrilled that you have maintained! Well I have gained 2 lbs not one tiny drop surprised as I ate loads and no exercise. Well this week I am planning to do more exercise and eating healthier and will definitely loose weight!

Lowcal it is only a small gain and I am sure next week you will get their! At least you feel slimmer! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

bd, I'm so relieved to have maintained! :)

We'll both have to put our noses to the grindstone this week and see how we do :)

I'm sure that 2lb gain will disappear really quickly, now that you're all mended and determined :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

And if I go today to stock on fruits even though Monday there isn't a choice but need fruits otherwise biscuits and chocolates will enter my mouth which is totally forbidden especially now that I am off antibiotics I am determined to get rid of Thrush.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

Good girl! :)

helenb1967 profile image

Hello.. this is my first weigh-in. I got on the scales this morning expecting to be under 16 stone..but I was over at 16-2.. so I'm heavier than I thought, but the support that I have received from the people last night and this morning to inspire me is actually over whelming. So this is a huge hill to climb but I will get there. I have 71lbs to loose to reach the top end of healthy weight on the BMI I'm going to break this down to 10 goals of 7lb each. I've downloaded myfitnesspal and today is the start of me taking back control and raining some self esteem every lb I loose..

I look forward to being part of what seems to be a great supportive community

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to helenb1967

Hi and welcome Helen, it's smashing that you've decided to join us :)

Don't you worry about that starting weight, it's less than my weight now and I've lost over 3.5st! :)

This forum is more supportive than you could ever think possible and we are as invested in everyone else's success as we are our own. Keep active on the posts and you'll be constantly motivated and encouraged :)

We are both in virtually the same place weight wise and goal wise, so I shall follow your progress with great interest :)

Will you be following the NHS 12 week plan?

I don't know if anyone's given you this link

If you need motivation to exercise

All the best for your first week :)

helenb1967 profile image
helenb1967 in reply to moreless

Hi, Thank You. Yes I've downloaded the 12 week plan and I'm also using myfitnesspal. I'm full of enthusiasm and I've just found out on Myfitness pal that my cups of tea are 50 calories each! I drink so much tea so I'm going to give green a try! Good Luck to you too this week. 3.5 stone is an incredible achievement. I hope I'll be in your shoes one day.. well done..

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to helenb1967

You'll be surprised at just how quickly both the time and the weight go :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to helenb1967

Hi again Helen,

I replied to your other post (further down this thread) first, and I'm now just saying 'hello again' as I've spotted your first thread - we don't always answer the posts in order, as there are a few of the Fab 5'ers, so we try to respond more randomly.

Anyway, welcome again - I won't repeat what I said below, hopefully you've seen my reply already. I had already suggested breaking down your weight loss journey into achievable goals, and I can see that you're already intending to do just that, which is great! Very sensible. Great that you've downloaded Myfitnesspal already - and you sound positive and that's a great mindset to start off with. Hopefully the support of this community will help you to keep on track and motivated - there will be some weeks when things may not go as you anticipate, and that's when having this group support can really be beneficial, hence why I always try to encourage people to pop in and post - even on weeks when the scales may not have been so friendly!

Wishing you a great first week.

Lowcal :-)

helenb1967 profile image
helenb1967 in reply to Zest

*****Thank You******

Here I Go! :) *********

DownNotUp profile image

Morning all,

It's lovely to read everyone's posts. All very positive and uplifting.

I've lost 0.1kg this week. Not as much as I hoped but enough to put my BMI below 30 which is very encouraging for me. I completed "Dry January" successfully so do I have a glass of wine tonight or not? A friend has just put a link to some research on her Facebook page, saying that too much exercise can be counter-productive, so I'll now have to go check that out. I hope you all have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to DownNotUp

Hi DownNotUp,

Glad you're enjoying reading the posts, and that you find them very positive and uplifting. I agree with you, they are inspiring, and very motivating.

Congratulations to you for losing 0.1kg this week - extremely encouraging that your BMI is now below 30 - Congratulations again!!!! :-)

Well done for completing Dry January successfully - that is also an achievement.

I think the thing with exercise is that our bodies can get used to what we do, and can compensate for it. There's a host of research about the benefits of exercise for fitness and health, and also lots about the effects on weight etc, and many would conclude it doesn't help specifically with weight loss - but many of us here do it for the health benefits rather than for the weight loss.

I find that I need to change my exercise routine regularly to try to see results and that's why I'm doing more strength exercises currently, to tone up and increase my muscle mass - to enable me to try to burn off more calories that way.

Many people advocate high intensity exercise, in terms of short bursts rather than long sessions etc.

You could always put a post up about exercise and get some feedback within the forum if it was something that interests you. Hope your friend's link to the exercise article is interesting.

Personally I think exercise is great for fitness, and I find it helps me to focus better on my weight loss goals, but I definitely don't rely on it to lose weight. It complements my weight loss goals. That's my personal opinion. I'm sure there will be many and varied opinions on it.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

DownNotUp profile image
DownNotUp in reply to Zest

Everything you say about exercise makes sense and from reading the various articles I think I have a long way to go before I need to worry about doing too much. In my case I think it is more a question of just rebuilding slowly after a period of illness. Thanks for taking the time to write such a long reply. It is much appreciated.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to DownNotUp

Hi DownNotUp,

I'm glad what I wrote made some sense to you - I realised I wrote it in a bit of a rush - i.e. without spending time to think through what I was writing, and whilst I was in the gym this morning, I was reflecting on it, and I have to say that I love the fact I do exercise to complement my weight loss goals - I know there can be dangers in terms of potential overeating after workouts - but if you're mindful of that, then I think exercise can really help in so many ways. Sometimes if I am feeling a bit flat in mood, I find that having a walk can really boost my mood - so on those occasions I am relieved that I push myself to take the walk, rather than remain sitting with whatever flat mood happens to be there. Now I do more exercise, I find I don't feel those January blues so much as well, so that is positive. :-)

As you're rebuilding slowly following a period of illness, I would say you know what you're doing, and you're approaching exercise sensibly and mindfully - and hopefully it will help you feel better as time goes on, and you'll hopefully enjoy it.

Pacing is always a good thing to think of when exercising.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Jaibie profile image

Not too bad this week but still had a 1lb gain. Started going to an aerobics class and plan to start swimming so getting on the right track. Not keen on running so stopped the couch to 5k regime. Might do it when I am a bit fitter. Well done to all you losers! Keep going to all those like me who had a gain this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jaibie

Hi Jaibie,

Sorry to hear you had a 1 pound gain, despite having had a not too bad week. That is frustrating when you've worked hard, but please don't let it put you off. It could be for a whole range of reasons, including water retention, maybe a salty meal, maybe even just exercising a bit more and the water retention caused as the muscles repair etc.

I hope you enjoyed the Aerobics class, and that you also enjoy your swimming when you start that. Great exercise. You've tried the running, and like you say, maybe go back to it when you feel fitter and if you decide you'd like to re-try it. In the meantime, you're trying other forms of exercise - the great thing about exercise is there's lots of different things, and something to hopefully engage everyone - it's just finding what works for you personally and that you enjoy. Walking is a great form of exercise, and worth consideration.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and keep going - those results will come in the end, sometime the scales are a little fickle with us!

Lowcal :-)

Jaibie profile image
Jaibie in reply to Zest

I shall keep going. My weight has always seemed to yo-yo. I thoroughly enjoyed the aerobics and everybody there was so friendly. I needn't have worried about going on my own. Next the scary task of putting on a swimming costume!

Good luck to everyone. Hope you do all you want .

helenb1967 profile image

Not sure if I'm posting in the right box??

First weigh-in at 16.02

I have 71lbs to loose..

Here I Go.........................

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to helenb1967

Hi Helen,

Yes, you are definitely posting in the right box - this is the Monday group weigh-in thread for 1st February, Morning Session, so you're completely in the right place, and I'm so glad you made it here. I remember talking to you yesterday - great you found us ok.

Wishing you a very Warm Welcome, and I hope you'll enjoy being part of our group. You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so. I realise it's a big and brave step to do that, and I don't think any of us particularly like to do that the first time, but hopefully you're ok, and hopefully it will be your highest weight from now on, and you'll be seeing the 15's very soon.

Maybe think about your first goal, i.e. how much you'd like to lose by a certain point in time, maybe by next week, or by the end of February, or a particular occasion etc. Giving yourself mini-goals really helps.

Are you going to do the NHS 12 week plan? I'd recommend it, as it's really good, and many of us use an app (e.g. Myfitnesspal) alongside it to help with the tracking of food and drink intake, and exercise.

Hope you'll enjoy being part of this group, and wishing you a great first week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to helenb1967

Hello again Helen, did you post twice, or am I going round the twist?? :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Helen definitely posted twice, Moreless. Good job Lucca10 didn't spot that reply - she may have given you a different answer! :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Don't tell her, but she'd probably be right! :D

Devonmillie48 profile image

Good morning, lost a further pound this week. Slowly but hopefully surely so keeping my focus on the long term. I find Monday to Friday is easier to stay within the boundaries, saturday and sunday when, 3 out of 4 weeks, I have a grandchild to stay over its harder to keep track on my eating. Maybe friday should be my weigh in day :) Found the "trust me I'm a doctor" piece about whether to weigh weekly or daily quite interesting, the idea of weighing each day then taking an average made sense.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Devonmillie48

One pound is a great loss Devonmillie :)

I've found that by including my grandchildren in my whole change of lifestyle, I'm able to stay on track, even when they're staying with me. We eat together, I just don't have the "extras" and we exercise together. My granddaughter put me to shame this weekend :)

I think the idea of averages is a good one, or you could make a graph of your weight loss, to see a very noticeable downward trend :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Devonmillie48

Hi Devonmillie48,

Congratulations on losing a further pound this week. That is really great! :-)

I can imagine it is harder when you have your grandchild staying on the weekends 3 out of 4 weeks.

I think the idea of weighing each day and taking an average did make sense, so if every want to do that for this Monday group weigh-in, please do. It's important to share the weight so it will be as motivating as possible, and it's a good idea.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

skinnylizzie profile image

Hi everyone,

well I got on scales and after a week of trying to get back to last Monday weight the scales showed 11st 8 lb this morning. Hooray at last that is 0.75 lb down from last week. Total loss of 2st 3lb on 12 th week of plan.

Was a difficult week as I couldn't swim but I did stick to same, counting and not cheating so was feeling a bit miffed not to go down all week as had a big drop last mon.

Its getting harder to deal with the smaller loss. So have bought the juicer and loads of veg and fruit, starting pilates today. so will still be counting the fruit and veg calories but will be trying to cut out more carbs, as weight stayed the same after eating potato, noodles and a bread roll. Sticking to my rye crispbreads and hope to walk more this week if toe holds out.

Need to get a new project going, so must sort out my craft stuff, spring clean a few cupboards and generally get my life in order. That's the plan anyway.

Hope everyone has a positive week. New month so Jan blues are over, better days to come.x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to skinnylizzie

Hi Skinnylizzie,

Fantastic to hear you've lost 0.75 pounds this week, well done! Congratulations also on your total weight loss of 2 stone 3 pounds on your 12th week of the NHS 12 week plan - fantastic!!! That is really inspiring.

Sounds like you're making quite a few changes this week, so I'd like to wish you luck with all of those. Hope you manage to sort out your craft stuff, and that you get that Spring cleaning done too - I'm sure you'll feel good for the end results of all that work.

New month - saying goodbye to any January Blues, and here's to Fab February!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to Zest

Thankyou, just dusting down the exercise videos that were resting In a cupboard !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Woohoo Lizzie, that's a fantastic result! WTG you! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Hi Lizzie, Lizzy's needing your K's for sunday to be able to do the weekly stats :)

Hi everyone I lost a kilo last week. Hooray.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hooray Aqua!! WTG you! :)

vickster5 profile image

Morning All. Well done on those inches Lowcal. I wished I had done that from the beginning and maybe need to go and by myself a tape measure as feel waist is reducing with gym but definitely not scales. To be honest a bad 2 weeks and the scales are well and truly showing it I posted on here last night to reign myself in and make myself focus. So not posting my gain today but hope I feel more positive this week and get back on it. Any tips people for combating that emotional eating. I think I am surprised after a year of positive changes have easy I can slip back into it!

Good luck all

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to vickster5

I really feel for you Vickster! How many times in the past have I thought I was "cured"! The difference this time, for me, is this forum. I feed off it's positivity and support and don't need to use food as an emotional crutch.

I can only suggest you try the same and make yourself accountable to the other forum members. You know that you won't be judged, so it's safe to be open and honest about everything, including any weight gain.

Let's make today the first day of your fresh start :)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to moreless

Thanks! Yes decided to look on here in stead of reaching for food , telling myself I can wait until lunch!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to vickster5

Well done! You're off to a flying start! :)

Claire31 profile image

1.5lb gain, up to 11st 7.5 x knew it would happen as generally been lazy and had a few beers! X only motivating me to do better this week x onwards and downwards 😀x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire31

Put it behind you Claire, we're all in this together and together we'll beat the battle of the bulge!

Onwards and downwards :)

Carpo82 profile image

Morning all. And great work on all your losses/maintains. And for those who gained, I'm sure you will bust it next week :) I think we need to gain sometimes to get our motivation back, lol.

I have finally got out of my maintain and have lost 0.9 kg this week. I have weighed in at 82.1 kg this morning. What I put on over Christmas is finally gone and I'm lighter than what I was at my last weigh in before Christmas. I was actually quite surprised of my loss after a very wet night on the town on Friday, but we danced a lot so must have burned off the excess calories :)

Good luck for next week all. I'm hoping to loose 1 kg this week. I'm now very close to being out of the obese BMI range for the first time in about 8 years :):):):)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Carpo82

Yaay Carpo, Wtg you! :)

Well done for getting down below your pre-christmas weight and getting the balance of K's over cals on your night out :)

OMG! So close to being merely overweight too! Life's good! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

9.50am I am just dashing off to the gym! So I'll be back later.

Lowcal :-)

bunty65 profile image

Morning All, hope you have all had a good week. I've gained 1 pound this week, not surprised really as changed medication 3 weeks ago and it is one of the potential side effects. Have also been terrible with snacking as didn't plan the food for the week ahead. Hopefully the coming week will be better. I have started the C25K just about to complete week 3 but think I need to look at other exercise as well. I haven't yet taken my measurements so will make sure I do that as well thank you Lowcal for the nudge on how important that is.

Have a good week everyone :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bunty65

Hopefully that gained pound will vanish once your body gets used to the new medication Bunty. Being better prepared with your meals will also make a big difference.

Well done for starting the c25k and if you need any motivation, why not join us on our trip Around the World

Oh yes, definitely take your measurements, because they're as important as you weight, especially on days when the scales don't treat you kindly :)

Have a great week :)

gracie1985 profile image

Hey guys,

last week I was 14 stone 9.6lbs & this week I am 14 stone 8.7lbs so only 0.9lbs off for me.

It's going down so slowly but at least the scales are moving a bit more this year.

I am bed ridden today, ended up with a throat infection and back pains - strangely this is the 2nd time the doctors have had to give me muscle relaxants - thinking maybe I should go do yoga, stretch myself out a bit since sitting around all day at work seems to be taking it's toil

anyway good luck to everyone for the week ahead :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to gracie1985

Well done gracie, slow and steady wins the race :)

Sorry to hear you're under the weather today, I hope you'll feel better soon.

Yoga, or pilates sounds like a great way to strengthen and stretch your back. Have you thought about asking your manager to invest in an ergonomically sound stool for you? They improve your posture and stop you from slouching.

Hope the week improves for you :)

gracie1985 profile image
gracie1985 in reply to moreless


They have chairs they claim are good for the back, but I think it must be cheap quality because there is no stability. I have opted to bringing a cushion for extra support .

Thinking to try this guy's classes but feel nervous!vis...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to gracie1985

Proper ergonimically sound stools have no backs to them, they are stools which you tuck your legs under in a specific way, which makes it impossible to slouch and strengthens your back muscles.

They don't look comfy at all :)

Those classes sound fab! What specifically are you nervous about?

in reply to moreless

I've got one - they are ok but they really cause my knees a problem if I sit in it for any length of time. I've gone back to my normal office chair... !

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

That's s*ds law isn't it! Cure one problem and cause another! :(

I quite like the idea of the standing chair to alternate with, but it does require having desks etc at a different height, which isn't always possible.

in reply to moreless

Funny - I saw an ad for just that very thing this morning. It's a computer support thing that sits on your desk that you can raise up so that you can use it when standing and then lower it down when sitting. I think I'm too lazy for such a thing :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Now that sounds perfect! You should try it, because alternating between sitting and standing is so much better for you, especially your back AND it burns more calories! :D

in reply to moreless

I'd rather boil my head...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I just happen to have a nice big pan.......

in reply to moreless


gracie1985 profile image
gracie1985 in reply to moreless

I am nervous that I will not be able to do it or keep up! I always look so ridiculous in these classes and there is always some 80yr old contortionist next to me. My previous company had tables that went up and down so you could stand and work etc

I've seen some people have treadmills at their desk lol oh how the other half lives

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to gracie1985

Now listen to me, it's more than likely that everyone else in the class is going to be thinking exactly the way that you are and they'll be so worried about messing up, they won't have time to worry about whether you're messing up :) Exercise should be fun, so have a laugh :D

Tell your boss you're wanting a desk like that then :)

small-steps profile image

Morning all. Lost 1.1 kg on this mornings weigh in. Now weigh 89.8 kg. All the running around after my husband now he's back at home is paying off. The op went well.

Yesterday rather than sitting watching tele and eating crisps and chocolate I bought down some stamped up cards that I've been meaning to make up since November. They were supposed to be thank you cards for my wedding but just ran out of time. I now have 32 completed cards. Next weekend it will be the Christmas cards that were supposed to be for the one just gone.

I also have found the camp blanket for my embroidered badges which I have rather a lot to sew on, the cross stitch kit to finish and some patchwork to keep my fingers busy at night and out of the snacks.

Don't get me wrong I am still having cake but just a thin slice and biscuit with my tea. Last night I even had pizza and a cornetto. Just not as much as I was having.

Have set myself another mini goal of getting down to 85kg.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to small-steps

Wow ss, you really are in the groove now! :)

So glad that your husband's op went well :)

You're going to be so busy in the coming weeks, that you'll barely have time to eat your meals, never mind cake and biccies ;)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to small-steps

Hi Small-steps,

Just to say I'm glad to hear your husband's op went well.

Lowcal :-)

quinnie44 profile image

Morning lowcal and fab 5! Have stayed the same weight this monday morning thanks to a night out on saturday night leading to the carb munchies yesterday! But was such a good night that i dont mind 😂😂

Back on it this morning counting calories and a 5k run and bootcamp class planned for later on.

Hope everyone has a great week...see you next monday 😀

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to quinnie44

A maintain is always better than a gain quin, especially when it follows a cracking night out! :D

Sounds as if you've got everything tied down this week, so you're bound to see a loss next monday :)

FFUDON profile image

24,04 / 23,10 / 23,06 / 23,03 / 23,01 / 23,02 / 23,00 / 23,05 / 23,01 / 23,00.

Today I'm 23,04.

Last week I had a birthday, and treat myself to joining Slimming World!

I've eaten more than I would have usually eaten this week. Admittedly I've eaten more vegetables than I have in a long time, and I can see that my meals are more balanced now.

I'm still managing to briskly walk 1 mile, two or three times a day.

I'm recording a considerable gain, sorry :-(

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to FFUDON

No apologies necessary FFUDON, if you can't indulge yourself on your birthday, then when can you?! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

Would you ever have thought a few weeks ago, that your birthday treat would be a Slimming World membership?! That just goes to show how far you've come and how much you've changed :) It sounds as if you're already enjoying your new eating plan, so fingers crossed for great results on the scales :)

Keep up those walks - I haven't seen you on the challenge thread for a while ;)

Onwards and downwards :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to FFUDON

Happy Birthday for last week Ffudon! :-) Great that you enjoyed yourself, and never apologise for a gain - we can take it! :-) Like Moreless says, if you can't treat yourself on your Birthday, then that would just be no fun! :-)


Had a bit of a failed first week! It was going really well during the week, lots of slow cooker food and soups, and then the weekend came, whoops - red wine, bread and crisps. I was down to 11.00 (from 11.18) and now it's gone back up to 11.12 (doh)!

Think I'm going to get my mandala colouring book out for the evenings when I'm tempted to snack.

Got a lot of social stuff on this week and a night away for work so not sure how I will tackle that. Really want to get into the 10s for next week and then I'd be on the right track for sure. Here's to February :)


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

No week is ever a fail Alison, it's at the very least a learning experience. You now know what NOT to do at the weekend ;)

If evenings are your achilles heel, then colouring is one great idea to stop you reaching for the goodies and I'm going to give you a link to our newbie thread, for even more ideas

It's just a case of being mindful when you're out of the comfort of your own home. Look for the healthier options, steer clear of desserts, avoid the alcohol, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want if you're eating out, the worst they can say is no! :)

Keep being in the 10's in the forefront of your mind, then you may be dissuaded from over-indulging :)

Good luck! :)

in reply to moreless

Thank you, think you are right about focussing on the 10s when the tiramisu comes hovering my way! Also really looking forward to spring as this weather is so depressing!

rosie-2015 profile image

Hi everyone just a 6oz loss this week it's so disheartening, i can't see it being much more next week as i have cataract surgery on Wednesday. Good luck to everyone onwards and downwards 👍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

A 6oz loss is 6oz more than I lost Rosie and a heck of a lot better than a 6oz gain :) It's reason to celebrate, because you put so much effort into it, so WTG you! :)

Sorry to hear about your cataract surgery next week, but just think how good it'll be to see the world in HD again :)

Stay positive, you can do this :)

Onwards and downwards! :)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to moreless

A Thanks moreless you've made me feel a lot better I have been feeling so down lately xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

Don't be down Rosie, come and chat to us, together we can sort anything out :)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to moreless

I I really appreciate that x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie-2015

Hi Rosie,

Hope your cataract surgery op goes well on Wednesday. Try not to feel too disheartened by the 6oz loss - it's great that you've got a loss - Congratulations! :-)

Lowcal :-)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal it's my birthday today but i think i will wait until Thursday to treat myself 😁

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie-2015

Rosie - I just read this, and would like to wish you a Happy Birthday for today! :-)

I hope you have a good day and that you enjoy treating yourself on Thursday.

Happy Birthday!

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to rosie-2015

Happy birthday Rosie :)

I think you should treat yourself today and thursday :)

Nelliecat4 profile image

Weighted 9 st 12.8 this morning, so lost about 1.5 lbs this week, and happy with that, because my main aim is to eat healthily and give up sugary snacks as much as possible. A good week! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Nelliecat4

Well done Nelliecat! It certainly was a good week! :)

A win win situation, good for you :)

henlady profile image

This is my first post on this thread so starting weight is 11st 2lbs. Actually typing that had made me take a very sharp intake of breath! Fingers crossed that translates to me sorting it out.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to henlady

Hi and welcome henlady :)

It's wonderful that you've decided to join us here and well done for taking the brave step of declaring your starting weight. I have to say though, that your starting weight is just about my finishing weight! When I reach 11st 2lbs, I shall just have stepped into healthy weight territory. Unfortunately, as yet, that's 5st away! :D

Have you downloaded the NHS 12 week plan? It's a nice easy place to start, at least :)

You'll soon be sending those excess pounds packing!

Onwards and downwards :)

henlady profile image
henlady in reply to moreless

Thanks, moreless.

I'm not very tall so 11st 2lbs is not good for me. I have seen the NHS 12 week plan and get the weekly email. I'm only planning on losing 1/2 lb a week. If I try for more and don't make it I'll just give up as I realise from previous experience.

Good luck to us both.... And everyone else.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to henlady

That sounds extremely sensible! :)

We can do this! :)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi all, really struggling to type (site sticking today!) so not going to waffle. Still feeling poorly and have maintained at 17st9&1/4 which is pretty much as expected.

Have a happy healthy week all.

Kate :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fitforit75

I know what you mean Kate, I'm having the devil's own job with it! :(

Sorry you're still feeling rough Kate, but well done for managing to maintain still. Let's hope that your health and the weight loss improves this week :)

Fabala profile image

Well done everybody :)

My first time joining the thread- hello!

I have lost 3.4lbs this week, making a total loss this year of 7.4lbs (only been going 2 weeks).

Not ready to share starting weight yet, hope that is okay!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fabala

Hi and welcome Fabala :)

I'm delighted that you've decided to join us today and would like to congratulate you on your fab losses this year already :)

You will never be put under pressure to share your weight. We all understand how personal that information is and how difficult it is to reveal it. If you feel comfortable doing so at a later date, then all well and good, but on a need to know basis, we don't need to know :)

Wishing you all the best of luck with this following week :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fabala

Hi Fabala, Lizzy's needing your K's for sunday, to be able to complete the weekly stats :)

Fabala profile image
Fabala in reply to moreless

Hi sorry I don't know what you mean?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fabala

Hi Fabala,

I'm not sure if Moreless is still up, as it's past midnight, so I thought I'd just reply and say that she's referring to Fizzyliz's Challenge which is called 'Around the World in 80 Days' - Moreless was mentioning that Lizzy would want your km totals for the Challenge, and in particular it sounds like she wanted your total for Sunday, so she could complete the weekly stats.

Does that make better sense, now I've explained it?

I know Moreless would respond to you personally about this, but I'm not sure if she's still up and about right now, and as I am, I thought I'd quickly respond.

I'm going to bed now though, as midnight is later than I intended to be up.

Have a great week, Fabala.

Lowcal :-)

Fabala profile image
Fabala in reply to Zest

Ah I see, I'm new here and didn't realise I'd need to post steps every day...but that does make sense!

I've been a bit ill this week and haven' t done very much so didn't join in. Apologies if I've messed anything up. Thanks for explaining :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fabala

Not to worry Fabala, I hope you're feeling much better now and that we'll see you back on the daily threads :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Thanks for stepping in Lowcal, I had indeed gone to bed :)

Linda15to11 profile image

hi lowcal I seem to have messed up the weekly weigh in thing but yesterday I completed my first four weeks on here and I lost 4 cms around my waist and 9lbs in weight and I am able to do a lot more exercise than I could 4 weeks ago. . I started at 15 stone and my goal is 11.5 stone. love this site it is really helping me so thanks to everyone who works so hard to run it


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Linda15to11

How have you messed up the weekly weigh-in Linda? If your weigh-in day is a sunday and you wish to post your results separately then that's absolutely fine by us. If you wish to change to a monday and join us here, then that's also fine by us :)

You are doing tremendously well so far, long may it continue :)

This is a truly fabulous site, but you haven't met anybody who "runs" it. Lowcal is a marvellous member of the weight loss community, who had the genius idea of starting a weigh-in group. Over the years, it has grown in size and popularity and so a few of us have been drafted in to help out. We are also ordinary members. We are none of us here in an official capacity, just enthusiastic losers like everyone else :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Linda15to11

Hi Linda,

I would like to second what Moreless said - you have not messed anything up. I can see that you've been doing the plan for 4 weeks, and so during that time you've lost 4 cms from your waist and you've lost a total of 9 pounds in weight. You have also been able to do more exercise than you could 4 weeks ago - that makes lots of excellent progress. If I divide your total weight loss by 4 then it means you've lost an average of 2.25 pounds per week, so if you're ok with that, we'll put you down for a 2.25 pound loss this week. How's that?

If you choose to weigh-in monthly, then just pop back in a month's time, and we could similarly divide by 4 weeks to calculate the weekly amount, but if you choose to join us weekly, that's fine too. We can accommodate lots of different styles and preferences - I hope! We'll certainly try anyway!

Glad you're enjoying the site - I love it too.

Lowcal :-)

Linda15to11 profile image
Linda15to11 in reply to Zest


Linda15to11 profile image
Linda15to11 in reply to Zest

I seem to be having technical problems when I try to reply it takes ages for the text to appear. is it just me? thanks for the response. I will start my posts for the monday weekly weigh in from now on

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Linda15to11

It's definitely not just you Linda. The site is unable to cope with the volume of posts on a thread, that's why Lowcal has to split the thread in two, to ease the situation.

The tech team are supposed to be sorting it out, but there's been no improvement so far.

Prin profile image

Morning - just about 😳 Logging on between classes shamefully did NO exersise yesterday and FAILED to do 10,000 steps I am 11.1 today can't remember if that's a gain I think it's a pound or maybe half will be better this week as social caleder less busy, don't mind that gain Lowcal we both had a good week out!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Prin

Good grief Prin! Were you ill??!! That's unheard of situation, but I bet you're making up for it today! :)

You'll probably be in the 10's next monday :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

It's good to have a rest day - so I think you had a thoroughly deserved rest day yesterday, and yes, we both had a good meal out last week - so it's all good! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

11.55am The Afternoon/Evening thread is now live, and here is the link:

Lowcal :-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024

Hi everyone

A bit disappointed as I have only lost 1lb this week and I felt as though I had been doing well. But you never know it may show next week. I am now 18st 6lbs. Lost 9lbs since 1st Jan so reasonably pleased.

Good luck everyone see you next week


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxiemum

Hi Pam,

You have been doing well! Losing 1 pound this week is fantastic! Congratulations! I can sense you're feeling some disappointment, but as you've said, you've had a good week, and you felt like you were doing well, and to lose 1 pound is a good result. You have lost a total of 9 pounds since 1st January, and that's great progress. :-)

Please try to be proud of your achievements and here's to another great week ahead for you.

Lowcal :-)

My Mondays weight has been 91kg in the morning before breakfast. Sorry I had run out of my PC Fee and couldn't log in. ;-P

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flower-arranger,

Great to see you, and sorry to hear you couldn't log in previously.

I am wondering what your weight change has been over the week, so if you could possibly let us know your weight last week that would be great - no problem if you can't remember it, as I'll look it up from last week's stats. But if you could let me know, it would help - as I like to give a figure to Ruth for when she does the stats later in the week.

Hope you are having a good week.

Lowcal :-)

I've edited this post to let you know that you've actually lost 0.7kg, as your previous weight was noted as 91.7kg, so really well done! :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi again Flower-arranger,

I double checked your last post, and previously you were 91.7kg, so you've lost 0.7kg this week, that is fantastic! Congratulations!

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Would love to join the monday weigh in is this open to all

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flavvy61,

Yes, it is open to everyone, and the next Monday weigh-in session will be posted just before 7am tomorrow, so just look out for my name, and join in. Or if you prefer an Afternoon/Evening session, then the post will be posted at about midday, so choose whichever session suits you best.

Looking forward to catching up with you then.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

Lowcal :-)

alisonewcastle profile image

Morning chums!

This week I read a book called "Beyond Chocolate". Has anyone read it? It's by sophie and audrey Boss. They suggest that if we tune to our bodies, we can discover what our body really needs, so we should forget diet plans because we know best! Nice idea, and I believe it's probably true .... the difficulty starts when you know you aren't hungry and are eating for other reasons, but you still want to do it! If you are eating to avoid feelings like boredom, sadness, anger or whatever, then you have to face that unpleasant feeling. A tasty snack can seem much more appealing!!

Anyway maybe there's something in it, becuase this week I did lose 1lb, and am now 11st 4.

Whatever works for you eh? Good luck everyone.

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