Friday weigh in : Last week 12.5st this... - Weight Loss Support

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Friday weigh in

18 Replies

Last week 12.5st this week 12.7st 😕 It's that time of the month plus a night out last night with a couple of white wine sodas. Apart from that I have resisted the ongoing festive temptations but with another 3 nights out this weekend and my hubby's bday celebrations it's abit tough. Roll on January when the whole nation is dieting. Meanwhile I do love this time of year. I hope everyone else's week is more successful than mine 😀

18 Replies
Johnny-One profile image

I have four sisters and all but one struggle with their weight. Mind you one is around eighteen stone and could not give two hoots. She gave up caring about her weight years ago. Her husband is about five foot six and weighs over twenty five stone. One of their daughters got married recently and he was telling everyone he looked like the Fat Controller off Thomas the Tank Engine in his suit; and he did! They like their money and high standard of living too much.

Keep at it your fitness is important to how you look and feel about yourself, but do not worry about what any one else says, just do not give up like my sister did; both her and her husband are battling against all kinds of health implications now and they are only in the early to mid fifties.

You are an individual with a life ahead of you and by all means enjoy life to the full, but you only have the one body! I have battered mine about a bit that's why I am trying to lose my excess to ensure I can carry on into old age before I hit my fifties! I only have 7 more pounds to go minimum but ideally 14 pounds. My Granny died this year aged 99 and I want to do 100.

All the best.

in reply to Johnny-One

Hi Johnny thanks for your reply. Good luck with the last few pounds and congrats on your weight loss so far. I will definitely keep up the exercise as I have a very demanding little doggy! The Xmas parties are fun but I am trying to keep in control as I fear ruining all that hard work. This time two years ago I was 14.10st so I am winning and the story of your sister is very familiar to my own. I particularly suffered from sleep apnea - so scarey! My goal is to be 10.10st which would put me in the healthy bracket. Here's to a lighter 2016! ☺

Primrose3 profile image

Not to worry Juliet

This kind of thing happens. You may be pleasantly surprised next week. Onwards we go. Good luck.

Primrose 😊

in reply to Primrose3

Thanks Primrose. Yes hoping for a loss next week ☺

Keep going. You will be healthier for your healthy eating programme even if this week is not a great result. We all have weeks when everything seems to not go as it should. You know the drill. I am sure next week will be better.

in reply to

Yes here's hoping for a better result next week. Luckily it's a lighter week on the old Xmas parties too ☺

Stickafork1 profile image

We all have little blips this time if the year, my weigh in is tomorrow and I'm dreading it, not had the best of weeks with eating and it's my birthday today so the cake will be eating tonight with the family but im at the gym just now burning off what I'll have tonight hopefully.. stay positive☺

in reply to Stickafork1

Happy birthday 🎂🎁 I hope you have a lovely time tonight and forget the scales. Here's to a better result next week ☺

in reply to Stickafork1

Happy birthday

MusicMaker profile image

I love this time of year, so I don't beat myself up about actually losing weight over the Christmas season. I try to be careful, but as long as I can manage not to gain any, or keep it to no more than a few pounds which I can easily lose (and more) in January I'm satisfied. After not really dieting over Christmas I find I can lose the first few pounds quite quickly in early January to get back to what I was previously, then i can keep going to lose more.

I do try to balance the times I indulge with eating less at other times, so I don't eat much calorific food during the rest of the day if I am going to a Christmas event. It's a good time of year for 5:2 type diet days! I'm also trying not to eat seasonal food just because it's there, but only if it's a treat. There are a lot of not very special mince pies out there, which I am learning to resist and save the calories for one or two scrumptious home made ones.

doralin profile image
doralin in reply to MusicMaker

Love your positive attitude towards the Christmas period, really useful tips here. Thank you for sharing.

in reply to MusicMaker

That is such good advice! Thank you so much. As I feel it's not a diet but a change of life then that will work well for me. I am learning not to go mad and over indulge as I hate how it makes me feel. I hope you have a very happy Christmas ☺

doralin profile image

Don't allow a little blip to spoil your hard work so far. We all sometimes have weigh-ins that either disappoint us or surprise us but as long as you keep at it you will get there.

in reply to doralin

Thank you Doralin, I'm ok and all of these lovely replies of support buck me up alot. ☺

Hi Juliet,

Life sounds full on and sometimes we just have to go with it!! Don't worry January will soon be here ! Lol😈

Enjoy all your celebrations it will all even out I'm sure😃


in reply to

Thanks Flossie, 3rd night on the row out last night was all too much and now I am looking forward to a day at home with the family. Next week will be a better week before more celebrations so will really try and be good. Hope all well with you ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Juliet,

Wanted to look out for your Friday weigh-in results - sorry to hear you had a gain, but at least you know why - the time of the month, plus Birthday celebrations and nights out all add up. Hope your husband enjoyed his Birthday, and great that you're enjoying this time of year. I love it too!

I'm really happy to be back home again, and although I am feeling very tired, I am looking forward to the week ahead.

Good luck for your week, and look forward to catching up with you next week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal welcome home. Thanks for your reply. It was a good weekend of celebrations and nice to be back on the healthy eating/no alcohol regime now. Off away for the weekend on Friday so no wonder my weight is abit like a yo yo! It's all about not getting out of control but still enjoying the festivities so I am just about coping. I hope your weigh in will be what you hoped for and I will look out for you on Monday. Maybe catch up on Friday too for my hopefully nor another gain! Eek ☺

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