Hi I am starting cutting down on what I eat I have diabetes type 2 and an under active thyroid and high blood pressure any tips would be appreciated x
My healthy me: Hi I am starting cutting... - Weight Loss Support
My healthy me

Hi Leane, I am currently reading an amazing book on food and its impact on our health and behaviour (from how open and sensitive we are to sexual behaviour). The book doesn't particularly discuss your health issues in isolation, but the choices it suggests would help out with that too. It's supported by a lot of research, but at the same time it's easy reading... I got it from Amazon for a few pounds: 'Food for Thought' by Saul Miller.
Try cutting out foods that contain added sugar, like breakfast cereals, or refined white flour, like white bread. Read the labels on any ready made food /drinks you buy and choose the low or no sugar options.
Don't eat too many carbohydrates in a day and going for higher fibre Ones. Cook from scratch whenever possible and try to eat a wide variety of food.
Thank you will have a look x
I am going to try a very low carb diet I seem to be OK for 2 weeks or so and then I cave in but I need to lose a bit of weight and get my diabetes under good control x