I am 16.1 kg overweight and would be starting out my journey of losing weight using the NHS 12 WEEK PROGRAM! Any top tips? Wish me luck and success!
About to start my journey :) - Weight Loss Support
About to start my journey :)

Hi gettingbackontrack. Have you got myfitnesspal on your phone? That's a great way to start recording everything you eat. Also, have you got some healthy snacks prepared? Keep bits of fruit etc on hand, make sure you have things ready to stave off any temptations. Good luck 😊

Also, check out your BMI, see how many calories you can eat and burn off the excess energy stores....you'll be amazed!...posting and replaying to posts works for me....keeps me in the zone!

thank you! i shall keep these in mind 😀
Just completed my 12weeks. My top tip is to stick with it. Make small changes. Celebrate every gram of loss and learn from any gram of gain. It you set yourself some SMART goals each week just work to those. Don't give up

name too long to type, but wishing you every success and loads of support along the way. Keep the updates coming.
Dave x