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Freya5603 profile image
13 Replies

Please can someone help me I'm not motivated to lose weight and I'm getting bigger everyday

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Freya5603 profile image
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13 Replies
Portlandprincess profile image

Only one person can make the decision to 'go for it'. Why not just think in terms of one day at a time. And see how you feel after day one of the twelve week plan?

Ali911 profile image

I don't want to sound harsh but YOU need to be in a place where you want to lose weight. This forum is fantastic at offering support & guidance but the hard work & desire to change your habits/lifestyle has to come from within.

Take a look at the 12 week plan & take one day at a time, meal plan, get the My Fitness Pal app, log everything you eat & drink & take it from there.

Good luck :)

sueper profile image


I agree with Portlandprincess only you can motivate yourself.

I was speaking with a friend yesterday who is in the same position as you, she kept saying that there seemed to me no good week to start as she always had something going on (socially). But I never started on a particular day - I just kept making little changes and probably after a one month started to take things more seriously and had my first weigh-in after about 6 weeks.

Do you feel you can start to make a few small changes? If you do then start that way and see how you get on.

Incidentally I put on an average of 8lb a year for 13 years and this is how I ended up at over 24 stones!

Good luck :)

Freya5603 profile image

In 2012 I was 12 stones and I looked good. I became a size 12. But also in 2012 I was made redundant from a fantastic job, lost a baby and got divorced. In 2013 my mother had a very serious operation of having a brain tumour removed. I threw myself into one job to the next not dealing with my emotional state.....led to a nervous breakdown. The past two have been a complete emotional roller coaster, but I'm happy I've dealt with a lot of issues, my mothers well, but I'm now obese. I weigh 16 stones the heaviest I've been in my entire life. I look awful none of my clothes fit. I hate looking in the mirror. I really want to lose weight. I started to eat healthy. All fresh vegetables low fat meat. No oil. Exercise an hour a day. However, I've lost the momentum again. My stomach is enormous which is my worst area, like most people. I look pregnant. Which is ironic. I want my life back I know results aren't going to happen overnight. I just need that extra push to make that Change....

Ali911 profile image
Ali911 in reply to Freya5603

You've had a lot to contend with over the last few years. Well done for the healthy eating that's great, plus exercise it sounds like you have begun the journey already.

Lowcal does a wonderful weigh-in thread on here on a Monday .. so perhaps if you join in with that tomorrow you will get some motivation from everyone else posting their updates. It really does help knowing you aren't alone on this road .. yes, it is long-term but so worth it.

Focus on what you want to achieve & go for it :) always happy to be a buddy if you need some extra encouragement.

KarlTravis profile image

Have you got any friends that do this with you? You would always have someone to push you on days when you maybe don't feel like doing anything. Don't look at it as going on a diet, it is a lifestyle change. You consciously need to up your physical activity, make better food choices and drink plenty of water! Most of any initial weight you lose is water. Take things slowly, 1-2lb a week off is recommended by most fitness trainers. Another thing I did when I went on a 12 month fitness plan (and lost 2 stone) was to write an online blog. I found by doing this, it kept me focused on my goals. It puts you in the right mindset and you even get responses from people that helps with the motivation. Something else to try.......take a photo of yourself as you are it to the status, talk about how you feel and how you are going to change. Do a new post each month. I bet you that you will get a very good response from your friends, they will get on board with you. This in itself will push you and motivate you.

Good luck

Carolee13 profile image

Hi Freya, I hope you're feeling a big better after reading the positive replies in this forum. I'm really sorry for all the rotten things that happened to you.

When I made the decision to do the 12 week plan I'd been putting it off because I didn't feel motivated. Then I bumped into a friend in the supermarket and we started chatting about the Slimming World items in her basket And she was really enthusiastic about the fitness classes she'd joined and I could see she had lost some weight and was so positive, and I thought, "you know what? I can take control, I can do this too."

Good luck !

andrewleeone profile image

Have a hard think about yourself and ask "What am I getting from these behavioural choices?" We only do things we think are benefitting ourselves in the short term. I might eat to feel better, but the feel better will only last a few minutes. Try to spot yourself using emotional reasoning because its the worst sort of thinking we ever do!

If you aren't bothered, then thats OK, just get bigger! Its your Body and Your Life! Sometimes we have to get to an extreme point before we'll take action.

Ask yourself - "Five years from now, what would you wished you had done today?"

Probably time for a tough self taking to!

Andyt2120 profile image

I agree with the above comments. What did it for me was a holiday photo when I felt really bad about how I looked.

One of the things that has helped to keep me motivated was taking the dreaded underwear photos and body measurements. While losing weight you can really notice the difference in body shape and inches lost.

My fitness levels increasing massively provided the motivation to keep exercising even though at the start it was just a gentle increase in fitness increasing to where I now can't believe how fit I've got.

To repeat the above though only YOU can make decision to start and motivate yourself.

Dave1961 profile image

Freya I think in your case you need to fake it till you make it.

What I mean by that is that you to start ACTING like someone who is trying to lose weight and eventually it will come to you.

As we get older I know there are less and less times when we get that SPARK! that says "Right thats it I hate how I look diet starts NOW" and we charge off and are motivated and get going.

Sometimes we have to build that motivation through sheer determination.

So - starting acting like someone who wants to lose weight.

Follow these steps.

1. Go through your cupboards and fridge and remove all the bad food - you don't need me to tell you what is bad food - you know what it is. Throw it in the bin and pour cooking oil on it.

2. Find a pair of jeans or a dress you used to fit in to that you would love to be able to put on again and hang it somewhere you can see it - visual cues can definitely help.

3. Sit down and think....think really hard about the things you hate about being fat, about how hard it is to move around, how you hate being in photos, how you are embarrassed sometimes by your weight, how you feel tired and depressed.

4. Now think about what you want from your weight loss journey. The great things to come. Your self esteem and confidence rising, to look better, to feel better, to chase the kids around, to play touch footy, to put on that will have many of these in your head. Write them down. Put that list up on your bathroom mirror or somewhere obvious. (I have mine on the cupboard above the loo so every time I pee I read it :) AND most importantly come up with one major goal. For me it is the 2016 Sydney City To Surf. Your might be to your blood sugar to XX or go rock climbing or wear those sexy jeans...

5. Think about rewards - what will you give yourself when you drop 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 30 pounds...what will you do when you are within 5 pounds of your goal weight (I say 5 because no one wants to be a nazi about this and maybe your goal weight is just something you dance around :). Make these things you want or enjoy and make that last one a biggie.

6. Commit yourself to calorie counting at least in the short term. If you have a smartphone download the Myfitnesspal app and start logging EVERY single bite of food you take for a week. Don't cheat by intentionally not logging a chocolate or a sweet- you only cheat yourself.

7. COMMIT to 30 days of exercise. Every day, rain, hail, sleet or sickness. Walk for at least 30 mins and more if you feel like it and walk like you mean it. Or go swimming or dfo a zumba class or or or...After 30 days this will be a habit and you will actually look forward to exercise.

8. Once you have logged your food for a week look back and see where your real problem areas are. It might be a fatty breakfast, a carby lunch, too many chocolates...decide here and now you are going to cut those out.

9. Now plan your next weeks food, check calories, look up healthy recipes, write down every meal and snack you will have. Plan, plan, PLAN! If you are going to be out and about make sure you plan foods that are easy to take with you or can be packed easily to throw in your bag. Now either go to the supermarket or order it online and get it delivered - I can do that for free here in Sydney so I prefer to just not go to the supermarket - less temptation.

10, Take photos of yourself, catching every chubby angle and feature you dislike. You will want these so you can see how far you have come!

Another thing that has kept me really focused (I have lost around 15 pounds in 3 weeks so something is working lol) is my Fitbit. Cost me $100, talks to the Myfitnesspal app and counts every step. I won't rest until I get to my 10,000 and more steps a day. Its a great tool for me anyways.

Aaaaannnndddd GO!

Some or all of these may not even be what you want to do but I hope some of these things will help to get you at least thinking in that mindset so you can fake it till you make it.

You *can* do this. I know it.

wlss profile image

And this little motivation video for you :)

brities profile image

Freya, I have no motivatipn and also have suffered a catalogue of catastrophies. Take it easy on yourself your time will come

Jo4950 profile image

The 12 week plan is a really useful tool and there are lots of links to give you idea's to help. When I made the decision to get on with it I made a list of all the pro's and con's of why I wanted to lose the weight. I thought about the health, emotions, how I looked and what I would be able to do if I lost some weight. I did make some con's but even I could see they were excuses to stop myself achieving.

Remember you are definitely worth it and even a small loss makes all the difference.

Hope you have a fantastic week.

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