I have noticed my weight creeping up, so I just got on the scales..AAArrrgh!!! Damn it has not crept is has Soared!! so I found the NHS 12 week programme that I start tomorrow. I cant believe just how I got to 16st but I have, so time to change..here goes
I start Tommorrow: I have noticed my... - Weight Loss Support
I start Tommorrow

Good luck with this, I too am starting tomorrow (17/08/2015) and am just a tad heavier than you at 16st 3lb, hope you don't mind me following you!

Oh shuttup - you're a supermodel compared to me at 21 stone! LOL
Usually we get fat because we forget how many calories are in that delicious food, how big a "normal" portion should be and how to get up off the couch occasionally
I use Myfitnesspal to count calories - AWESOME little app and its free - makes calorie counting a LOT easier than it used to be back when I was counting them many moons ago.
Good to have you here - I am sure you will be able to shift the weight.
Welcome there is a Monday weigh in thread run by Lowcal. You are welcome to join in.
I'm with you all the way on this one Johnygail! I'm up to just about 15st and it's really getting me down.
I'm fed up of being ashamed of myself when I take my top off and that's even in front of my partner of 4 years.
I'm going to weigh tonight after the gym and set some goals!! Good luck to you, let me know how you get along.
Good luck, there as so many helpful tools on here, the diary print off and calorie calculator is excellent!
Hi,johny Gail l started the NHS one 4weeks ago .after week 1l lost 3and a half pounds now l will get weighed again on the28.which is 3weeks after.so l am hoping for a further reduction. l have started walking every day for an hour also go to the gym once a week .l have found a lot of difference drinking lots of water (at least 2 litres a day) .good luck for the future and stick with it.