Hey everyone
I don't mind if no one replies because I'm going to start posting how each day has gone and what I've eaten to encourage me to keep losing weight
So on Sunday I decided to plan out my meals for this week with what food I've got in the house and as I'm at uni it means I've not got mum nagging me
For breakfast I decided to have banana pancakes made from 2 eggs and a banana (252 cals), which are very filling and tasty for dinner I had an egg and cheese Salad sandwich with lettuce (homemade) and a celery stick (406 cals) and as I got peckish later I had anothet celery stick (20-30 cals). Then at tea I had 2 quorn sausages with sweetcorn and onion gravy (450 cals). I also drank water throughout the day, making sure I had at least 2 litres and i had 2 fruit teas and a coffee.
My IBS was good yesterday, my stomach didn't bloat and I felt satisfied after every meal as too much food in one go often flares up my IBS and is very annoying.
I will try to stick to these size meals in future and see how I feel each time