That first step...: Hey everyone! I'm... - Weight Loss Support

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That first step...

3 Replies

Hey everyone! I'm starting the 12 week plan in the morning (as it's bedtime now) and I'll admit I'm nervous, I've been on diets before where i'd lost 1-2 pounds a week, but always found myself getting so impatient as I didn't think this was fast enough :( Hoping this forum will really help to keep me on track and stay motivated. Anyone got any good starting out tips?? Thanks for taking time to read this!

3 Replies
sueper profile image

Hello & good luck.

I know where you are coming from about being impatient - I have lots to lose and it is taking ages!

Try to see it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet, that seems to make it easier to manage long term. I have been doing it for about 5 months or so now and it hasn't been too hard. I do usually give myself an evening off once a week and I definitely feel this helps keep me on track long term.

Good luck :)

trafford1 profile image

Hello and welcome :-) your journey will take patience, determination lot's of focus, preparation and planning. The most important is self belief. Believing that a change can be made will certainly play a big role here. You already have all of the tools needed as you have lost weight before, now it's time to make this a journey for the rest of your life.

I know the feeling of impatience it has happened to me on a number of occasions, but I have stuck with it and found I am still here 29 weeks later and have lost 61 lbs which averages out to be 2 lbs a week. Even on weeks where I have maintained this did not deter me from working even harder to achieve my weight loss goal for the following week.

It's our mind that will tell us to give up or it's our mind that will tell us to fight and to keep going. Train your mind and tell yourself " I can " and " I will do this " tell yourself I'm not giving up and I am going to push through and it's at that point you become unstoppable. On your journey you may be faced with some walls that you feel can't be broken and you may reach this point time after time, but one thing I have found now is that there is no wall that can't be broken and I am capable of anything and since reaching this point I am breaking down all those walls and rediscovered just how strong I actually am.

You can do this NoMoreYoYo you really can and I wish you the very best on your journey :-) good luck for your first week

Trafford1 x

Hi Nomoreyoyo and welcome :) I have been doing the NHS weight loss plan for 9 weeks and lost 12lbs, with 11lbs left to lose. Before I started this I lost 3lbs doing the couch to 5k programme which got me running and gave me a healthy approach especially the night before a run - no more loading up on after-dinner snacks as I knew it would make running the next day harder. I recommend looking at some kind of exercise goal like this, as there's a real sense of achievement you get as well as losing weight, so if 1-2lbs a week may feel slow, you'll be feeling a sense of achievement in other areas. Also measure everything before you start. I only measured my waist but it's good to measure chest, waist, hips, upper arms and thighs. On a week where I don't lose weight on the scales I measure my waist to see if there's a change there and there usually is. I wish I'd measured everywhere else too! Last tip, plan for the unexpected. How will you cope on stressful days, when there are longer than usual gaps between meals, when you go away on holiday. Get into the habit of having healthy snacks to hand, and remove temptations from sight if possible. But allow yourself a little of what you fancy from time to time, in a planned and controlled way, so you don't feel deprived - everything in moderation. Good luck!

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