Well despite the skepticism I got here, I've lost 5kg in just three weeks and I keep going down 2/300gr per day. I am now 70.2kg and have been able to fit into some of my old dresses and jeans. My next target now is to reach 65kg. It not easy but it is doable and achievable, it just takes some sacrifices ( no bread, tea, alcohol, potatoes, pizza, pasta) but when you see that it works it is very encouraging. ps I do stray now and then but not too often. If anyone wants to know what I eat pm me. You must like fish though especially salmon.
Yippie nearly reached my first target! - Weight Loss Support
Yippie nearly reached my first target!

I read your post and thought your 70.2kg weight sounded like my goal weight not something to get further below - but then I converted my imperial weight to kgs and saw that it comes out as 73kg. I hadn't realised I was that low now! My GP has my weight down as being over 80kg (when they last weighed me this provoked a frowning expression and advice to lose weight). If I got them to weigh me now they'd definitely see a difference! (despite GP scales somehow adding several lbs onto your actual weight!)
What you're doing doesn't sound all that dissimilar to me. I've also massively cut down alcohol and cut out wheat and dairy. I wrote a post about this last week, if you want any more ideas! It is definitely amazing to be fitting back into clothes that make you feel like your old self again. Lots of luck reaching your next goal of 65kg
Just read your previous post about the Perricone diet. Lots of advice is given these days about cutting things out to help with health issues. If this is working for your arthritis then that's really good news. I've been advised to avoid wheat and dairy for stomach problems, which I saw as adding complication to my need to lose weight. But now that I've started to actually lose weight I can see that exclusion can be an asset too, as long as a bit of common sense is thrown in alongside! Keep us posted on your progress

Well done keep it up.Mag.
well done though.. its about how you feel too..
Well Done! you sound as if you are in a good place and heading to a better one. I thought giving up alcohol would be a real sacrifice but its been really liberating! The biggest change is my sleep - 7/8 hours full sleep every night! 5KG is awesome!