Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (6th July 2015).

Prin profile image
85 Replies

Morning folks it's that time again! Well this week I am happy, am 10.13 and a half this morning, my goal for this week is to stay under 11, am going out to lunch today but having a few gym classes to compensate, off to spin now look forward to your replies when I get back hope you are all having a positive start to the week!

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Prin profile image
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85 Replies
Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Prin, well done you a great result to match great weather.

Here goes: last week 96.3 this morning 97k!

I had a lovely week of healthy eating, loads of exercise - about twenty hours altogether - and daily weight losses

So either I gained 1.5k overnight or it's a blip.

Enjoy your lunch, enjoy the spin class have a great week. Thanks for keeping the thread going.

in reply to Gonti

Surely a blip. Well done on all the exercise. 20 hours!!!!!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Gonti

A blip I feel! well done on that excersise I am a big advocate, now the gain is just temporary just think how fab it will be when you have a big loss next week, fingers crossed have a good week😃

K1972 profile image


I too am under the 11stone mark which is MAJOR!!

It feels quite incredible to at last feeling this is actually all moving well. This week saw a 3lb loss for me, despite having some pretty heavy sessions with the Pringles and cake.

Congratulations to you on your target of 'below 11' You deserve to feel fabulous!!

Go us! 🎉

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to K1972

Well done - welcome to the 10's - feels good doesn't it?!! :))))

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to K1972

Well done us😜 great when those first numbers get smaller, you have got a good general ethic and sometimes the losses happen when we least expect well done and enjoy being a member of the less elevens!

fussybird profile image

Morning Prin, 1lb loss this week for me. This was achieved by Friday last week, and we were out celebrating a family birthday on Saturday and BBQ yesterday. I ate a lot less than usual, counted and logged everything, so I know I was about 1200 cals over for the weekend, but didn't put any more on.

Now I'm 13st 11lb, I've only been this weight when pregnant (youngest of 4 is 10 this year eek!). So sticking with it, feel more in control of my emotional eating now, this page has been a godsend, I come on here when I'd usually start snacking.

This weeks goal is a 2lb loss.

Good luck everyone xx

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to fussybird

Well done I am sure being in control makes you empowered we can beat the weight into submission- have a nice positive week ahead😄

Fitforit75 profile image

Morning Prin, good luck with this weeks goal :)

This week I weigh 17st2lbs so 3lbs down from last week. Think most of that was water weight from my period but better off than on :)

Today it is exactly 4 months (17 weekly weigh ins) until my 40th birthday. I have approached every milestone in my life with the intention of not being overweight (and failed miserably ;) ) this time I'm going for "not as overweight as I am today"

I know I probably often appear flippant on here but I truly appreciate all of the advice and support directed by and between everyone who posts on this thread and I'm sure it will help to keep me on the straight and narrow these next 17 weeks.

My best friend is determined to host a hot tub party for me and as none of my close friends are over a size 14 (most of them not even near that) I either need to go on an extreme juice diet or start looking for a Victorian bathing costume :-o we'll see..

Have a good week all.

Kate x

in reply to Fitforit75

Well done Kate - great result! You can achieve a lot in 17 weeks - be realistic in your goals but stick in there and you can be the hottie in the hot tub!! :-)

chocolatebum profile image
chocolatebum in reply to Fitforit75

well done, i too weigh in at 17st 2lbs this week, i am in a similar mindframe to you although i have slightly longer until my 40th, 40 weeks in fact and i am determined not to be as fat at 40. i am sure you will look fabulous at your hot tub party and no victorian bathing costume will be necessary.

Cbum xx

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Fitforit75

3 pesky pounds down, me thinks £3 in your birthday pot to get something gorgeous, do count us down on the weekly thread to your big day, as I have said before this thread has kept me on the straight and narrowish for 2 years so 17 weeks will be a peice of cake(low fat obviously)😉

SineadC92 profile image

Hey Prin, glad you met your goals this week. I am 2lbs down and very pleased. upside of being ill, lack of appetite!

I'm aiming to lose another pound this week which I think is very achievable so fingers crossed!

Hope everyone has had good weeks!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to SineadC92

Lol trying to lead by example 😜 nice loss being ill does have its advantages, but hopefully you are recovered and ready for the week ahead👊

Candystripe profile image

Good morning everyone, and good morning Prin. Great result this week. Knew you would do it my friend. May this coming week be equally good.

Well I have stayed the same this week, no loss but no gain either. I just put everything into getting down to that 5 stone loss last week that I knew this week would be difficult. The only difference is that I have probably eaten too much fruit (I am a fresh cherry addict) and paying the price. I couldn't do my usual three times at the gym, only made two sessions instead. However weight loss goes like that, some you win, some you lose (excuse the pun!)

This week is going to be difficult as leaving to drive down to Torquay from Lincoln in about half an hour for my aunt's funeral tomorrow, then onto Plymouth until Thursday to see my girls and grandchildren. Determined to resist the hotels cooked breakfasts and all the lovely food when we're out having fun.

Have a great week everyone and keep up the great work. X

alex7ra profile image
alex7ra in reply to Candystripe

Sorry for the loss of your aunt. I hope tomorrow goes ok.

I wouldn't miss out on all the food altogether. When I am at a hotel I would probably have something like poached eggs on wholemeal toast. This is a really healthy option and you don't feel like you are missing out. When everyone else is having an ice cream, have a lolly or a sorbet instead.

Good luck.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to alex7ra

Thank you alex7ra for your kind thoughts.

Yes it will be a wise breakfast!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

You have been through the mill! Hotels can be a nightmare start witha nice large glass of water I like sparkling, before you tackle the buffet and wait for your tea coffee too hope everything goes ok and I am sure the girls are thrilled to have a new - well revamped Mum and Grandmaxx

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Candystripe

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope the family reunion is a big comfort and that the hotels treat you right.

Well done Prin - great result! :-) You must be very chuffed.

This is the end of week 14 for me and I have lost 3 lbs over the past week. This means that I have lost 3 stones 2lb in total - just under half-way to my overall goal :-)

On the healthy eating front, all is well - I'm enjoying the gym, am still feeling so full of energy, have got the family switched onto daily veg juices and am into my size 18 clothes - whoop whoop :-) Onwards and upwards ....

Wishing all the Lowcal regulars and newbies a great week, good health and good weight loss :-)


Jenever profile image
Jenever in reply to

Hi Mags,

I just wanted to say how well you are doing! To have lost over 3 stone in 14 weeks is amazing, you must be so happy & your confidence soaring. Hats off to you Mags, keep up the good work and have a great week.

in reply to Jenever

Thank you so much! Yes, it does feel great, both physically and emotionally.

Mags x

in reply to

Well done Mags!

in reply to

Thanks! :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj lose three pounds this week seems popular :-) I have lost 3 and half pounds - go me:-) Pleased does not describe how i feel - I am grinning from ear to ear.

So onwards this week - more healthy eating, no wine (again) and out the door when i get home from work to power walk with dog. Can see my wardrobe returning to me :-) . (resisted buying tents at weekend to cover my more than ample coverage- soooooo pleased). I will aim for another 2 pounds pounds this week.

congrats to everyone and good luck for the next week.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

Well Done SUZY CAN, and has done- lol I am sure it wasn't just the threat of lines 💫🌟🌟🌟 a gold star for each pound ( Suzybenj yawns and thinks - thank heavens Lowcal is back next week)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin


Dozzle profile image

Well I stayed the same this week, which I know is a good result since I've cheated every hasn't been helped with a friend baking a cake, a husband bringing home muffins, chocolate, wine....and me struggling to get back into the swing of things after coming back from holidays.

So this week is a new week, and I hope to side step more temptations and keep the exercise going!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Dozzle

I think that's a great result, real life continues and we all let our hair down sometimes we have to learn to be in control and that's not always saying no!

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Prin and Monday Weigh Iners,

Well done Prin on another good week and dipping under 11.

Last week I lost 3lbs, very pleased with that as it means I now have less than a stone to lose to reach my target, I want to get to single digits...9st 9lbs.

Enjoy your lunch today and all the best for the coming week.

Have a good week everybody.

in reply to Jenever

Less than a stone to go - that must be a great feeling! Well done on your 3lbs and your overall weight loss :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Jenever

Well done great to be able to see a finishing line 3lbs is a great loss if I could be arsed I would add up this weeks losses we have shead a few stone last week, thank-you for your contributions 😏

Hello everyone

Great to hear you are so happy with the slim lifestyle Prin. It is great inspiration to us that weight loss can be maintained and enjoyed! thanks again for keeping up the thread.

Fussybird - well done. You showed a lot of restraint this weekend! And thanks again for helping me at the beginning of the week. You and Mags stopped me giving up all together.

I'm down to 12st 10, which is a loss of 4lbs.

I'm aiming to get lots of exercise done this week, especially at the weekend because I'll be away the following week. I'm aiming to eat healthily but not go hungry because I have a lot of work to do this week and want to be able to think clearly. So I only expect to lose a pound next week.

Enjoy a week of fresh healthy eating and joyful exercise everyone



in reply to

4lbs off - great result :-) Remember that if you feel like giving up again - a little perseverance can achieve big results. Keep up the good work!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

4lbs way to go girl, this forum is so supportive, glad the members stepped up to the mark and helped you get a great result- here's to a great week for you - you have it planned and licked!

Hi Prin, well done for staying below 11st. I've now got to 11st 6 , so nearly where you are. I'm a bit confused as this means I've lost 6lb in 2 weeks (I didn't weigh in last week as I was away.) I was worried I'd put on weight while away, esp as I put on 2lb the week before. So I guess its overall 4lb in 3 weeks. Which makes more sense. Hope this continues! And good luck everyone for your week ahead :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

No one loses weight every week - not even mags or Candystripe 😜 as long as we have a downward trend that's the way to go, don't worry about putting weight on while you are away, as long as you remain accountable when you get back and deal with it then, I put 6lbs on over my birthday weekend and it's taken months to get it off the trick is not to gain a further 6lbs - which is what would have happened in the past😭

in reply to Prin

True Prin, very true! I have plateaued at points over the weeks and have put on a couple of lbs from one day to the next for no apparent reason - hormones, water, who knows what? I am just lucky that it hasn't happened on a Monday weigh-in! :-)

in reply to Prin

Prin, thanks for your kind words, but I think you've got it the wrong way round! I lost 6lb not put it on... which is why I'm confused, but good confused! I had expected to stay the same or put on, but lost 6lb instead, from 11st12 to 11st6 (in two weeks)...

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

I see .....then I hope you can loose 6lbs every week! Well not forever obviously 😜

in reply to Prin

Sorry the confusion's my fault - I explained it badly. I gained 2lb 2 weeks ago, then lost 6lb today, having not weighed the week between. So it kind of comes to 4lb lost over 3 weeks, which sounds less weird than 6lb lost in a week!

Thanks for managing this thread while Lowcal's away. Hope you had an excellent day :)

Folliegirl profile image

Feeling extremely disheartened, have gained 2lb this week and feel like I'm no longer in control. I wasn't going to post, but I need to be accountable! I have given myself a stern talking to, ultimately I am entirely responsible for what I eat, I am my own worst saboteur, it is simply my own fault .... Get a grip woman!!!!

Sorry x

alex7ra profile image
alex7ra in reply to Folliegirl

Don't be sorry! We all have weeks like that. Put it behind you and remember what helped you before. Good luck

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to alex7ra

Thanks, it's tough to see all the hard work being undone! I was on holiday for a week and gained 5lb (which I had hoped was due to the change in water and would be fairly easy to reverse) sadly that was wrong and I've now gained another 2lb, which is driving me slightly nuts because I haven't been that far off track - due to the heat I haven't done as much exercise, but I have been sticking to my calories and drinking lots of water! Need to nip this in the bud before it gets out of control!!!

in reply to Folliegirl

At my last weigh in I also gained 2lb, and now 2 weeks later I've lost 6lb. I felt disheartened at the time whereas now I'm totally over the moon.

But its important not to invest too much in the numbers on the scales, esp on a week by week basis. So many things cause fluctuations. I bet next week the 2lb will be reversed, just keep trying to make healthy choices. Put the lapses in perspective, see the big picture of what you're trying to do, and carry on :)

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to

Thanks Ruth, since my journey began any gains have been relatively short lived, I had been hoping my extra holiday weight would shift fairly quickly, sadly I've managed to gain another 2lb despite not really going off track. Just need to stop the upward trend! Thanks for your encouragement.

in reply to Folliegirl

I really hope it isn't a trend, and does vanish in the next week or so. I can understand your worry though - it doesn't sound like you're going far wrong, just unlucky on the scales... The fact that previous gains have been short lived sounds like you know how to defeat it though. Lots of luck :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Folliegirl

You are in control and you are accountable, if you weren't you wouldn't have bothered and spun into denial! You have got a positive spin and will move upward and onwards have a good week and we are all here 👂for you

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Prin

Thank you Prin x

Cass6 profile image

Good morning all, my first week's weigh-in and am down to 15st 12.5lb! The points of a lb down to my new scales which do all sorts. Happy with my weight loss, I have to do it over 2 weeks as I was really quite ill for 4 days before my first weigh-in and wasn't eating anything so last Monday's result was a blip.

Off to the office now then. Have a lovely day all.


Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Cass6

Good on you, seeing the bits of pounds really helps me As does having a decent set of scales, have a good week and hope the pounds keep rolling off

bispers profile image

Hi Prin

Well done and hope you've had a good spin class.

I weighed in at my heaviest ever this morning - 18 st 13 lbs. My weight is definitely making everything harder for me.

I'm on week 9 of new meds for my arthritis (I was told it can take up to 12 weeks for any effect to show) and until there's an improvement, exercise especially walking hurts. But, I also know the weight won't be helping the joints.

Last week I managed two short pool sessions in an outside pool (it was so beautiful), so I hope to do the same this week.

I've got to start taking those small steps to help myself, so I am re-reading the NHS Choices 12 week plan from the beginning and logging everything onto My Fitness Pal.

My goal for this week - any weight loss.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to bispers

It's all small steps that add up to big ones 😇 and you have so many different challenges at the moment, swimming is great and even nicer outside I hope the weather is kind to us you can go out again this week. Persist and I am sure it will pay off have a good week

Morning everyone and well done to all for persistence and positivity. I have lost 1lb this week. A grand total of 2lb so far. Now 11st7lbs.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

Well done , slow and steady wins the race 😅

Fran182716 profile image

Hi, I haven't posted on a weekly loss yet, I usually weigh on a Saturday but thought it would be good to post with everyone else on a Monday. I've lost just over a stone since I started end of March, but haven't lost anything this month due to a combination of a holiday, hospital appointments and blood tests and a horrible throat abcess means I haven't been concentrating on calories. on the plus side my generally much improved eating habits mean I haven't put anything on! Saturday I weighed in at 10 stone 9lb. I need to get to 8 stone 7 to get to a bmi of 25, once I get there I'll reassess how much more. I'm not in a hurry, as long as I'm losing slowly and nothing's going back on I'll be happy! Well done to everyone who's lost this week and for those of us who havent good luck for the week ahead x

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Fran182716

Welcome Bannanacake, sadly your name is making me salivate! You are right taking it off slowly is a sustainable way of going as you need to figure out a long term - for life eating plan hope your throat has mended, have a good week

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to Prin

Ha ha, it's actually a nickname (from my son) not a food that's what he calls me if I say something daft! Throat much better thanks

slimjan profile image

Well done on keeping under 11 stone, that's great. I haven't really got back into my healthy eating and our walks yet as still trying to catch up on getting the garden straight after our hols but managed to lose 1 lb taking me down to 12. 12 so pleased with that.

I will try to get myself back on track this week. Good Luck to everyone.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to slimjan

Any downward trend is good! Gardening is great excersise too, so killing two birds with one stone Hope you have a good week and manage to go full steam ahead!

catch profile image

Well done on your loss prin, and good luck on keeping under 11 stone this week. I am really pleased that I have managed to lose 3 pounds and have got back down to 10 stone 10. Alot of that is probably due to rushing around this weekend and sweating it off making jam in this heat! I want to lose another 3 pounds to get back to my target weight, so will see how I get on this week. I have been doing quite a bit of knitting this week as I planned to, so less snacking in the evening!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to catch

Oh catch stop throwing down the gauntlet! 10. 10 Is my ideal weight haven't seen it since jan 😪, I will put an order in for a cardi, that will keep you busy, I am surprised Lowcal isn't the size of a stick insect, it's taken me an entire day to reply to the thread, she does a Stirling job! Have a great week

liverbird103 profile image

Hi all, this is my first post and I'm really inspired by your stories and successes. I've been putting off weighing myself for ages but today I thought, just do it. I have weighed in at 17 stone 6 pounds so I have a long journey ahead. I've just had porridge and blueberries for breakfast and plan to walk around the park later and start the NHS couch to 5K programme. I haven't felt so determined in years. I hope to be posting a weight loss here at next week's weigh in. Good luck to all this week :)

chocolatebum profile image
chocolatebum in reply to liverbird103

well done on taking the first step (of many) and good luck. i started at 17st 7lbs and 3 weigh ins later i have lost 5lbs. would love a week with a big weight loss but its coming off so thats the main thing and as they say slow and steady wins the race. :)

Cbum xx

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to liverbird103

Welcome liver bird, the first step is getting on the scales! I urge folk to weigh in come what may it gives you power! Don't keep a track, up or down and the weight has won😁😁 we have had some real successes here and we are all at different stages of the journey and we are happy to keep you company along the way, have a great first week!

chocolatebum profile image

well done prin, i am sure you will be successful in staying under 11. its good to still do the things you enjoy and know that you need to work a wee bit extra to offset it. (wish i had paid attention to that fact in the last few years lol)

edited as i forgot to put in my weight loss lol. well another 2lbs off this week so i am happy, aiming for 3 next week so i can get under the 17st mark. have a good week all

Cbum xx

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to chocolatebum

CB well done on your loss, I love seeing loŵer numbers on the scale in terms of stones, I spent most of last year in 10's and this forum helps keep me focused, I haven't been this thin since my teens. Each time I lost weight (twice), I regained because I took my eye off the ball. Never again my friend, have a good week and keep chipping away

runnerjan profile image

Good morning Prin and welcome back to the 10's! You must be chuffed that you achieved your goal this week. After getting into the 10's myself last week my goal was also just to try to stay there for this week - I am pleased to report that I lost another pound and am currently 10 stones and 12 pounds! Really chuffed as have gone off the 'straight and narrow' a bit this week but must have made up for it with exercise. My goal for this week is to try to lose another pound - should be manageable as have no social engagements to lead me astray!

Hope your spin class was good - and thanks again for stepping in for Lowcal this week!

Best wishes 10 buddy!

Jan x

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to runnerjan

Lowcal is a saint it's taken me a day to do the thread, she is a victim of her own sucess! You and Catch are really focusing me on remastering the 10's so thanks have a great week and keep up that excersise

Slimmermcilmail profile image

Can I join you. I am 14. 9. And need to get down to about 10 stone. Going on holiday tomorrow but am determined to eat healthily. Wish me luck.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Slimmermcilmail

Welcome, and good luck on your journey have a good time on holiday and regroup when you get back, if you have a couple of extra pounds to lose so be it, that said you have a great ethic to eat healthy while you are away -enjoy if you are able to log on please do!

alex7ra profile image

I weight in kilos and have lost 0.4 this week which is approximately 1 lb. My weight has been slowly creeping up over the last couple of weeks so pleased to see it going down again. I did have a bit of a sugar binge yesterday so although it hasn't shown up in the scales yet I am aware it might unfortunately. Only 1.6 kilos to go but I am definitely struggling!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to alex7ra

It's weird how those last few pounds seem to cling on for dear life! They will be banished eventually keep going, good luck, and enjoy the week

mum_of_3 profile image

Hello! Can I join the Monday weigh ins? I've been doing this for 6 weeks now, and seem to be plateauing a bit, so need a boot up the backside! I'm now 13 stone 5, started at 14 stone 7... but haven't lost anything the past 2 weeks :(

On the plus side, I'm now into week 8 of the c25k plan, feel fitter than I have in decades and my husband is mightily impressed with the slightly fewer curves!

I think I may be inadvertently cheating on the food front - must get a grip.

Well done to all those who have lost this week - hope to join you next week :) x

in reply to mum_of_3

Hi mum-of-3. I found it hard to lose weight while doing the c25k. But I definitely lost inches, which is what it sounds like is happening to you. Enjoy the last couple of weeks getting to 30min running, then use it as a tool! I followed c25k with the nhs 12 week weight loss plan, which seemed a good way to incentivise myself to carry on running while still getting the week by week sense of achievement. Maybe it makes sense for you to also refocus on the weight loss plan after week 9 of c25k?

mum_of_3 profile image
mum_of_3 in reply to

Hi Ruth, That's so good to hear! I definitely have way more muscle than before I started running... I'm hoping that's what's slowing up the weight loss. Out of interest, how often do you run, having graduated? I'm not sure if going 3 times a week will mean I'll still lose no weight??

Thanks for replying :) x

in reply to mum_of_3

Hi, I aim for 3 times a week but realistically it's more often 2 times a week, as life gets in the way. If you want to run more often, the advice is to still think about having rest days between, e.g. alternate fast run days and light, slow run days. Most people alternate another form of exercise though, such as strength and flex, cycling, swimming etc (I cycle about 2-3 times a week). I think once you get to 30min you can run to burn cals rather than simply gain fitness, as your body has adapted by then, so 3 times a week will still be effective. Hope that helps.

Just to add, I found no amount of exercise alone made me really lose weight. I found I had to really follow the weight loss plan, learn about calories and food types, portion sizes, record what I ate. But once I was doing that the running became a really important part of my healthier lifestyle. But we're all different, and all starting from different fitness levels etc, so it's trial and error too! Good luck :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

Lol a marathon means you would burn 1lb of fat!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to mum_of_3

Warm welcome mum of 3, over a stone in 6 weeks is pretty good going and weight loss does tend to plateau now and again, well done with the c5 k training, glad you are feeling the benefits of training, I can run but it's not my excersise of choice unless I have entered a race. try a few different options. I live in an area with a great council facilities and for £29 per month I can do multiple classes, don't like the gym but I love spin, Zumba, and body pump classes good luck

mum_of_3 profile image
mum_of_3 in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin! Great tips. I'd love to do some classes, but I can't seem to find the time between working full time and my 3 girls (under 6) - running is the only thing that is flexible enough to cram into the commute to work :(

Will look at weekend classes - I'd love to give Zumba a try!

See you next week!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to mum_of_3

flippin heck 3 under 6's I am sure they mean you get your excersise qota for the entire week

PeaQueen profile image

Hi Prin,

Well done on getting to under 11 stone and I hope you manage to stay there!

I lost 3lb this week, which is better than I managed for the previous two weeks (a mere 1lb each). I think there were various factors in why my weight loss slowed down: mainly hormones and a weekend away where I had little control of my food. It's encouraging to see the scales moving a bit more quickly again now.

I can hardly believe I've managed to get to week 9 of the NHS plan, but the reason I've stuck with it is that it works! I've got rid of 19lb in the first 8 weeks. Still a way to go, but it's so encouraging to look in the mirror and see that my body is now shaped like a human and not like a space hopper.

Best of luck to everyone this week, especially those who are just starting out on the plan.

Prin profile image

😂wow 19 lbs good job! Remember to throw out the tents! And enjoy your curves!i was looking back to a post from 2013 I was around 11.7 and thought I was happy with my body shape now I mither like this week when I can't get in to a size 10! Don't forget to invest in new bras😜

Nic1976 profile image

Hiya Prin

That's fantastic to see you back in the 10's - well done!

I've been on hols for a few weeks. Before I left I weighed 11st1 and on my weigh-in this week I am 10st11. I have been losing a steady 2lb per week for a while now and it would appear I have managed to sustain this on holiday. Week 1 of my hols I was pretty much off the wagon however sustained a bowel infection week 2 rendering my appetite to zero. I'm hoping the week's cancel each other out and I continue to lose - we'll see what happens.

All the best to everyone posting on the thread x

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Nic1976

Well done holidays and weight loss! hope you are feeling better illness reaps its own rewards lots of us in the 10s at the moment keep me focused

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