Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (27th April 2015)

Prin profile image
β€’52 Replies

Morning all, Lowcal is off this week playing nurse - wishing her patient a speedy recovery

So last week I was 11.3 this week despite my attempts to sabotage my weight loss I am 11.2. I dropped my phone in a mug of coffee :( so have had the hassle of arranging a temporary line ( one twirl and a whisper bar later)

The dry spell is going well but getting desperate to get back to below 11st, I am aiming for another pound this week despite a trip to London today and lunch with friends and a meal out with more friends Friday evening - it's hard watching weight and being a social butterfly!

So let me know how you did last week and this weeks goal, as well as all your moans, groans, successes and general chat- have a good week folks and here's hoping the good weather continues and shines on our weight loss efforts πŸ”†

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Prin profile image
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52 Replies

Lol your post made me laugh Prin. Sorry to hear about your phone - very frustrating! I hope that this week is better for you. Sounds as though you will be having lots of fun - enjoy!

Have done my week 4 weigh-in and have lost 4 lbs last week taking me to a grand total of 16lbs so far :-) First stone off, at least another 5 to go!

Am pleased cos we were away this weekend so was a bit worried about eating options but it was fine. Had lovely salads for dinner and a gin and slimline tonic on Sat - enjoyed it but one was all I wanted :-)

Good luck to everyone in the coming week and thanks again Prin for keeping the Monday weigh-in going in Lowcal's absence.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

1st WELL DONE fantastic achivement this week 4lbs is a grat loss (hands out fat fighters certificate) and you are proof that you can still have treats AND have weight loss providing you are sensible go girl - and good luck this coming week

lisajane0401 profile image

Hi Prin

Well done on your loss! Every little helps and I'm sure you'll be back under 11st soon.

I only lost 0.5 lbs this week but I'm pleased with that. I got engaged last weekend so there have been a few meals out and lots of champagne consumed over the last week, so 0.5lbs is actually really good! haha

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to lisajane0401

Congratulations πŸ’ž

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to lisajane0401

Congratulations Lisa on your engagement is it going to be a long or short one? Champagne deserved and a loss to boot well done! Dress shopping here you come πŸ‘«

lisajane0401 profile image
lisajane0401 in reply to Prin

Thank you! I love Spring so we are hoping to get married this time next year. We are already looking at some venues so full steam ahead! I am looking forward to dress shopping :)

Folliegirl profile image

Hi Prin, sorry about your phone πŸ˜‰, but well done with your loss πŸ‘ and thanks for stepping in for Lowcal 🌼

Last week I weighed 11st8lb and today I weigh the same, I didn't manage quite as much exercise and have had an indulgent weekend, so probably should be relieved to have maintained!!

This week I'm making more of an effort with the exercise again, I did manage to go out for my first gentle run yesterdayyesterday, 16 weeks after tearing my ankle ligaments ... So hoping the interval training will help with weight loss πŸ˜‰

Have a good week everyone!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Folliegirl

You know we all deserve indulgences this is a way of life, and life is for living! enjoy your run and take it slowly, I have the Market Drayton 10k in two weeks but I don't think I am going to be breaking any course records!!! It's good to maintain and hoping your interval training helps with a loss next week

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin and all the best for your 10k, hope the weather's kind!! πŸƒ

Mary55 profile image

Hi Prin. Well done on your loss this week I am 11 10.6 this week down 1.8 so am very pleased about that. Aim is now to get to 11 7 by the end of May.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Mary55

Easy peasy a nice realistic goal I am sure you will smash it! Congrats on a good week and here's to another 🍹(that's a low calorie dink obviously)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Prin, thanks for keeping the weigh in going :) well done on the loss despite your emergency chocolate :)

I haven't been as good as I said I would be (as usual!!) but have worked out hard too, and have managed to drop 3lbs this week - despite being hijacked by curry and mojitos more than once! :-o

I have committed to doing my 1st parkrun this coming Saturday, terrified and in trepidation are not strong enough to describe how I feel about it!! I have never got past wk5 of c25k for various reasons and so have never run/walked more than 3&1/2k. Hubby (sub 25 mins) wants to run with me.. He won't be breaking a sweat!!

I may be much lighter next weigh in having disappeared in a pool of mortified sweat, or much heavier depending on my demons.

Have a good week all :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Fitforit75

For a bad week 3lbs is ace 😜 working out can really help and negate the odd treat, have a good week and look forwRd to the Park run race report next Monday you will do finexx

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Prin

Thanks :)

Bluehills profile image

Well done, Prin! Like you, I'm trying to get below 11 stone. I weighed in at 11st 1lb today, I'm pleased with that as last week was a big loss (3lbs) and I pleased to maintain it. Stressful week here - 89 year old mother in law & her son held up at home by armed burglars. So some chocolate has been needed. as has daily cups of tea & biscuit with her. Never mind, cooked up a really healthy low fat Chinese meal for friends yesterday & they loved it! I'm still on the low fat no alcohol diet for health reasons (gall bladder surgery & pancreatitis) so healthy eating isn't really a choice for me - it's a necessity - which has focussed the mind, I have to admit!

Thanks for taking up the Monday weigh-in responsibility while local's away..

alex7ra profile image
alex7ra in reply to Bluehills

Sorry you and your family have had such a tough week. Well done on maintaining despite all the stress.

So close to your goal so I hope that this week goes better for you and this time next week we can celebrate with you.

Bluehills profile image
Bluehills in reply to alex7ra

thanks alex7ra, it has been a tough time, but the police have been great. At 89, my darling mother in law says 'well, if that's the worst thing that ever happens to me, I won't have had a bad life'. They just don't make them like that any more! It just breaks my heart to think of it - she's partially sighted, so can't even give a description. My big hope is that the police have a linked a series of these crimes, so sooner or later, some evidence has to come to light.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Bluehills

Hi bluehills don't know what shoe size Lowcal is but these are big boots to fill! Low fat an no alcohol is surely helping you towards your goals, and good you have added a positive spin on things. Keep up the good work and maybe I am thinking I need to get a wiggle on to see those 10's again...... Isn't it amazing the amount of fat you can cut out and still keep stuff tasty, I use a mix of blow fat Mayo and low fat fromage frais for my coronation chicken sauce or anything really that's mayo heavy. Have a great weekπŸ˜ƒ

Judywood profile image

A little bit on! 73kg to 73.5 - so only 1lb! Not bad as had a brilliant weekend! Just been to gym so might have lost that bit!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Judywood

Gym is always good as a back up! Sorry about the late replies unable to get a data service on the temp phone πŸ˜₯ only is not an option a 1lb is a 1lb well done and glad you enjoyed your weekend have a good week!xx

alex7ra profile image

Hello all

Congratulations to everyone above who has done well, especially those who put on a bit but aren't too disappointed and are hopefully entering this week with new determination.

This time last week I was 64.6kg and this week I am 63kg. So that's 1.6kg or 3 1/2 pounds!! However I wasn't very well yesterday so the loss may be unrealistic so my aim for this week will be to maintain at 63kg.

I've been really good this week both food and exercise wise. I've done quite a lot of reading this week on health diets and in particular the effects of sugar. I've cut out a lot of refined sugar in my diet and tend to only eat wholemeal carbs. However this week I want to look at swapping some of my fruit snacks for veggies and cut down on my carbs.

Good luck for the upcoming week everyone.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to alex7ra

Great stats Alex! I am diabetic and am aware of how much hidden sugar there can be in stuff, a portion of grapes for us is 10, who stops at that?! Good luck with your maintenance I am sure your veggies will help with that - have a great week

vickster5 profile image

Well done Prin and thanks for keeping Monday weigh in going! I have stayed the same which I am blaming monthly cycle for as tried really hard ( if do say so myself!). My body seems to do this pattern of big loss then nothing.

Good luck all this week

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to vickster5

Vic as long as the trend is downwards that's great! It does depend on all sorts at weigh in time, including bowel movements 😁 and water retention at that time of the month 😊 I am sure you will see a loss next week here's hoping for a positive week and a minus next week have a good one!

Migglemog profile image

Hi Prin

I was recommended to join this thread as I am new to the site and 12 week plan. Today is week 1, day 1 and I come in at 74 kgs :( 12.6 to go according to the NHS BMI calculator, so the journey begins here!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Migglemog

A warm welcome to our virtual weigh in! The plan works so hopefully you will find yourself lighter over the coming weeks, good luck with your journey - it's not a one size fits all you will find plenty of tips and motivation here, and we are at all stages of our journey, I am here for maintainance I have been at goal or there a outs since Septenbe 2013 an this thread keeps me right on track, check in next week we will all be rooting for you, ps take your measurements too😜

Migglemog profile image
Migglemog in reply to Prin

Thank you so much!

runnerjan profile image

Hi Prin,

Congratulations on your unintentional loss this week! Also, huge thanks for stepping in for Lowcal this week - it's great to have the continuity. Also, I am feeling somewhat smug....

As you may or may not be aware I have been losing the same 2 pounds for months -yoyoing between 12 stone exactly and 11 stone 12 pounds. Last week was a 12 stones exactly week and I was feeling pretty fed up with myself. I knew that I could not do anymore exercise than I do (I currently run twice a week, do circuit training twice a week and two other gym sessions) so I knew that it was my nutrition that I needed to address.

Well, I have been Saint Jan this week and have counted every calorie, given up my beloved wine and exercised like a demon and have managed to lose a whopping 8lbs!! I couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scales this morning and saw 11 stones 6 pounds (actually did it about 3 times to be sure). I feel like a contestant on The Biggest Loser!!

I am hoping to have a really good week this week and hope to lose 2 pounds but we shall see.

I hope you have a great week ahead and best wishes to everyone on this thread.

Jan xx

alex7ra profile image
alex7ra in reply to runnerjan

Wow that is amazing. Well done!

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to alex7ra

Thanks for message, just got to keeping momentum up!! πŸ‘πŸΌ

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to runnerjan

That's fantastic Jan, well done πŸŒΈπŸ‘πŸ‘

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to Folliegirl

Thank you am really chuffed and it has inspired me to try hard for this week πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸΌ

Migglemog profile image
Migglemog in reply to runnerjan

That is amazing and very inspiring! Congrats!

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to Migglemog

Thanks really appreciate the support! πŸ’•

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to runnerjan

OMG! Smug you deserve it I would be shouting from the rooftops very inspirational and all your hard work has finally paid of with a number value a very impressive one at that - maintainance with that would be ace two pounds and you would be very nearly into the 10's a very shouty WELL DONE !!

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin - just got to keep it up although last two days have been sorely tempted by a Double Decker and s Belgian bun!!! πŸ˜‰πŸ’•

catch profile image

Well done on your loss prin, and thank you for stepping into the breach whilst lowcal is away. I have put on another pound this week, but am not really that surprised as I pulled a muscle in my back last monday and found walking painful most of this week. This meant I was alot less active than normal, driving when I would normally walk, not running etc. I also went to london this weekend with my husband fot a delayed 40th bithday treat for the two of us and had dinner out and hotel breakfasts. Frankly I'm amazed I only put on one pound!

Back on it this week, concentrating on what I am eating and exercising again now my back is better. I am going to play netball tonight with some friends as a start, the first time in 25years I have played so wish me luck! I am also running again this week and may even try to fit some swimming in if I can. I would like to lose the 3 pounds I have have gained from my goal weight over the next week, but we will see how that goes!

Good luck to everyone for the coming week x

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to catch

Excersise is great for helping shift those calories, and we all deserve treats so I am glad you enjoyed your London trip, hoping your back stays strong

suzybenj profile image

Well evening all. Thanks Prin for your very entertaining post. I too will think of myself as a (rather heavy) social butterfly :-) . Like you just all to social - and i just love it - but I don't like the results.

I think this week I have merely stemmed the upward weight gain - so I hope it now turns the other way. On the strength of marathon runners yesterday i did push myself out the door for a run . I will try twice more this week. i have decided i need to go back to basics on eating - more or less calorie counting and more exercise to counteract the blow out weekends.

I may not be able to touch base next weekend - i going to lovely Spain - but will take my running shoes..

Well done everyone this week and good luck for next.xx

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

That's what it's about Suzy keeping our eyes on the ball, and taking ownership what ever our weight! of course I thought about you on Sunday, my how a year has flown! enjoy your Spanish vacation Madame Butterfly and we will here all about it when you get back ( easy on the vino) Like thats going to make a difference πŸ·πŸ˜›

Anna999 profile image

Hey prin, my weigh in was not so successful this week, have put on a pound, can't really understand it as have been really good, including being super sensible on a meal out, but I'm going to weigh again on weds and see if it was just water. My goal for this week is to get rid of that pesky pound!! And my next mini goal is to get to the 12 stone zone!

That's rubbish about your phone! Hope it's all sorted now! Mm twirls are my fave lol! Best wishes 🌸

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Anna999

Pounds can be so annoying! And you are right it's so frustrating when you have done everything to plan but I am sure it will show on Wednesday or at least by next week, mini goals are always good! Phone sill in a bag of rice in the airing cupboard not holding out much hope for it😭.... And couldn't sync Emails on my temporary phone or access the Internet 😫have a good week and here's hoping for a loss....

Anna999 profile image

Well, I didn't wait until tomorrow to weigh myself, and I'm so glad I didnt, today am 2lb less so that's an overall loss of 1lb since last week which I am very happy with! I think I'll just forget yesterday's weigh in happened! πŸ˜‰so next week I'm aiming for 12 St 13😊

You wouldn't believe it but last night I dropped my phone into the bath! Luckily it survived, I'm pretty impressed as it didn't even turn! Have a great week!! 🌸

Hi Prin. Congrats on your 1lb loss and thanks for standing in for Lowcal :)

I'm joining a day late because I was at my bf's place yesterday where there are no scales. I am pleased to report a loss of 2lb, finally under 12st at 11st 12. I was stuck at home all last week with a cold, lots of comfort food etc. and no exercise, but perhaps there was some difference to my habits just from feeling unwell, also not drinking all week would have helped I guess (although had some sneaky cider at the weekend :) ). Hoping to get back exercising and to continue to keep alcohol in check this week. I feel so encouraged to have finally got below 12st (having begun at 12st4), even if it's illness-induced rather than from diet!

Good luck for the week ahead, Ruth

Prin profile image

Morning Ruth no scales whats he thinking :) its great to see a new number at the start isnt it although its so many weeks since I saw 10 something its hard to remember! Cider is made from apples so thats one of your 5 a day! seriously as long as you budget for what you eat you will continue to loose my dry spell is halted for Friday a night out but then it continues up to 2nd June booooo..... have a good week and congrats on your loss

in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin. I think its about sustaining the motivation to keep up your good intentions. Less alcohol def helps I think, esp with self control. Hope you have an excellent Fri night and hope you see those 10s again soon 😊

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Prin

Many thanks again for running the thread in Lowcal's absence, much appreciated.

Well done on your weight loss.

Last week I was 12st3 and this week I'm 12st0. Been increasing my exercise to taking my dog for a 2hr hilly walk each day so think that's helped. Hoping to report I'm in the 11's next Monday.

This is week 11 for me on the NHS plan and I've lost 19lbs so far and gone from obese to overweight. I feel it's really working for me and I can sustain the changes I'm making for life. I'm so glad as I found the site unintentionally after googling 'help I'm 4 stone overweight!'.

Not expecting a reply Prin as I'm late in posting but good diet luck to you and everyone else on the thread for the rest of the week!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Nic1976

No Nic late comers always welcome! Great results you shou be very proud! 20lbs, imagine it as packs of butter😳 it's so good when you see the numbers at the front going down you will be in to the 11's in no time, if you haven't already treat yourself to a new outfit it does not have to be expensive and its amazing the positve comments you'll get have a good week

Candystripe profile image

Hi Prin. Hey well done on the loss, shame about your phone though!

Sorry about not checking in on Monday but wasn't well.........had a rotten sore throat which only chocolate could make better!!! Actually, didn't lose but didn't gain either. Was disappointed as having just joined the gym wanted to go at least three times a week but wasn't able. Back there today and really enjoying it.

Having said fit into my Desigual shirts which is a big wow for me, cos as you know I couldn't even get my arms in the sleeves when I bought them! Will have to change my photo so you can see.

Felt a bit sad this week as Rod has to leave for Saudi soon and just not used to being without him BUT on a positive note can really live the healthy food dream with him not being here!

Keep up the great work Prin. XXX

Prin profile image

Dear CS sorry you have not been well, but very happy to hear you are in the Desigual blouse, I thought of you on monday I met friends for lunch in London, and had to march right past the Desigual shop on regent street or I would have missed my train 😳 stil managed to pick up a pair of £3 Palazzo pants from Primarni. Rod will soon be back to his svelte wife 😍 and will be thinking what a lucky man he is!

djas profile image

Hi Prin sorry for the late reply to your post i some how missed it and just thought now where is the Monday weigh in bunch that keep me going. Well done on your weight loss that 11 stone mark is very close now i'm sure you will get there very soon.

I weighed in Tuesday morning and ive lost 3 lb this week taking my total up to 1 stone loss in 4 weeks which i'm very pleased about, i'm now 11.8 so my next target is to get below 11 stone too. Hope you have a great week and thank you for taking over from Lowcal, you've done a grand job.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to djas

Well done on your loss jh, this thread keeps me going too :) I have been here for TWO YEARS! I am desperate not to put weight on in terms of a major regain and this thread keeps me in check πŸ˜›

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