Need help with binge eating. Any one got experience of this?
So need help! : Need help with binge... - Weight Loss Support
So need help!

I find when I have crisps of biscuits I do this ,I am ok with other foods ,so I guess my failing is sweet stuff,I am cutting these out completely,I also am a coffee addict,so may have to curb this a bit also,it appears from reading on here ,to diary these events and see if its emotional eating ,if so for me I will have to distract and do something else when I fancy a crisp ,I dont know if this helps
I used to be a secret binge eater, but over the years have developed my own tools for coping with it. My issues went right back to being a child when my mother controlled behaviour with food leading me to eat in secret and to stuff in all that "forbidden" food.
I'm now a firm believer in denial being the road to hell for me, saying no to myself is yet another step on the way to another binge. Now nothing is forbidden, and by giving myself the power I've managed to stop the secret eating, if I want something then I'll have it, I ate a fresh cream meringue last week and really enjoyed it, but I ate it while sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee and a magazine, I could have had 2 but I didn't want it because it wasn't forbidden.
As soon as I say "I can't have" then its a short step away from pig out time.
Hope that helps you, and remember the first step to dealing with it is to admit it to yourself.
Thank you both for your replies, they are much appreciated. Walking - I believe my issues too stem from my childhood, my mum was a single parent and there were occasions when we were hungry (not starving but hungry). Now I own my own home, I earn a good wage I almost feel as if I'm over compensating sometimes!
Terri - I am going to start writing things down, especially the times when I want to binge. I guess I'm more of a secret eater than a binge eater, I certainly don't make myself sick or anything like that.
Thanks again for your help and advice
I dont make myself sick either,I just open the biscuits crisps etc and go,I am from a very large family and what you said has struck a note,I would not have been able to have anything I wanted as there were so many to feed,that problem no longer exists,so I could be compensating ,not having to share,worth looking at.Look forward to this page its really helpful for me,thank you
I've never made myself sick either - I guess I could say that I was eating high calorie food to excess in secret - cake is my comfort food and I can eat a whole one without any problem, perhaps if I had been physically sick I might have been able to sort it out earlier but that wouldn't necessarily have happened as I needed to get to the source of the problem rather than tackling the after effects.
I know what you mean,I know once I have one cake ,biscuit or crisps I want them all,so I guess I must leave them alone,until I have lost weight and then my thinking may alter towards so much,heres hoping