Today sees the start of a hectic 6 days, tonight I am having drinks with an old friend - this is ok as I am driving and can stick to diet coke. Tomorrow I am going to Pizza Express for a birthday party....already been on and checked the menu thanks to advice read on here and suprise suprise they do an under 500 calorie pizza menu so I have pre chosen my dinner and am very excited about it. Saturday, friends birthday BBQ - if i stick to chicken and salad I should be ok. Sunday, a day of foodie rest. Monday, another birthday BBQ (I hope there is chicken again!!!) and then Tuesday dinner with an old boss, need to start making choices (probably avoiding the chicken by then lol)
I am planning ahead and hoping this will help me to make healthy choices, just need to avoid the deserts and try to make sure I avoid the breadsticks!!!!
What are you doing this weekend?