Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (15th September 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
65 Replies

Good morning. Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 8.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 6.0 pounds, so I've lost 2.2 pounds this week. I am very happy! I had made the decision early on in the week to cut out desserts and also snacks, and just have a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. I thought it would be quite tough to do that, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I have coped quite well, so I'm going to try doing that again this week.

I still didn't get to the gym, but I did go for a walk most days. I've only managed 10 minutes of kettle bell exercises on a couple of days, so I'm hoping to increase that this week.

I hope to lose between 1 and 2 pounds next week, all being well. I'm excited about being in my last stone of weight to lose - I have 13 pounds to lose before Christmas, and it does finally feel achievable. But at the same time, I know from experience how challenging the Autumn and Winter months can be - lots of temptations abound for me at such times. So I need to stay focused and keep my goals in mind.

Looking forward to hearing how you have got on this week, so please do join me for this Monday weigh-in. Everyone is welcome.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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65 Replies
Candystripe profile image

Good morning Lowcal. Glad you had a good week and well done for your weight loss, determination and change in your eating habits to achieve your goals. Fabulous results. I'm very slightly disappointed this week as I only lost one pound (yes I know it's not the end of the world) although I haven't strayed at all so just heading towards the plateau stage and need to adjust diet and exercise a little to regain control. BUT I have gone down into the 14's now, plus I bought two more blouses from Desigual and the three I can now get into and do up, but feel the fabric stretching at the top of my arms, so not quite ready to wear them at this moment in time. It shouldn't be long though! Won't be here next week as my husband and I are going back to the UK for 10 days holiday............that should shake up the food and exercise! Well done to everyone for this week and next and keep up the great work!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thanks very much for your kind words. Congratulations on your 1 pound loss - I know you are slightly disappointed by that, but it is a good loss and should be celebrated! Also, great to hear you're into the 14's now - that must feel really good. It won't be long till you'll be enjoying wearing your new tops.

Hope you have a lovely holiday in the UK next week, and look forward to catching up with you when you get back.

Lowcal :-)

Jlmitch profile image

Good morning Lowcal. You seem to be back in the swing of losing weight! Well done!

I've had a busy week but managed to go to an Italian on Friday evening to celebrate the start of a week off work and avoided the pizza (usually my favourite) they had a trout special on and it was very nice. Still overdid the wine! I've managed to lose 1/2lb this week. I think I'm plateauing! Having this week off will mean lots of gardening so more exercise than usual but extra food temptations! I'm aiming for 1lb. That last couple of pounds to get to my goal are being really difficult to lose!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jlmitch

Hi Jlmitch,

Thanks very much. It's good to be back in the swing of losing weight - I had been going up and down a bit too much over the previous weeks.

Well done for avoiding the pizza when you had that Italian meal. The trout special sounded like a healthy option. Well done for losing half a pound. Every loss is a cause for celebration in my opinion.

Good luck in achieving your goal for this week, and hope you enjoy your holiday.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal!

Glad to hear you had a good week! This is excellent news! You did well to stick to your guns and obviously it paid off! I'm pleased for you! :)

I however, have been stuck in a rut for the past couple of weeks. I cannot shift away from the 12st 7lb mark!! Ever since I made the decision to make my goal into smaller chunks I haven't lost a thing!

I did say last week I was going to up my exercise for the week but I didn't have any time and actually did less than usual so I'm hoping it was down to that.

All I can say is that I will try to make more of an effort this week and keep my fingers crossed for some good news on Monday!

I hope to see more good news from everyone to push me into being good this week! :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Thank you!

Sorry to hear you are feeling stuck at the moment, but at least you've not gained anything - hopefully you will start to lose again, so stick to your goals and I am sure you will see results. Your plan to up your exercise sounds like a good plan. Good luck with that.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

robyn89 profile image

Well done lowcal. I've maintained this week which I'm pretty pleased about as I had a client dinner early in the weekend and a weekend away with my work. I've strayed a bit from my gluten and diary free diet and I also had alcohol and caffeine. My aim this week is to keep the week on track as I'm out on Saturday. Plan is to have no desert on Saturday and have a sensible main meal. Plus I want to go spinning 3 times at least. I'm 13 stone now and can't wait to get under and into the 12's. Hope that you have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to robyn89

Hi Robyn89,

Thanks very much.

Well done for maintaining your weight, despite having that client dinner and the weekend away.

Hope you have a good week, and that you enjoy your meal out on Saturday. You've got a plan of action to stick to for the week, and so hopefully you'll be looking at being in the 12's next week, and leaving those 13's behind. Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

Zenette profile image

No change for me this week. Never mind, this is another week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Zenette

Hi Zenette,

Yes, you're right - this is a fresh week with lots of potential for some weight loss. At least you've maintained your weight and not gained anything. You are sounding positive, and that is half the battle. Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Morning all, well done Lowcal, good job, stop throwing your money away and get down that gym :) I envy you as I do tend to snack well done on being able to cut that out. Candy stripe keep going, do you get your Desigual from Amazon they have some good prices, I can totally sympathise with the arm thing I carried a lot of my weight on my upper body. Despite the delicious pork baps at the wedding and having a piece of the chocolate and lemon layers of the cake i am 10st 8 and 3/4 so just 3/4 lb left to get to pre holiday weight, challenges this week 50th party Saturday, with an Indian buffet, and a mid week dinner out with friends so maintain acne this week for me goal to attend all but one of my weekly fitness classes have a good week folks!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thanks, and you're right - I should definitely try to get down the gym again. I will try to go this week.

I am still allowing myself a piece of fruit (banana or apple) as a 'snack' occasionally, so I guess I am still snacking - but I am cutting out more substantial snacks.

Really pleased to hear you've lost weight, despite the Wedding and the pork gaps and lovely cake. Well done! You're getting really close to your pre-holiday weight.

Hope you enjoy the 50th Party and cope ok with the Indian Buffet. Those both sound quite challenging!

Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Prin

Hi Prin, that is excellent news. You have done so well despite the trolls along the way! May your success carry you through this week also. Just think, it will soon be time for Xmas parties, so act NOW!

My Desigual fetish takes me directly to the store (unfortunately for my husbands bank balance!) There are several here in Lisbon so going in to browse can be disastrous. Thank goodness I have more determination when I walk past bakeries or go into a restaurant!!! Actually even Rod bought a super knitted jacket from there along with my purchases and a couple of tops for our granddaughter so had a whale of a time! I will get those upper arms in shape!!! Have a good couple of weeks X

katedaniels profile image

Hi Lowcal,

So happy to hear you're back on track :)

I have stayed the same this week. I am a bit disappointed but as it's been a busy week so not that much time for exercise and I ate out 3 times, I think staying the same was an achievement. I didn't make the best of choices when I ate out and had desert twice, it was worth it though. This week I have no plans to eat out and it is a much quieter week so should get back on track for food and exercise so hopefully next week should see a loss.

Congrats to everyone who has lost this week, or maintained. For those who haven't, hope next week is better for you.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Thanks very much.

I agree with you that it is definitely an achievement to stay the same and maintain your weight when you've eaten out three times. Sounds like you enjoyed your meals, so that's nice.

You should have a better week this week, as you mentioned you're not planning on eating out. So good luck with getting back to the tracking of food and exercise. Hopefully you'll see a loss on the scales next Monday.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal. Well done on your weight loss. I've managed to lose another 2 pounds this week so now weight 12 stone 8. I'm amazed I've managed to lose this week as it was my daughters third birthday this week so we ate out a lot, but I also completed week 4 of the couch to 5k programme so had some exercise calories to play with luckily!

This week is back to normal so I hope to stick to my calorie allowance each day and not eat my exercise calories!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Thank you!

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds. Great that you were able to enjoy your daughter's 3rd Birthday celebrations, and still lose. Really good! It must be the Couch to 5k programme exercise calories that helped.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Good morning :) well done for getting back into the weight loss mindset, you should easily make your Christmas target now. I've finally managed to lose weight for my Monday weigh in!! Was 16st13&1/4 last week and am 16st11&3/4 this week so not massive loss but feels great :D Good luck everyone for the week to come. Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Thanks, I really hope I will make my Christmas target - it would be amazing to do that!

Congratulations to you for losing weight this week, and glad it feels great. Really good!

Hoping you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Really pleased for you! Great that you've had a loss this week, and glad it feels great. Thanks also for your encouraging words.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Autumn-Witch profile image

Good morning Lowcal and everyone,

Lowcal, 2.2 lbs lost shows you really are back on track! Congratulations on making the changes and keeping up the progress. I'm sure you will achieve 13 lbs between now and Christmas :-)

I have not been able to exercise at all this week, not even a walk. My hip and knee have beeen too painful. Despite all that I have not gaIned any weight but haven't lost any either so I'm pleased about that. The pain is easier now so hope to get back to normal this week. Will be going away on Thursday for a few days to visit a friend so it will take a bit of extra willpower to avoid the temptation of her cooking :-)

Well done to those who have achieved their targets this week and to those, like me, who haven't been successful I can only say "keep it up, we will all get there in the end".

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Autumn-Witch

Hi Autumn-Witch,

Thanks very much.

Sorry to hear you've not been able to exercise this week - I hope your hip and knee feel better soon. It sounds as if it is improving a little, which is good, so hopefully you'll be back to normal and able to exercise again soon. Hope you have a lovely time visiting your friend. You've maintained your weight this week, which is certainly an achievement when you've not been able to exercise, so well done for that! Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image

Hi All,

I feel so bad as you've all done so well and I don't want to be the first bad news story but after not doing so well for the last few weeks and managing to stay the same I'm afraid that this week the buns have come home to roost in the form of a 5lb gain!!! I went right back to my old habits and I didn't do any exercise at all and I've been quite stressed out and I've had visitors and and and ..... I know they're all just excuses. I'd like to say that I'll be very good this week but I seem to have completely lost it with the dieting and I just don't know what to do. It all just seems too dificult at the moment.

Well done all of you though. It's still good to hear all the success stories.

Here's to another good week for most and possibly not so bad a week for me.

All the best


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to RMB398

Oh Ruth, it isn't all doom and gloom, just get back up, dust yourself down and start a new day! I know life can through spanners in the work, but I think you're made of stronger stuff. Make the stresses in your life into positive thoughts. Must admit I've had some very sad news this morning but I will not allow it to burn me up, but to use it to encourage me further. You've lost those five pounds before, it's a shame you have to lost those same five pounds again, so stop it there before the decline overtakes! Good luck. x

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to RMB398

Oops, meant to say "throw the spanners in the work". I think my fingers are in predictive text mode! Sorry.

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Candystripe

Thanks Candystripe.

Sorry to hear you've had some sad news - you really are an inspiration being so positive.

I will try and use your 'not allow it to burn me up' phrase as my 'mantra' for the week.

Thanks again


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to RMB398

You're welcome x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth,

It sounds like you've had a lot of stresses over the week, and it's weeks like that which definitely challenge us. Providing you get back on track as quickly as possible - i.e. preferably today, then you should easily and quickly lose that 5 pounds that you've put on. So don't give up! Maybe track your food intake today, and maybe plan ahead what you're going to eat (if you can).

Maybe you need to look at ways to relieve your stress as well - is there someone you can talk things through with? Maybe get some ideas for problem solving any difficulties or issues you are facing? Or maybe delegate something to someone else (again, if you can).

Really glad you were brave enough to face up to that gain and post it here in the weigh-in - because hopefully we can help to encourage you that it isn't the end of the World (as Candystripe as rightfully pointed out), and you can lose it again relatively quickly.

Hope you have a good day today.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal

Thanks so much.

I'll give it another go this week and hope I can get back into it. And as I write this I remember one of my early posts that was about little steps. Even though it's been a giant leap backwards I'll try the little step of keeping to it today.

Planning is definately a good move. So I'll see what I can do on that front as well.

Thanks again for your encouragement. It does really help.

All the best


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398


Jlmitch profile image
Jlmitch in reply to RMB398

Hi RMB398, don't panic! If you maintained for several weeks I can't believe that the 5lbs is all fat?? May be some of it is water? Anyway, go back and look at what you did on the weeks you successfully lost weight and replicate one of those weeks maybe? Hope to see you post next week with a loss! Keep going! X

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Jlmitch

Thanks so much.

I've just had my yummy salad for tea so will hopefully get back on track.

I'll let you know how I get on.


Prin profile image
Prin in reply to RMB398

Ruth, what matters is that you have acknowledged and are dealing with it. It's when you start to ignore it that things run out of hand. When I put on weight quickly (holidays) I tend to lose it pretty rapidly, providing I get back to plan

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin

it really does help having everyone's support. I'd drifted away a bit which co-incided with the return to bad eating habits so I'll try to deal with it and get back on track.

Thanks again


BudsofMay74 profile image
BudsofMay74 in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth, please don't feel too disheartened. You could have chose not to leave a post & stuck your head in the sand but the fact you are being so honest shows you are committed to loosing weight. We all have blips but that just shows we are human. Put it down to experience & look forward again. You have lots of support behind you & we look forward to hearing how you get on this week. All the best for a better week x

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to BudsofMay74

Thanks BudsofMay.

I will try to make sure it is a 'blip' and try to get back to the straigth and narrow again this week.

Thanks again it really does help loads.

Hope you have a good week ahead


gilly57 profile image

Morning Lowcal. Well done you! I knew you were back on track! My scales are a pain. . . . stepped on 3 times this morning and 3 different weights! Any suggestions of reliable scales I can buy?? How come you can measure in decimal points of a pound????? Anyway, I'm gonna take the middle figure this morning and say I'm 23 lbs down in total. So am happy with that. Am out for lunch today so prawn salad beckons . . . . Thanks for being there!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gilly57

Hi Gilly,

Sorry to hear you've been having reliability problems with your scales. I will just pop and check what mine are - as you asked how come they measure in decimal points of a pound - ... they are Salter electronic scales (can't tell you more than that as they don't seem to have any identifying labels or numbers on them).

Wow, you're 23 pounds down in total - that's brilliant! Enjoy your prawn salad, sounds delicious!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Well done everyone for your progress! Here's mine - and forgive me, but I work in metric :)

I've gone down from 75.4 to 74.2kg in a week which is a loss of 1.2kg so I'm pretty happy with that. I've made a huge change to my diet by radically decreasing my intake of carbs such as bread, pasta and rice and I'm now eating a shed load more fruit and veggies. Managed to get through 2 days of work with my new diet, which is what I was worried about as I have to walk through the Westfield centre, which involves walking past Millies cookies and Mr Pretzel *droooool*

The hardest part of my commute was sitting opposite a man devouring a Maccy D's, which gave me major food envy. My only lapse was at the weekend when I had a sausage and bacon roll and a gluten free brownie from the amazing brownie lady at Richmond farmers market.

Very surprised how much I've gotten into coconut and almond milk!

Having read lots on dieting, the main thing that was being drilled into me was PLANNING! And I wholeheartedly agree. Still a long way to go (14 kilos to get rid of)

Quick question - When am I going to expect this plateauing that a lot of people are talking about?

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to

Lose your 14 kilos then you will see the plateau ^^ I think the reason your not seeing it is because you have a plan and more importantly your sticking to it and walking past Millie's whereas most of us just take a LOOK haha which if you can walk past aka be good for weeks on end without slumps then you will no doubt continue to lose. You will keep losing until you need to do enough exercise to push it further through muscular biogenesis... will see your final results soon if you keep doing what your doing :) well done!

in reply to Jsports

Phew! thats good news :) The hardest is Mr Pretzel - those things are sooo good! Spent last night on pinterest looking for gluten free and dairy free alternatives so I'm off to see if I can find coconut oil.

Still no exercise as yet other than walking and some cycling to the shops. Next week I'm on holiday so that will be my next challenge!

robyn89 profile image
robyn89 in reply to

Hi Rollingsheep. Well done on the weight loss. I'm also going gluten and diary free and over the past 3 weeks have lost half a stone. Feeling much less bloated and getting less indigestion. Planning is definitely the key! I'm finding eating out tough going though.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Rollingsheep,

Really great progress you are making, and well done for that! Also, great that you've managed to get through 2 days of work with your new diet, especially as you had to pass by so many high calorie food outlets! Great staying power on your part not to succumb to visit them.

I don't think I can answer your question about plateauing, because I have been on my weight loss journey for a long time now - I just know from my own personal experience that there can be weeks when I gain and weeks when I don't lose any, and then thankfully weeks when I get myself back on track and lose again... I can always see the triggers or events that have caused me to gain though, so that is helpful for trying to adhere to healthier strategies.

Just noticed that Jsports has answered your question about the plateau. :-)

Have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image

Fantastic results as always lowcal. I missed last weeks weigh in so 2 weeks ago was 12:3 today I'm 12:10 down from 37.5 to 36.5 waist. My goal is 34 inch 12.5 by October. I think it's abit too quick a loss as iv had a few slip up meals which has undone but not as much as my slip up days! Notice the difference hah iv also changed my chocolate habit to Aldi version of twig instead of pure. Choc going from 300-1000 calories to just 104 and that's only when I crave. So when I have eAten one I'm actually still losing weight..genius! Altho I have still had my local takeaway meal it's been 1 in 7 days rather than 1 in 2-3 so eating healthy the rest of the days has had it's impact this week. Fish new potatoes and spinach. #popeye

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jsports

Hi Jsports,

You're doing really great on the weight loss front. Well done! Great that you've noticed a difference in your waist size as well. Interesting to see how many calories difference there is between the types of chocolate. You should notice a change as a result.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

jacqui1957 profile image

iv lost 3lbs last week just started on my 3rd week of the plan

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jacqui1957

Hi Jacqui,

Brilliant news to hear you've lost 3 pounds - well done! Hope you're enjoying the plan so far, and that you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

jacqui1957 profile image

well when I started on the 1st September I got weighed at the hospital and it said I weighed 15st 6lbs now im down to 15st 2lbs so in 2weeks iv lost 4lbs must be doing something good

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jacqui1957

Hi Jacqui,

Definitely! You are making excellent progress - really good.

Lowcal :-)

BudsofMay74 profile image

Well done LowCal you sound really positive & so pleased your goal is within reach. I lost 1lb this week which I'm pleased about as I've been poorly so wasn't expecting much. I've now got 19lbs to go - might consider swimming if weight loss starts to slow down. At the moment I'm doing lots of walking & am happy loosing a pound a week. Good luck for this week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to BudsofMay74

Hi BudsofMay74,

Thanks very much for your encouraging words. :-)

Congratulations to you on losing a pound this week. Especially as you had been feeling poorly - hope you're feeling better this week. I think walking is great exercise and really enjoyable.

Losing a pound a week is really good - very healthy rate of weight loss.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

LilValky profile image

Week 4 - Loss of 1lb this week taking me from 13.6.8 to 13.5.8.. not as good as i'd hoped but ive been struggling with the exercise side (cant find the motivation) and feeling so very hungry!! (first week ive felt hungry!) But still its a loss so i cant complain!

Well done to everyone and keep up the good work :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LilValky

Hi LilValky,

Congratulations on your pound loss this week - that's really great. Sorry to hear you've been feeling very hungry though. I can relate to that feeling right now as I'm feeling extremely hungry right now, but thankfully I'm going to have some homemade chicken curry made with lots of fresh vegetables on a bed of rice shortly, so I'm going to feel better after that! (I say the curry is homemade, but I have used a ready-made sauce).

Hope you don't feel quite as hungry this week, and hope you have another great week.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Well done, everyone!

I've had a tiring and stressful week, with some comfort eating along the way - so am pleased that I maintained the same weight (13 st 5) and dropped half an inch off my waist measurement.

If I took the figures from the scales used at my annual check-up, I've actually lost 3 lbs, but although this gained me lots of praise from the nurse, I don't believe it!

Went swimming today, only managed 10 lengths & was totally wiped out, before my illness I was doing 1/2 mile per pool session, oh well, will just have to do what I can, it has to be better than doing nothing.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Sorry to hear that you've been tired and had a stressful week this week, and very pleased to hear you've maintained your weight (despite that) - so well done for that. The fact that you've lost an inch off your waist is really great.

I think it's good that you swam 10 lengths of the pool. I know you are used to swimming more than that, but 10 lengths is still a great achievement, so try to give yourself the credit for it. I think 1 single length of a pool is a long way to swim. But I haven't been swimming for quite a long time.

Hopefully you'll get a loss in weight this week. The scales used at your annual check-up are very likely to be accurate, so I wonder why you are reluctant to believe that they show 3 pounds loss since that time. That's great, and the nurse was correct to praise you for that.

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image
Bluehills in reply to Zest

HI Lowcal

You're absolutely right, 10 lengths is an achievement, and far more than I thought I would be able to do. It just takes time to adjust to my new, less able self. I'm reluctant to believe the nurses scales because she told me that they weren't recording right, and needed adjustment.! Being the good old NHS, it's probably take several years for them to be fixed.....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Yes, I think you're right - probably not a good idea to rely on the nurse's scales, in that case...

Hope you're having a good week so far.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Bluehills

The nurse was giving you praise that's due! Did she compare you from last time? mine always does, i weigh more or less the same at the doctors despite being fully clothed! I always get rid of everything at home before I weigh, insulin pump, clothes, pandora bracelet, not glasses I wouldn't be able to see the scale, I wonder how much I would weigh without my wedding ring........

suzybenj profile image

Really Well done LC- very impressed.

I have lost a scant half pound - so going in the right direction . My will Power is very weak. I am full of fantastic resolve and then give in to what ever temptation presents. Must try harder!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,


Congratulations on losing half a pound - every bit counts, and like you say, you're going in the right direction. Hope the temptations of this week are not too strong, and your resolve will see you through.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

Ah but just think if you had put that scant 1/2lb on! Well done keep going

christine58 profile image

Well done LowCal on your weight loss. Brilliant news.

As in my last post I said I was away for a long weekend - hence I am a day late in weigh-in. I am very pleased to report even having a glass of wine and a lovely Italian meal on Friday that I have lost 2.6lb this week and another 1/2" from my waist. I made wise choices for the Italian meal and I started aqua aerobics last Wednesday and more walking which I am sure has helped.

My next goal is to be under 13 stone by November 16th which is my Ruby wedding anniversary. Perfectly do-able with only 6.4lb to go.

Good luck to everyone for the coming week


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to christine58

Hi Christine,

Thanks very much :-)

I am thrilled to hear you've lost 2.6 pounds this week - that's amazing, and also brilliant that you enjoyed that Italian meal and a glass of wine. Hope you're enjoying the Aquarobics.

Wow, your Ruby Wedding Anniversary will be something special to celebrate, and I'm sure you'll lose that 6.4 pounds in time for that.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

I was down to 14 stone 1 pounds BMI 29.8. Would love to get below BMI 25 by this time next year (thats about 2 1/2 stone to lose).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony42,

Congratulations on your weight loss, and you're on your way towards your goal. Really good.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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