I unfortunately continued not to do so well and am feeling very annoyed and disappointed with myself this morning. There is no time like the present and I am getting back on track today. (How many times have I said that over the years?????)
Since the 11th December I have gained an incredible 9 lbs. My only hope is that because I have gained so quickly, I will lose it (or at least some of it) very quickly. What this has taught me is how careful I need to be and that I have not re-educated myself on healthy eating, even though I thought I had.
It started with my Husband's birthday on 14th December and ended with my Grandaughter's first birthday party yesterday - so 15 days of over indulgence (and very obviously lack of self control.) I know where I have gone wrong.
My goals this week are to start walking every day and to lose any weight I can - no actual figures in mind. In other words, get back on track.
Happy New Year to all fellow healthy eaters and good luck this week.