I am desperate to lose the weight but not good on the self control if food is near me. I am enjoying this programme but sabotage myself with the above. has anybody got any tips. will take on board all replies. meanwhile keep updating -you are all inspirational to me.
hi.1lb loss in 4 wks due to work nibbl... - Weight Loss Support
hi.1lb loss in 4 wks due to work nibbles near me, invited to meals out and pizzas and pasties in the freezer which i cannot resist.

It is very difficult but I can't have certain things in the house like crisps or cheese as they have to be eaten. If you plan your meals and calorie count in snacks so you don't get hungry then it will be easier to resist the other stuff around you. I have failed my planned pre Christmas push to lose another 2-3 lb becase of meals out, but at least I haven't put any on!
A tip from someone the other day was to got out for a meal unhungry ie if you are too hungry you are more likely to order more than you want. Another tip is to order a starter as a main course.
I have found that over the several months I have been working on my weight loss my appetite has reduced and I usually don't eat everything when I am eating out. I am fortunate I don't like sweet things so I can always resist pudding and just have a coffee (not a milky latte or cappucino but filter with skimmed milk if possible.)
Hopefully it will be easier foryou in the new year when the work nibbles should be gone and others will be looking to lose some weight as well.
Good luckand keep at it
dont worry we shall get there in the end !!
Hi healthyone,
One way to avoid the temptation to eat pizzas and pastas in the freezer is to not buy them so then there'll not be any in the freezer. That also means you'll have to eat something different and that will hopefully be something less calorific and more nutritious.
And please DO realise that as you change your eating habits, your old "just can't resist" things will become less attractive to you.
It's just sooooo about habits.
You want to eat pizzas and pastas because .... well mainly because that's the sort of stuff you eat. If you stopped eating them you wouldn't want to eat them nearly so much.
I, for many years, ate all sorts of c$@p in vast quantities - biscuits, cakes, fried foods, sugary fizzy drinks, bread, chocolate-covered everything, and in huge portions, too. And low amounts of fruit, veg, fish, lean meat, and stuff like that.
Sweet, creamy, fatty, calorie-rich? Yep, that was me. And that was how I became significantly overweight.
That is, until I decided to take control of my relationship with food and in doing that took control of my body weight.
And I lost a bit over 4 stone and I've changed the way I eat, so I've not just yo-yo'd back up to my old weight.
Good luck with your weight loss journey. Honestly - it really IS worth the effort. I don't have to cart around all that extra weight 24/7 any more.

cheers for the advice. will keep at it. good luck

much appreciated and well done on your weight loss that is amazing and inspiring