Not sure what I'm feeling right now ex... - Weight Loss Support

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Not sure what I'm feeling right now exactly! :/ :(

Sana786 profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone.

I hope you are all okay. :)

I on the other hand however, am not feeling so me today. The migraine attack that I had yesterday, has almost gone but not quite completely yet. God knows what is going on with me today as I am just sitting down, reading everyone's posts here and thinking about all the ways I can use to lose weight but not even wanting to get up to do my 2nd run of c25k. :( It's making me feel so depressed! :'( To make matters worse, the girls at the surgery are not even letting me book an appointment to see my GP. They are asking me to ring on certain day at 7pm to book a two week time appointment. :@ so frustrated and P*****! :# :# :# :(

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Sana786 profile image
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16 Replies
Claire2stone profile image

Hi sana 😀 sorry your still not feeling 100% today and your doctor surgery don't seem to care 😣 don't beat yourself up for not being able to get out for your next run you will feel up to it soon. Look after yourself, eat lovely healthy food and relax..... tomorrow is another day. It's taken time to put weight on and it will take time to shift it but shift it you will 😀 take care. Claire x

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Claire2stone

Thank you so much Claire2stone for your such courageous post. It really helped me kick myself in the back and jump into my running shoes yesterday! :D I was not able to post it yesterday but I did my 2nd run yesterday. You were right, if the doctor surgery did not care, it didn't mean that I stop caring about myself. Hence, I did the run and felt really proud of myself. :)

Thank You so much! please do continue to help as this very much helps in keeping the motivated head on. :) :*


Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to Sana786

It's my absolute pleasure sana 😀 I'm just pleased a few words can make a difference. I'm so happy your feeling better and even managed to do your 2nd run. I've just completed my 2nd run too and really enjoyed it. I'm not counting my half run half drag a sniffing dog around yesterday 🐕😂 keep us posted on your ups and downs we are allways here. Claire x

Sounds as bad as my surgery, you're not alone...I hope you got out for your run though, if you can just keep going through this hard time you'll be so pleased with yourself. Don't give up! Maybe try a new approach but keep going! X

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to

Thanks Hidden , I did change the approach and got through the second run. :)

Elissy profile image

Take it easy 😊

My husband has 2 days after his migraines where he doesn't feel 100%.

He went through 2 months of smaller cluster migraines, turns out that the bread he was eating contained one of his 'triggers'.

Back to baking our own again now since 3 weeks, and clear so far.

But he said he sometimes almost feels worse the day after, so don't be hard on yourself 😊

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Elissy

Thanks Elissy , I have also been suffering from Migraines for over 12 years and then also started suffering from another type of headache called "Paroxysmal Hemicrania". Touch wood I haven't suffered from this for good few months now and I hope that no one else gets this either! :/ I have been monitored in hospital like a guinea pig for several months to see what triggers mine off with 0 results and then gave up on all medicines and just started coping with the pain for a while.

Things started changing for me on a positive turn when I went back into education and started working. Feel much better now and hope that soon I will have my gained weight become a thing of the past too!.. :) xx

Morgancando profile image

Oh I'm so sorry you're feeling so miserable today. Sometimes it's hard to get motivated especially when you're not feeling well.

I am being treated for depression and some days it's hard to force myself out the front door, but I have to make myself get out there. I can spend hours reading everyone's posts on here but seldom admit to how I'm really feeling. I think you're much stronger than you realise. I'm sure your post will resonate with a lot of people so thank you.

It is a cliche but tomorrow is another day and I hope your migraine is over by then. So Get up, get dressed, have a healthy breakfast and get out for a walk, even if you don't feel up to continuing with you c25k.

Chin up. X

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Morgancando

Thank you so much for your advice Morgancando as it really means a lot and one needs a lot of courage to be able to discuss own issues. I really appreciate your valuable comment and advice. xx

I have started expressing and sharing my feelings just over 2 years ago now. I used to keep things bottled up before that as I was at a breaking point in my marriage. My husband was a control freak, keeping an eye on my every move and I was afraid to even ask for help. He always used to make me feel that if I left him I would be on streets with nothing to live by. my kids were in misery and despair. But what was the turning point for me was that two years back when I was on holiday with kids and hubby, he raised his hand on me in front of my daughter and that for me was the final bang!. I decided to leave him and take the kids away too. when he realised that she won't take my bullying anymore, he decided to change and asked for the one last chance. we last month celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary as we are still together but now he knows he can not mess up or there will not be anymore chances. He still tries to do things which really drive me up the wall sometimes but I ignore it now as things are much better now than they were two years ago. Besides, a person might be able to change their habits but they can't change their nature. Hence he is how he is.

The reason I shared my story with you is that you mentioned you are being treated for the depression as I was for over five years. I think it is the hardest thing to admit that we are suffering in one way or another but by admitting it we can be sure that we are able to get some help if need be. :)

Well done to you for not giving up as that is the strongest thing we can have and that is the will power!. xx :)

I took your advice yesterday and did my run despite feeling miserable. But hey! it made my mood change completely and I felt a lot more relaxed and happy. :) xx

You take very best care of yourself and be sure that we are always here for anything you might want to talk about. xx :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Sana,

Migraines can be terrible - and I'm so sorry to hear yours is lasting so long - I can understand it's getting you down, but hopefully you'll get some relief soon, and then you'll feel better. I really hope you sleep well tonight.

Maybe you can get an earlier appointment to see your GP - it might be worth asking them if there's any cancellations? Stress that you can't wait 2 weeks? I really don't know if that would work, but maybe it's worth a try?

Maybe you'll feel a lot better tomorrow. Try to de-stress and do something that is relaxing.

Take care Sana,

Lowcal :-)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Zest

Thank you so much Zest , your comments always hep and support me in the our of need! xx :)

As I was explaining to Elissy on the above message, I suffer from two different types of headaches and GPs are aware of them both. that is why they choose to ignore because they know that if my condition gets worse then I have to call for the ambulance anyways. But thank goodness things didn't have to go that far and I started feeling better again. :)

I also did my run yesterday and will be doing the 3rd run on Saturday. xx

Thank you once again and take care! xx :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sana786

Hi Sana,

I am so glad to hear you did your run yesterday and that you're feeling better - you've been through a lot with your headahces. I hope your 3rd run goes really well today. I think I'm doing mine tomorrow - as I'm having a long walk this morning before having some breakfast. The weather is a bit grey but it's not raining, so that'll do for me!

Have a great weekend Sana.

Lowcal :-)

p.s. I'll look forward to hearing how your run goes.

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Zest

Hi Zest , I hope you enjoyed your walk this morning! 😀😁

Thank you for well wishes and motivation as I don't want to let these headaches put me down anymore! (They have done that for way too long already.)

The weather seems really nice outside but I haven't been out yet as I am helping the boys to clean their bedrooms. We are planning to go out a little later once this finishes and I will be doing my 3rd run then.

I will tag you in my post to keep you updated. ☺

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. xx ☺


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sana786

Hi Sana,

Glad you'll be popping out later to enjoy the weather, and thanks, in advance, for tagging me re: your run, as I will look forward to hearing how it goes. :-)

I'm just about to go out as well, but I'm saving my run for tomorrow. :-)

Enjoy your afternoon.

Lowcal :-)

Venusflytrap profile image

Most of us migraine sufferers would not be thinking of going for a run till we were fully recovered. We just wouldn't make the run. I wouldn't even think of going for a gentle stroll. Give yourself a break. If you are feeling ill, just give yourself time to recover. Discuss pain control with your pharmacist in the meantime if you do have to wait for that GP appointment. Some combinations of over the counter painkillers can be more effective than taking just one type. If you wear glasses, consider getting your eyes tested, just in case. Might also be worth keeping a symptom diary, to try to identify your triggers. I used to have a reaction to the fluorescent lights at work and had to have a desk lamp instead. For some people it's chocolate or red wine, or, for one friend, chocolate plus red wine! It turned out she only had them together when she was stressed! I hope you recover soon.

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Venusflytrap

Thank you so much Venusflytrap for your advice and support. I am feeling much better now and I can gladly say that it was without the medication after all. :)

I know exactly what you mean by not going for a run during the "ATTACK" as it really drains the energy out of us anyway, let alone running. xx

Take care.


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