Please Join Me for a Weigh-in (Monday ... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Weigh-in (Monday 16th December 2013).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
15 Replies

Good morning!

I realise I'm writing this post on Sunday rather than Monday, but I won't be able to access my computer till Wednesday as I will be away, and I wanted to ensure I updated my weekly weight loss - especially with the mutual goals held by many Monday weighers (and others of course) to lose weight before Christmas!

Last Monday, I weighed 14 stone 3.8 pounds, and today I am 14 stone 1.6 pounds, so I've lost 2.2 pounds! I feel relieved and very pleased with this loss, as I have tried very hard to tweak my food intake, and do regular exercise. The support of others on the Monday post has been invaluable in helping me achieve this, so thank you!

I'll check back on Wednesday to see how you other Monday weigher's are doing. Please do join me to share how this week has been for you. Hoping you are all having a good week so far.

My goal for this week will be to try to lose a bit more weight - I'm aiming for half a pound, as I know there are a few challenging Christmas events this week.

Good luck everyone!

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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15 Replies
suzybenj profile image

Excellent news - so well done! And thanks for thinking of us - we would have wondered where you were tomorrow.

So because you weighed - so shall i - I have a huge roast beef sunday dinner to look fwd to - so it will be convenient to weigh in today.

I am 11 stone and 11.5 pounds - I think that is a pound and bit lost - can't remember - think i was 11 stone 13 last Monday!

I haven't seen 11 stone 11 for at least over a year and one small pound and then i will have reached a stone lost. I aim to do this by xmas.

so good luck to everyone else this week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Congratulations on your weight loss this week. That's great! You are getting ever closer to your goal to lose a stone.

Hope your week is going well so far.

Lowcal :-)

bispers profile image

Well done Lowcal, that's really good news.

I have weighed this morning and am not going to put it on here - that says everything! I am hoping that some of the extra weight will be the bigger meals etc I've had over the weekend and that part will drop off quickly.

What has been interesting for me was that with temptation put in my way I went back to my old eating habits, and when making a rather large, gorgeous chocolate cake (even if I do say it myself), I did keep tasting it (more than was needed!). Husband has taken a lot of it into his work today to share - I'm relieved about that.

I am extremely unlikely to make my Christmas goal, so this week, I am going to be on damage limitation and see where that gets me back to.

Hope you and everyone else has a good week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

I know what you mean about the temptations of chocolate Birthday cakes. They are the ultimate temptation. It's good that your husband has taken it into his work to share around.

I hope you're managing with the damage limitation goal this week. It is really such a challenging time of year, so we must just hang in there and do our best, and hopefully things will get a bit easier once Christmas (and Birthdays etc) are in the past, and January can be a time to make great progress.

Hope you are having a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Bispers you know we are not here to judge but to support and encourage! It can't be that bad! And it can be undone! Well done Lowcal very pleased for you. Suzy also on the right track, and me too. Most of you know I weigh daily anyway, this week I have been under 11 all week, and today - I always seem to weigh least on Monday I am10.9 one quarter of a pound (with a full pandora bracelet- couldn't pull the clip and DH at work) only 1/4 less than last week but that was a fluke so working hard to make it a reality. I am not at work most of the week so will need be more disciplined! Good luck losers ;)

bispers profile image
bispers in reply to Prin

Hi Prin, thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately I think it is that bad. Can't seem to get back on track and am +7lbs to last week. Hoped some of it would have dropped off quickly but life is conspiring against me at the moment and so I have reverted to eating badly. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Must be positive!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to bispers

STOP! Deep breath, new target no weight gain this week, or maybe +1 lb. remain positive ( I put 4lb on in a girls weekend away in May and it took me a month to shift) not sure it was worth it but you need to re-focus and we are here to help, good luck

bispers profile image
bispers in reply to Prin

OK thank you again! Deep breath taken. Like the new target and will go for it. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Congratulations on losing a quarter of a pound. I'm sure it would be more if you could get that Pandora bracelet off! Hope you're managing to cope this week - you mentioned being off work most of the week, so I can imagine that is challenging, but hope you're managing to be more disciplined (as you intended).

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

OlsBean profile image

Well done all, it will be uplifting for you to start Christmas on the right foot! I've been putting in extra effort into exercise (as anyone on Fitbit will see from my stats) the last couple of weeks as we head toward this demanding time of year :) trying to stay focused!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to OlsBean

Hi OlsBean,

Good to hear you are doing well with your exercise and trying to stay focused.

Hope you are having a good week so far.

Lowcal :-)

albionjen profile image

Well done everyone :)

I'm still around the same weight, roughly 64kg. But for the moment I'm focusing on fitness goals not losing weight, so that's ok. At the moment my two main goals are

complete my first 10k race with my friends in the spring (I'll try for 50 minute time, but that will be a tough goal)

Be able to do a pull-up

I managed to get out for a longer run this weekend in the sunshine as well as fitting in the Christmas shopping, so running is sort of on track. I also seem to be making some small progress towards being able to do a pull up, since I was able to do 1 pull up with just 30lb assistance this week at the gym.

Won't be able to do another Monday weigh in until the new year, so hoping I'm still around my goal weight to welcome in the new year :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to albionjen

Hi Albionjen,

I like your fitness goals, and sounds like you're making some progress towards achieving them. Sorry to hear you won't be around for another weigh-in until the New Year, but will look forward to hearing how you've got on in the New Year. Have a Happy and enjoyable Christmas in the meantime, and the best of luck with your goals.

Lowcal :-)

supasister1 profile image

Blimey Lowcal you've smashed the two week goal in one week!!! Well done!! Prin, I'm more like scales are a bit dodgy and last week (I always do a best of three) I was 11.8, 11.10, 11.8 this week i'm 11.8, 11.7, 11.8 - both weeks 'officially' at 11.8 but feel I am moving in the right direction. I'll be 11.6 next Monday I can feel it Grrrrr! (p.s. get rid of the pandora bracelet :-) )

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to supasister1

Hi Supasister1,

I haven't been all that disciplined this week so far, so I am a bit worried about what the scales will say on Monday - but it was nice to have a good weight loss earlier this week! Pleased to hear you're doing well and moving in the right direction. Keep up the good work! Hopefully you'll achieve 11.6 next Monday - best of luck!

Lowcal :-)

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