Where can I find information on what is a 'healthy portion' of the various food groups?
Portion sizes: Where can I find... - Weight Loss Support
Portion sizes

I am diabetic and must watch my portion sizes. My diabetes nurse downloaded a list for me on her NHS computer which gives 1 portion of a whole range of food. I am supposed to have 10 'units' a day (because I need to loose weight) e.g. 1 unit of mashed potato is the size of a boiled egg. 1 digestive biscuit is 1 unit. You soon use up your units but it is the only reliable method I've been given in 7 years. May be worth asking your practice nurse to download it for you. There is obviously a library of such information sheets they can access
Thankyou Beek. Thats a great help.
Hi Beek,
Many food packs show their nutrition information per 100g and per 'portion', or suggest in the cooking instructions what quantity to use for a portion/serving.
Sometimes they say things like per 1/2 tin.
Of course, you don't necessariily have to believe the manufacturer, and you could decide to serve yourself less of whatever than they recommend.
However, I do encourage you to weigh things. It's easy to pour out a 100+ g portion of muesli rather than a 45 g one and the former will contain over twice the number of calories!
Good luck with your weight loss journey.