Please Join me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join me for a Monday Weigh-in (27th May 2013).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
23 Replies

Today, I weigh 14 stone 5.2 pounds. This means I've put on 2.4 pounds this week. My goal had been to lose 1 to 2 pounds. Yes, I am disappointed by the weight gain, but I am not surprised. I had a Chinese takeaway last night and consequently my resolve to limit my intake of other 'treats' was compromised and I ended up eating more chocolate and biscuits and suchlike during the evening.

I think Bank Holiday weekends are definitely 'challenges' - but at least I know that the week ahead is a new week, and I can hopefully get 'back on track' and stick to my goals - and I really hope I'll lose some weight for next Monday's weigh-in.

Wishing everyone the best of success with their goals this week.

Enjoy the sunshine on this Bank Holiday Monday.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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23 Replies
crimsonmoon53 profile image

I Have been weighed and 14st,i just found this site yesterday,and feeling Positive.

Good Luck to everyone this week,,,,

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Welcome Crimsonmoon53,

Good luck for this week, and hope you have a good week.


Lowcal :-)

stewa profile image

Just found this site & decided to take control! Weight this morning 11st 2lb - far too heavy for my 5ft height!

Focussing this week. Good luck to everyone

Rachyroo profile image
Rachyroo in reply to stewa

hi Know how you must be feeling I weigh roughly the same and am also 5ft!! Unfortunately I have had such a stressful time recently, especially with my mother's declining health that i have not been eating properly and haven't done any exercise. However next week is a new week so going to start all over again. Good luck, hope you are staying focussed!!! any tips would be greatly appreciated

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Welcome Stewa,

Hope you have a good first week.


Lowcal :-)

stewa profile image
stewa in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal for the welcome

crimsonmoon53 profile image

Thankyou lowcal,for the welcome,and Stewa,i am only 5ft and 14st,so i feel like am as round as tall,!!!! definately am going to lose this weight,,

stewa profile image
stewa in reply to crimsonmoon53

Thank you crimsonmoon53 - tough being short isn't it! Half a stone makes such a huge difference.

Have a good week!!

First day today, 17st 6, the most I've ever been, but today has been a good day, no snacks, no alcohol, despite some wobbles, feel like I've made a start :)

geemel79 profile image

i overate big time over the weekend so much so i was really ill yesterday, carb and dairy overload but my weigh in was actually 1lb down I try not to beat myself up if i slip up and just resume again monday rahter than say thats blown it time to give up, the blips get fewer and further apart if you stick too it, its a massive thing to try and change your lifestyle completely and its not going to happen oernight it takes time :) just pick yourself up and start again this is meant to be a life change not a quick fix, quick fixes never work


xsallyx profile image

Here's to another week.

Its going to be a tricky week for me as I will be eating away from home Thursday, Friday and Saturday,

I will need to make the right food choices, Take some snacks of my own.

I done okay this week, Eat out yesterday, BBQ Sunday and still 1lb loss. : )

Good luck everyone for the week ahead.

lyndie123 profile image

OK - in public, here goes. 13st 6 lbs. 5ft 4". arthritis, sciatica and loads of other stuff because my body is screaming at me to lose weight. Now to get the brain to take more notice of what I'm trying to tell it.

Rachyroo profile image
Rachyroo in reply to lyndie123

Hi Lyndie when you find a way to get your brain to take more notice please let me know how you did it!!!! I have osteoarthritis in both knees and know that if I lose weight it will help, but somehow my brain just ignores me!!!

lyndie123 profile image
lyndie123 in reply to Rachyroo

well this is what I am trying. I know every diet in the world I think and tried at least half of them. so I am not dieting anymore, at least not in the 'mustn't eat this, mustn't eat that way'. I am cutting down portions of everything I eat and eating sensibly but if I want apple crumble and cream I will have just a very small bit of both. I've watched slim friends of mine eat and this is what they seem to do rather than deny themselves and then eat a packet of biscuits later to compensate which is my usual way. The only thing I have drastically restricted is alcohol. It makes me hungry for hours afterwards so unless it's a special occasion I'm off the booze. Will post on here now and again and let you know if it's working.

Rachyroo profile image
Rachyroo in reply to lyndie123

Thanks. Sounds like a good way to be. I am the same with the alcohol, I get so hungry after and always seem to crave unhealthy things, especially chocolate!! Do you have a guide to measure your portions by? or do you just put less on your plate? Good luck with your new eating regime, please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing

lyndie123 profile image
lyndie123 in reply to Rachyroo

I just put smaller amounts on my plate. Seriously I wish someone would make smaller dinner plates. Large tea plates are too small if you have a varied selection of food but all my dinner plates are big so putting a small amount on them usually prompts the helpful comment from my husband 'that's not enough'!. I will buy a small plate but think I'm going to have to go the expensive route to do it as all cheap plates I've looked at seem to be massive.

jackieeb profile image

I know what you mean, I have arthritis and 2 worn discs in my spine.

I am determined to loose weight, so am getting more active, although gently.

I am 16 stone and 5 ft 3 ins.

Prin profile image

Not a good week for me I was away Friday till Monday at girls weekend (great fun) so weighed in this morning at 12st 9 my heaviest of the last week I was 12 6 on friday morning so its back to the grindstone for me - I was quite aware that I would be eating more but 3lb seems a bit much never mind upward and onward - well done to this weeks weightloss winners :)

geemel79 profile image

3lb is not all that much my weight can go up and down 4lbs in a matter of hours its only a problem when youve added three and then not taken it back off again by the following week x

Rachyroo profile image
Rachyroo in reply to geemel79

I find your comment very helpful and reassuring. It gives me hope when I gain rather than lose weight, knowing that within another week it could change in a positive way, if I work at it!! thanks

AH4567 profile image

I weigh in every monday, this week I weighed 12st 12lbs and am starting week 8 of the 12 week plan, so far I've lost 14 lbs. I'm having a bit of a wobble this week though with the kids being off school, snacking on their sweets, kfc last night and I've not been to the gym yet this week. Need to pull it in before Monday otherwise its going to be a gain for me :(

Rachyroo profile image
Rachyroo in reply to AH4567

Well done you have done really well, a stone in just 7 weeks!!! what kind of food do normally eat to do so well? good luck with getting back on track I am sure you will, you have done so well so far!!

AH4567 profile image

I tend to eat normally only I weigh my food. Weetabix or simialr for breakfast, salad or a sandwich or pasta potshots for lunch and then proper meal such as spag bol, bangers and mash, roast chicken or beef dinner, kiev and salad, quiche and salad. I'm not that extravagant in the kitchen I'm afraid.

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