I am keeping it to myself this time. I have tried so many diets in the past, with varying degrees of success, that my supportive friends and husband, I think, are all a little bored of my attempts and hearing about the latest best diet that will end all diets.
Although never as thin as I want to be I have managed to maintain an OK weight for 8 years or so but I had a baby 2 years ago and am now the largest I have ever been.
The reason I am not telling anyone this time is a couple of comments made by people around me that have stuck in my mind, "let's face it you will never be a size 10, be happy the size you are meant to be", "another diet? you are always on diet", "you know diets never last, you will put the weight straight back on" you get the picture. All a bit negative and I don't need it, thanks, I'm hard enough on myself without other people adding to it.
Having decided to keep this attempt low key and stay positive I started the 12 week programme this past Monday and have been doing the 10min exercise routines on the NHS website before everyone gets up in the morning and during the day. My husband means well but when he asked me what I was doing in the mornings so early, I explained I was doing a 10min cardio routine his response was that I should be out running or doing an exercise dvd as I will get more out of that. I didn't want to discuss it at all with him as although I know he means to be supportive it just doesn't comes across like that.
I just want to be left to my own devices, follow the proamme's advice, work things out for myself even if my weight loss is slower than I would like and not have anyone else telling me what I should or should not be doing, what I should and should not be eating.
Does anyone else feel the same?