The first time I thought I was fat I was 7 years old. Writing that down seems ridiculous why should a 7 year old girl feel self conscious about her weight?! Growing up my mum was a recovering bulimic who had and still has a number of insecurities about her weight and body image resulting in diet after diet. Obviously this was never intentional but as a child you pick up on things that are said or seen as acceptable or unacceptable. My relationship with food was very rocky and subsequently so has my weight. I've never been overweight to the point of being classified as obese but overweight definitely. I've binge ate, I've skipped meals, I've tried multiple diets to try and become happy with the image I see in the mirror; to wear the clothes I want without worrying if it accentuates my lumps and bumps. Nothing other than my clothes seems to stick ironically. I'm rubbish at routines and sticking to diets and exercise plans. Every time I tell myself this time I'll do it and I'll stick to it I'm never going to be this size again but here I am once again, the post Christmas over-indulgence. This post seems like a list of excuses for my relationship with food and my body now I've written it down. How pathetic, I tell myself, to worry about something so trivial as my weight and my appearance. I've got all my limbs, my health and I'm in a much better physical condition than others... so whats the issue?! The fact is, to worry about my weight and appearance, what I eat etc. is frankly quite exhausting. I want to look at photos of myself and not feel embarrassed or ashamed of how I look. I want to feel healthier, have more energy. I don't want to have to worry about my blood pressure being slightly high or the risks to my health. This time I'm doing it. No fad diets, no quick fixes. I'm making lifestyle changes that will stick. I'm improving my relationship with food and with myself. This is for me and nobody else. Here's to the start.
This Time I'm Doing It.: The first time... - Weight Loss Support
This Time I'm Doing It.

Thank you Concerned, I really appreciate it!
I have always stressed about my weight,although I would be happy to lose a stone .I'm 5.1.and the flabby bits I loath.I'm in my sixties now and need a big kick to stop over eating.Evenings are my weak times.I wish you good luck xx
I could have actually written this post myself. I am soooo sick of self hating. I suffer with body dysmorphia which multiplies everything so much more than I need it to. I have 2 beautiful children, a great husband & not so bad life, but stressing about my weight/size/the way I look every day just exhausts me. I just wish I could believe in myself to lose weight. I've failed so many times that I actually question if I am able to do it xxx
I completely relate to what you're saying! To be even considering losing weight is a huge step so woo go us! This is step one and I'm just taking it from here. I'm going to plan to try and make small changes that I can stick with like doing half an hour of walking a day and eating a piece of fruit more a day and building it from there. I'm a very all or nothing person and tend to go for complete diet overhauls which I dont stick with so this is going to be hard xx
I'm exactly the same. Either totally in or completely out. This past week I should live in the "I intend on gaining 100 stone as I'm a total pig isle of the supermarket"
Just wish I had the self belief xxx
I did the total same I'm petrified of stepping on the scales! What do you feel is stopping you from losing weight? xx
In all honesty I believe its my mind set & body dysmorphia - you constantly have the repetitive voice telling you "you can't do it" "you're fat - you wont lose weight" "you're ugly - nothing will change that" & it really makes you believe it. So I guess I've never proved myself wrong. How about you? xxx
I completely agree! It just feels so much easier to carry on as I am dieting and exercise requires a lot of time and energy! But then again I feel that I need to break the cycle I'm stuck in. I'm so unhappy with how I look and nothing changes unless I do xxx
Exactly, if we don't change now imagine how we will feel this time next year. I lost weight for my wedding 18 months ago - & felt amazing, however, I had to work my absolute arse off, planning & prepping meals, & working out like a machine I hate having to put so much effort in to it.
I worry though that if I don't make the change now, things will rapidly spiral as I have applied for a job which is desk based, when I have spent the last 7 years running around a ward, so thats not going to help either.
Do you workout? xx
Thats what I keep telling myself! I've lost weight before I know I'm capable of doing it but it is just so much effort!
I've got a gym membership and I was trying to go to a few classes but I always felt self conscious like I was the biggest one there or I looked stupid and people were laughing at me even though really I bet nobody even paid me any attention! xxx
I'm forever telling myself I'm fat and useless,and I'm getting worse everyday.I cave in too easily where food is concerned.Is there no hope.!!!!!

Dear Sophie, welcome to this fantastic forum. You sound so determined and you have written down your motivation for doing this, and that is really half the battle. I am sure you can do it. Will look out for your posts in the months to come. Take a couple of before pictures now. You don't have to share them with anybody, but perhaps one day you will want us to see how far you have come.
I can recommend the NHS 12 week weight loss plan. I used it and it works! If you feel up for it, try out the NHS couch to 5k programme too. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has turned me into a runner. In March when I started, I could barely run for 60 seconds. Now I run 10k without stopping. It helped me a lot when I was losing weight. Now that I have reached my goal, it helps me maintain.
All the best❤️
Thank you so much! I was really considering the 12 week weight loss plan and I've downloaded it to look over it now. I've done running plans before but never kept it up so I'll give the couch to 5k plan a go too as I really want to get fitter and not just lose the weight for superficial purposes. I'm not quite at the right place to take photos now but maybe in a few weeks I can give it a go!
When you decide to give the c25k plan a go, join the c25k forum here. It is a source of amazing support for new runners.
I didn't take any before pictures myself, but I wish I had. I would love to see how much of a difference the last six months have made.
I did it!! I weighed myself first thing this morning and took my photos. I just thought I need to take the first plunge. Didnt make it out running today as it was far too icy though but did do a workout on Youtube so better than nothing!
Hello Sophielowe I hope that you do find the forum helpful. I have had lots of brilliant advice and come to the point where I am not working on my diet but on my healthier lifestyle- for life. Obviously weight loss is a part of this but I had to get healthier in my mind set to stay motivated. Be kind to yourself set realistic achievable goals and stay active on the forum and I am sure you will be successful 😀 I would recommend the NHS 12 week plan and also the pinned post for newbies on the right hand side of your screen with links to useful sites and lots of helpful information about how to use the site.i wish you luck and determination 😀
Hello and welcome sophielowe 😊 Brilliant first post that resonates with many of us 😊 Your last sentence is perfect, do it for YOU! You and your body deserve good nutrition 😊 Go you! 😊😊😊 best wishes
Hi sophielowe and welcome.
Start by taking all your measurements and weigh yourself and check your BMI on the NHS calculator. As PippiRuns said, take some before pics and start counting calories. That means you can eat what you want in theory without exceeding your daily allowance.
From personal experience losing weight is mostly about what you eat and a little about exercise. You can lose weight just by altering your diet, but moving more will make you feel less sluggish and burn more calories. If you're new to exercise, Leslie Sansone does some great YouTube videos for walking.
Also check out the welcome newbies thread in the pinned post section.
Remember all of us here have either had or continue to have issues with weight and losing it, so we understand you and are always here to listen and support.
Good luck and looking forward to seeing you around.
Isou700 ☘
Good luck Sophie you sound so positive. I have only just joined this site but am inspired by all the weight losses posted and also the support that there seems to be from everyone. Onwards and upwards Sophie.
You go girl. This is your year to make positive changes. You know you can onwards and downwards