Now time to be more pro active: Hi I joined the... - Active 10

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Now time to be more pro active

Marion_63 profile image
18 Replies

Hi I joined the group 2 months ago and because of ill health at the time found it hard to commit to the exercise part of this journey. I have been doing the 12 week eating plan for the last 9 weeks and have lost about a stone.

Please help on how I could start a manageable plan.

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Marion_63 profile image
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18 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well done on Losing a stone, if course we will help get you back on your feet. Have you started walking at all yet? If not our how to start walking help sheet has some good pointers.

If you let us know where you at at we will help.

Marion_63 profile image
Marion_63 in reply to Realfoodieclub

I have started doing some walking with my dog but I have arthritis of the spine and find it hard to keep to a regular regime. This cold weather seems to affect my mobility, so some days it is too painful to push it.

Marion_63 profile image

Hi champak045. NHS 12 week weight loss plan and I calorie count my meals.

1stone is 14lbs in weight.

My problem is keeping to a regular walking regime as I have arthritis in the spine and don't know how I will be from one day to the next and the cold weather seems to make it worse.

Marion_63 profile image

No not tried patches. I take Tramadol when pain gets too bad, but don't like to take them too much.

Marion_63 profile image

Sorry don't have hot tub. Just had bathroom done with shower as my husband has mobility problems.

Welcome to our group Marion! I joined in March this year - I also have an arthritic spine (and knees) and honestly found it a struggle to walk 200 (yes, two hundred) steps. I so identify with your problem! I can now, on a good day, manage 2500 steps - and I'm thrilled to bits! Honestly, I could not have managed it without the encouragement and support of the lovely people who make up this community. I know that, for me, the possibility of reaching the recommended 10 000 steps is about zero, but I really can feel the benefit of doing what I can. Some of the members of this community are walking for miles and miles, but they all support those of us whose aims are much lower! I started by walking to the end of my street and progressed from there - good luck to you, and very well done on the weight loss!

Marion_63 profile image
Marion_63 in reply to

Thanks for your reply kay50. I can manage quite a bit of walking but it is sporadic. Some days are better than others. I have done over 5000 steps when I have taken the dog out, but then I am in pain for the next couple of days and find it hard to get back into it.

I used to walk everywhere and I am quite frustrated that I can't just do the activity I want to. (just facts of getting older I suppose). I am enjoying the weight loss forum and have made some great friends along the way. It is the first time in about 18 years or so since I have been this weight and its just the exercise bit that is the disappointing part of the journey. My motivation is soaring to new heights to get to a healthier me.

I too am trying to get to about 2500 steps a day, but sometimes it falls short.x

Bevoly profile image
Bevoly in reply to Marion_63

Hi have you thought about pilates at home using YouTube or chair based exercises when it's too cold?. I have arthritis in my hands feet and spine. I go to the gym butonight I do what I can manage and sit in the steam room after my workout when ever I can. This is my physio. When I don't go gym I do a bit of pilates in my bedroom especially the back hip and knee excercises. My bones feel so much better when I'm consistent. I find some foods cause inflammation too. Read online or go on a website called Pintrest and search for arthritis. Paelo diets help but I can't sustaine them. However they are great for weight loss and reducing inflammation of the spine. Keep up with the will loose weight and maybe when you feel lighter you may feel stronger..anything is worth trying

Marion_63 profile image
Marion_63 in reply to Bevoly

Thanks Bevoly. Yes I have done pilates in the past before the onset of my arthritis. I even went as far as getting a pilates machine. (only thing is it takes up a lot of space). I will have a go at the chair based exercise you mentioned. I have also done yoga and I try the exercises for that. My problem is I find it hard to get up off the floor when I have been down there for a while.Its just a point of finding a way to get round the space issue. I do stretches the physio gave me when I was going to see her and try some breathing exercises.

My weight is coming down brilliantly and weighed myself this morning and down to the 11st 13lb.

Enjoy your week.x

Do you know, I think we must be twins!! It's truly the acceptance of the limitations placed on us by our health issues that is so hard to come to terms with. It's so very frustrating! I do what I can, and if that means that some weeks I just go to the end of my road and back, then so be it! I forgot to mention that I walk with a Sholley (a British award winning shopping trolley that also acts as a walking aid, without looking like one!) as I tend to fall if I don't have something to hold on to! My chiropractor recommended it to me, as walking with a stick was making my pelvis twist thus putting stress on my spine. I can walk a lot further with it! Don't lose hope - you have done so well with your weight loss and you are so motivated that I am absolutely sure that you will improve your fitness levels too!

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to

Sorry to jump in on your thread Marion_63 , just wanted to highlight one of Hidden s sentences above " it's the acceptance of limitations placed on us by health issues that is so hard to come to terms with" I'm really struggling with this, up till last July walking was very important to me, I'd given up ice skating because of arthritis in my feet but could still happily walk 5 miles in good boots, it was my de-stress time, my " being one with nature" spiritual time, time spent happily with my lovely dog, and enough exercise that I could lose weight while still able to eat a decent amount of food! Then a bad back put paid to that and though the acute pain has settled I still have aching and soreness every day and I am limited to 20-30 mins dog walk with aches and muscle spasms. Half of me keeps feeling sorry for myself especially when I've had a long day at work and too sore to do anything other than stretch and the other half gets cross with myself for being selfish as I'm still much more able than many people. The most recent physio found a small difference in my leg length so I'm now trying a heel raise, hoping this will help but apparently it takes time to get used to it.

From your post above, Marion, I'm full of admiration that you have already lost weight without being able to exercise, so I would imagine any exercise you can add will only help, and as others have said it makes sense to build up slowly doing what you can manage without setting you back for a few days. We need patience! 😀

Marion_63 profile image
Marion_63 in reply to Fran182716

No problems Fran182716. I have learned to only do what I can at any one time. I am really enjoying the weight loss journey and am working towards a healthier life style. It is so frustrating not being able to do all the things I used to, but I am learning new ways round that. Walking is definitely what I prefer to do and no doubt that will never change, and looking forward to new challenges for 2018. My weight loss must be a better place to start than where I was in August this year.

Please do join in my journey. All comments

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to Marion_63

Ha, just spotted you on the weight loss forum too. I'm a Saturday weigher, I can see from your badge you're are a Sunday weigher! All best wishes with your progress xx😀

in reply to Fran182716

Hi Fran182716

On days when the back's stiff and the legs are kind of unco-operative and I REALLY want to get out, I've started doing 2 walks a day with a target of 10 minutes each! Not as satisfying as a decent walk, but at least doing something is strangely boosting to the moral!

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to

You're right Kay, any exercise is better than none, mentally as well as physically. Very grateful for my Pilates class too 😀

runswithdogs profile image

I find for myself setting realistic goals is an important first step. After that, it's about building a regular routine. It's tough at the start, but as you continue it does get easier because you're in the habit. Of course health issues always throw a wrench in the works. When my health impedes me I'll make my exercise shorter, or slower, or switch to something else. Or if I can't manage anything I like to watch videos or read articles on nice walks and runs, or plan new places that I'd like to toodle. It keeps me excited to get back out there.

Realfoodieclub profile image

On reading your post my first thought is that you might be slightly overdoing it. If you can get up to 5000 steps but then You are knocked out for a few days afterwards the chances are your not quite ready for the 5000 steps yet. We are big advocates of the slow and steady approach here. It is better to start small and build up. Trust me I know it is easy to push yourself and then suffer but the boom and bust approach actually takes you longer to build up than slow steady increases. Keep coming on here and we will help you get to your goals.

Marion_63 profile image
Marion_63 in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thank you I will try that approach.

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