Have any other ladies experienced this? I’ve been blissfully breastfeeding away and have only just discovered after baby was not putting on enough weight that what I am producing is nowhere near the required amount. No one has said a thing to me about a link with PCOS but there’s plenty of info on the web about it. Just wondering if anyone took Metformin or anything else that helped. Would much rather breastfeed if possible x
Breastfeeding - low milk supply - PCOS UK (Verity)
Breastfeeding - low milk supply
I am sorry that you’re going’s through this! When I had my baby it took a few weeks for my body to produce enough breast milk, probably due to PCOS too. Make sure that you drink and eat enough, do lots of skin to skin contact, relax while breastfeeding and most importantly offer the breast as often as you can. Forget about times, baby is awake? Boob in the mouth! Your body is amazing and it will regulate eventually.
😂 thank you I will! Did you pump at all? I found not much came out but the next day they were both briefly dripping and they haven’t done that since. I accidentally posted this in my old IVF support group and I upset a few ppl 😔
I hated pumping, it always fell like it wasn’t worth the effort. The baby is way more efficient in getting milk than any pump, so don’t take it ever as a messure of how much milk you’re producing. I pumped a couple of times a week, but I stopped as soon as we started solids. What I did was supplementing with a couple of bottles of formula a day for the first 3/4 weeks, after that time I was confident that she was getting enough from the breast I stopped that too. By that point my breast were getting engorged all the time, so there was clearly plenty of milk 😁
Also, consider getting checked out for tongue ties, those tend to hinder growth more often than milk production. We had a tongue tie and even though it eventually stopped being a problem, now I regret not taking it more seriously, it would have made my life way easier those first months.