Just a question I’ve been reading that acupuncture may help regulate your cycle . Has anyone tried this - currently taking inositol still no period coming up to 7 months - trying to stay away from the pill
Acupuncture for irregular periods - PCOS UK (Verity)
Acupuncture for irregular periods

Hey, must've read about it once but never ventured in that direction. Natural remedies are my preferred route too. Let us know if it helps.
Hey, acupuncture helped regulate my periods. I have also seen it work really well on others also. You can find an acupuncturist by visiting the British Acupuncture Council website (acupuncture.org.uk/) I would recommend finding one on here as it means they have had the full 3 years of training. Definitely find one that is registered with the British Acupuncture Council, they will have the letters MBAcC after their name. Good luck x
Thank you so much for replying after how long did u see a difference ?
I actually went for acupuncture for something else but found that it also helped with my periods! (I didn't know it could help with periods) I guess I noticed it come back to normal after a few months. check this out, very informative zendaysacupuncture.wordpres... x
I had reflexology between my two IUI and my period arrived on the day and to the hour which had never happened before, Noah is now 13 Definitely think the alternatives can help. I had had it done once a week between the IUI's.