Hi there - I'm new to Verity. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 16 years old over 12 years old now. My main symptom is I don't get periods very often. I usually get one maybe once every year but my most recent one was about 2 years ago. I don't take any medication as the doctors I have seen haven't been too helpful or they prescribe me metformin which makes me too sick to take. Anyway, twice in the last year I have had a week/10 days where I have brown discharge/dirty blood/small clots coming out of me everything time I wipe. I get mild period aches and I felt quite hormonal during but there no actual period blood except a tiny bit of fresh blood - the tiniest bit.
Has anyone experienced something like this? Is it worth going back to the doctors? I don't like to waste too much of their time if it's just an ordinary symptom I have to get used to.
Not sure if it's useful to know but I am overweight.
Sorry to be so detailed and hope to hear from some of you soon.