I am 7 weeks pregnant today and miscarried last day with heavy bleeding ...I had an IVF I got success in my first IVF everything was going very good , today I went to e.r to see sac in my ultrasound but there were no sac , no fetus nothing it was all clear , they ask to have an BETA HCG test which I did I got my result it's positive but my Dr. Says after miscarriage HCG level downs slowly , though, it is not that your HCG is good so you should be pregnant 😟... Although, I want to ask the causes or cause of miscarriage ☹️, because I have PCOS , might this the cause ?
Miscarriage : I am 7 weeks pregnant today... - PCOS UK (Verity)

No pcos does not cause miscarriage, they did think it contributed but further research has shown it is not the case.
They thought I was miscarrying at 10 weeks as I had started to bleed, my HCG test continued to rise and Noah is now 12. You should have a further HCG test in a few days to see what the levels are doing, if they are still rising then you are pregnant, it could be that maybe the scan was slightly early and was not able to spot it.
Noah was conceived by IUI - huge rollercoaster it was of ups and downs so I really feel for you - dont lose hope just yet though. Sending hugs
You are a wonderful human being worthy of love and respect. You are in a tough place. Trust yourself, you know what makes the most sense for you and your family. You will be able to make it through to the other end of whatever path you take. You will have people to help and support you. Continue to reach out, tell friends you trust what is going on and how you feel.