So, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 years old. I am now 27.. so yeah been living with it for a quite a while. I met my now husband back in 2008 and we knew from the start we wanted 3 children. That was our goal! So we got married and began trying to no avail. We were referred to a fertility clinic and were prescribed metformin. Not long after I fell pregnant with our first daughter. She was born in May 2013 then ilwhen she was 5 months old (with no help) I fell pregnant with our second daughter who was born in July 2014 and we were so thankful for both of them and couldn't be happier. I started taking the contraceptive pill because actually I couldn't believe our luck then in January 2017 i fell pregnant and had a bouncing baby boy in September 2017. Bit of a complicated pregnancy but all well.and good in the end end I thankful every single day for my 3 beautiful I was diagnosed with PCOS from such a young age I'm not sure if this is actually starting to take over my life again. Basically I hadn't had a period from having my baby in September until January then had a normal cycle which lasted for around 5 days. Then nothinf until 2 weeks ago and I have bled none stop. I'm worried to say the least I've inevitably googled what's going on and it's worst case scenario but even when I was younger I can't remember my periods or symptoms ever being this bad. Is anyone in the same boat? Xx
Is this normal?: So, I was diagnosed with... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Is this normal?

Hi there
I was in a similar boat other than regular heavy periods I knew where I was then they went pear shaped. As tempting as Google is unfortunately pcos has a lot of symptoms in common can be seen in cancer symptoms so don't be alarmed after all if you have a headache and Google it comes up as a diagnosis and could very easily be something else. It turned out I had ibs and fibroids. It best you seek the advice of your doctor when things change as you will find the worst case online Google once you know if anything has changed. In the mean time try not to panic I know with being a mum when your health plays up you worry about the future see your doctor and go from there. I hope you feel better soon a d hope this puts your mind a little at ease
Has your weight increased as this can play havoc with pcos. I suspect if you are 'normal' then you wont have bounced back to your pre pregnancy weight after a week Took me a year for things to get back to normal.
Also are you breastfeeding as this can also make it a bit strange. I personally wouldnt worry too much as your baby is only 6 months so periods can take a year to get back to more of a normal routine.
I agree with fireflygem that google can show up lots of horrors, I learnt not to google about 15 years ago when I was unwell as it always shows worst case scenario!!
Thanks for your reply. This week has been torture. I cleared up for 2 weeks and now I'm back to the heavy bleeding. I knowits tmi but I'm literally soaking through a tampon and a pad ever hour or two. The pains in my stomach on Monday were nobody's business so went to see my gp for a pill to regulate me. I don't need it for co reception purposes as my husband has had a vasectomy but apparently I need further investigation before they can prescribe anything. I I need a water sample in and need to go for a vaginal examination. I'm just so worried. I suppose my weight has increased a little bit as before I was pregnant I was so fit and trim but pregnancy took its toll and in probably bigger than I've been. It's a nightmare
I would go on the combined pill if you can as it may help sort it out. It could be the bit of weight that is making the period worse. Its good actually they are not just fobbing you off and that they are going to investigate further. Not pleasant having such a full on period as it is so draining too, not to mention worrying you will leak or something!! Good luck, let us know how it goes, I dont think its anything to worry about, I just think its the pcos playing up.